

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:47:42 PM

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I just checked his player locator signal on my crazy invasive HIFLPA app and it looks like he is in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea.

GM Bennett

That's...That's a very weird feature to have.

This muthafucka though...

Alright call up Jay C for me real quick. Sorry Coach this is gonna be a minute.


Jay, what's up my man? I trust you know why it is I'm hitting you up right now.



Kitch told me you might call, said you might want to discuss the terms of a contract buyout.

GM Bennett

Sorry to say this my man, but I think ya boy lied to you. I never uttered the words or anything of the sort with him or anyone for that matter.

We were expecting for him to be back here this week and to smooth things out so we can get back to striving for a championship. Elsa tells me he's off somewhere sunbathing in the Mediterranean Sea rather than coming in.

I gave em last week off after all that bullshit happened. Wantrd em to blow off some steam, no love loss. Wanted to give the kid some time. Wanted to work this shit out like grown men and settle this so we can focus on what matters...

But instead you're telling me this man blatantly lied to your face about something I had no idea about? Lied to you and lied on my name??? In this economy???


Let me rephrase, Wes.  Kitch told me he was taking his time and if you called to tell you he is willing to save you a few pennies by mutually agreeing to part ways.   The way we see it, you pay $10MM of the $17 he's making this year and Aaron goes to free agency and moves to a new team, and IF he signs a long term deal right out of the gate, we'll agree to let you off the hook for all but $5MM.

GM Bennett

Alright...I can respect that. That's a least fair and a lot more generous than what I would've assumed.

Jay, my man I don't wanna see Aaron go. I honestly don't. Some things were said that probably shouldn't have. And that's from all parties involved myself included. Jerry shouldn't have punched him, sure but at the same time Aaron shouldn't have tried to charge his way past the big man all while talking his talk. But like they say, two wrong don't make a right. And there was a whole lot of wrong that went on that week.

Before we even try to go any sort of route that results to him not being on this ball club anymore, I would at least want to try to mend these fences and start off on a fresh slate. And if things go well for the remainder of the season, we get to where we wanna be which is of course the Impact Bowl but in this case at least the playoffs, Aaron wants to keep this thing going...Look man I'd be more than happy to discuss a contract extension when that time comes.

Give it to me straight Jay...Do you think this is something that can be done? Or is there no coming back from any of this?



I don't speak for him on his decision to play, just his financial situation, but I do know he isn't going to entertain another snap with St. Paul if you don't hand down a suspension on Worthington and make a public apology to him.

He's got an ego and pride and both were damaged, and he won't take another hit without getting some of that back.

GM Bennett

I can do all that...But I'd need for him to take some accountability for his actions as well. He's served his suspension. That's good. But if he's willing to settle any kind of differences he may have with me or the team upon his return i'm sure we'll be good.

I'm good with taking those necessary steps to patch things up. Like i said in the press conference, love the kid. He's our quarterback. Want nothing but the best for em but more importantly I want the best for this entire ball club. It's only right that we all put our best feet forward.

If you can relay that message to him, I'll take care of everything else on my end. Depending on how soon he can get back will determine when that public apology would be broadcasted. If he can make this weeks game I'll get it done this week but if not it'll have to wait until i address the media next week.


I will pass on what you've said.  Expect a phone call either from me or him later this week.

GM Bennett

Alright I'll be waiting for that call.



What a pain in my ass...

Coach, if we're gonna get Aaron back there's gonna have to be a bit of a compromise...If a team was willing to help us out in a particular trade without either of us having to make some huge sacrifice I'd do that...But I digress...I just wanna give you this heads up before what happens next. I'll save the "speech" for when I do it...

Sigh, Elsa can you have Jerry Worthington join me in my office please?




GM Bennett

Jerry my man, you might wanna sit down for this.

As you know this bullshit with Kitchen and Willis got out of hand. First and foremost I'm sorry to have even got you involved in any of this foolishness. Obviously I wanted you in here two werks ago to make sure those guys didn't break out into a damn brawl in my office.

I didn't see what transpired happening by any means, but it did. We can't go back and change that brother. Even though myself, Willis and Coach here seen what happened and why it did we all know it probably shouldn't have went down the way it did. No matter what I don't think teammates should be putting their hands on each other. I know that kind of shit might go down in the summer during training camps but that's in a whole different setting than what happened here. Aaron should've known better and I hope to God he realizes all that he has done wrong in this situation. But I hope and trust that you too understand it shouldn't have resulted in you having to punch the man, even though he's the one who instigated it.

I had a bit of a situation like this happen back in Music City. Not exactly like this cause it was completely random. Some rookie tried to start a fight with my guy Dale Bright. Keyword start, but he sure as hell didn't start it. And it was mid to late in the season. I conducted a bit of an investigation if you wanna call it that. Basically talked to the coaching staff including Dale because like you he's a straight shooter, doesn't beat around the bush. His story correlated with what the coaching staff told me. Hell i even got a whole of the practice footage. That kid was done. Wiped my fucking hands of em. Fuck that kid...

Probably asking why am I even telling you this. My man, there's something to be said about all that and I hope by now you understand what kind of a man i am. I'm for you the players and this team. If something goes down I wanna know all sides of situation before i even act. I have no regrets on suspending Kitchen. Between the Twitter bullshit and how he acted in here two weeks ago. He earned that suspension as much as he did that punch...

Jerry, I'm gonna give it to you straight. We have a choice to make right now and I'm man enough to admit when I am wrong and speak on how I feel. I think thats been pretty evident since i came to the league. I'm a honest man. I'm honest with everyone I come in contact with and I'm gonna be completely honest with you right now.

I could make this decision that would have Cole be our starter for the remainder of the season. Two ways of doing that would be to suspend Kitchen for the rest of the season or just at least until i could try to work out a trade which I would've loved to do if it meant me not making trade that would ruin our championship chances. Or I could accept a proposition that Kitchen was generous enough to give me along with his agent and do a buyout. That is an option but i just don't see the point of going either route without at least trying to fix things...

Which brings me to the other proposition. As I said that Dale was a straight shooter, Kitchen's agent Jay C is as well. He let me know Kitchen's pride and ego was hurt. Kid's a bit wounded in that department and if we want a chance to see him back under center for this team again and to start making amends there's two things I have to do.

One is make a public apology. I honestly don't think I should have to make it public but I can be respectful and apologize for what I do in fact feel ashamed of. Like i said I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong.

Second part of that is also something that I don't necessarily want to do but I can see it as being fair. Jerry, the ask is that you be suspended for this weeks game because of the punch. I say it would seem fair as Kitchen did in fact serve his suspension and putting punching another player should be prohibited despite the circumstance.

Kitchen as of right now is our best chance at the Impact Bowl. I wanna see him back in the line up for us and in order for that to happen these are the things that are gonna have to be done before we can start to move on past this.

Now I did say I would do all this as long as Kitchen comes back to the team he needs to hold himself accountable and make things right with his teammates. That is something he absolutely needs to do regardless.

Anyways I just wanted to let you know what's going on and tell you to your face so you aren't at all blind sided. Unlike Kitchen though your suspension will be a paid suspension plus I'm not barring you from helping out in practice or being on the sideline at the game, just you won't be out there.

Now, let me know how you feel about all that and are you cool with this?





HA!!!!   Alright man, where is the camera? Is it hidden in your coffee cup or your little pen holder on the desk? ...na, it's got to be behind the TV over hear in the corner right?

Maaan I didnt even know they were bringing "PUNK'D" back, but you got me good with that shit, dude... that's hilarious..


man, that's wild.

GM Bennett

I wish I was joking. That seriously what was asked...Like I said it's not something I wanna do.

If we have any hopes of getting Kitchen back then that's what has to be done. I don't expect you to be happy about any of this. I'm not asking you to be.

I just wanna know if that's something you're willing to do for the team so we can get back on track then, cool. If not, that's cool too but it'd leave me with a tough decision to make.



Nah man, stop playing now, it's not funny.  Where is the camera?  Is it here?


...Whoops, not there..       how about inside the TV?


...Damn! Not in the TV.     ....C'mon GM Bennett, maybe you're wearing it in your shirt or something? ....

GM Bennett

Jerry I'm being forreal my man, there's no cameras and I ain't wearing anything. Coach ain't in on it either. I just got off the phone with Jay C before I had Elsa call you up here. In fact I'm supposed to get a call from either Kitchen or him before I lock in for this week to determine if he's gonna show up this week or not which will determine on when I make that "public apology".


This sure ain't what I expected when I came to get this team to the chip...And this sure ain't the kind of bullshit wanna have to deal with or put in this kind of position that effects everyone.


...For real?  I mean, I'm getting suspended for something that is history.  I mean, you said you'd go to bat for me if the PA or my lawyer or anyone needed to contact you for a statement about it, now you're throwing me under the bus for that pretty boy punk ass quarterback?


You throw me under the bus for this and you better start the process to trade me.  I won't play for a man who tells me I did right by him, then pulls the trigger on me because he needs someone else.   That ain't loyalty, that's doing me dirty.

So I guess its him or me..  Better make that choice because if I walk out of here suspended, I ain't walkin' back.

GM Bennett

Fair enough, thats all i needed to hear. You can head back to practice.

Coach, I guess you'd better to get Cole ready for the Crows.



On it.   If Worthington gives me any instructions should I just follow them, since he calls the shots now?




WESLEY!  Its your man, the man of the hour, The hero the city deserves!  THE KITCH IS ALMOST BACK!  Just waiting on the final word on the things we discussed, but once you get it all taken care of I'll be ready for my return press conference.  The fans are going to eat this up like a tres leches cake at a graduation party!

GM Bennett

Aaron, glad to finally hear from you.

There's been a bit of a snag on that. If Jerry is suspended we risk losing him for good. That's not something the defense nor this team can afford. I actually thought a game off was a bit fair but from his perspective it doesn't quite seem that way and more so a betrayal, which I could see.

Yeah, I know this kind of development isn't what you wanted to hear exactly. But thanks to me being the stand up guy i am and being transparent with everyone I deal with, my office looks like a small tornado came through and fucked some shit up...

Anyways, the other half of that arrangement can still be done no problem if you are still willing to rejoin the team despite that hiccup.

Gonna be honest with you Kitchen, at this point in time I really just wanna leave it up to you the players settle all this yourselves. That's at least where I'm standing rather than me try to be the one standing in the middle of all this shit hoping to make the shit work from my end. There's only so much I can do.

I'm a bit fed up to be honest. Between this and random general managers hitting me up like vultures I'm not opposed to phoning this entire season in and saying fuck it all...But then again I just wanna see this team win a championship.  I don't know if you understand that dilemma or care even.

This ain't it...


You know what. You're right. I'll handle things on my own. Like you said, you've done all you can do, I think you've done enough. 

Kitchen, Out.

GM Bennett


Gonna be a fucking alchy before this season is over and done with, Jesus fuckin' Christ.


Hey Elsa, let maintenance know this place needs to be cleaned up and the TV needs to be replaced...I'm going to the gym. Or I might go jump in a fucking lake, who knows.

I'll get us locked in.


GM Bennett

Game Five vs. Charlotte Crows

Player Rotations:
Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Coaches Decision

QB1 | Aaron Kitchen [IF/WHEN AVAILABLE]
QB3 | Eugene Dewitt


GM Jon


Wow... wow. What a crazy last twenty-four hours this has been. First off, I want to thank Barbara for this amazing opportunity to come back to the HIFL. I'm sure you all have many questions about why did I come out of retirement, why did I choose to come back now, why with St. Paul, is this long term. Those questions will be answered in due time, but to be honest with you... this was all just a perfect storm of events that has led to this moment. Thank you to everyone who has reached out to me, welcoming me back.

I'm excited to roll up the sleeves, shake off the dust, and get back to work. I've always admired this franchise for so many reasons. Start with Barbara becoming the first female owner in league history after replacing her legendary father. I can tell you she has been a role model for not only my daughter, but for so many aspiring young women. It's an absolute privilege to come work for her organization. To the many great players that have put on a Lynx helmet and the GM's that have come before me. I hope to positively add to this proud organization and help deliver it and their loyal fan base a most-deserved Impact Bowl Championship.

I look forward to meeting with Coach Kidwell, the rest of the coaching staff, and our players. It's truly unfortunate the events that have transpired the past few weeks, but I will do what I can to help this football team regroup, recover, and return it to it's winning ways.

At this time, I will take only a couple questions before I turn my focus on this football team and our game against Long Beach this week.


GM Jon, welcome back. Obviously you say our biggest questions will be answered in time, but looking at the current state of the franchise, do you feel that you can mend fences and bring the team together, or is this a situation where you already have a plan in mind to move player(s) if to restore balance to the clubhouse? 

GM Jon

Thank you Jim, good to see you again. I haven't really formulated any type of plan as of right now, but I can tell you that my hope is to be able to keep this team intact as is without the need of moving anyone. Whether that's possible or not, I'm not sure. I will say that Wes should be proud of the job he did following Eli's move to Cancun. Things obviously didn't work out in the end, but that shouldn't take away that this football team here in St. Paul is a damn good one. As long as the players want to stay and try to win football games, then I say, let's go! If there has been things done that can't be undone and trades are demanded, then I will do my best to find something that works for the player and for our team. There really is a lot of questions I don't have the answers for right now Jim until I have the opportunity to sit down with the coaching staff... the players... and then formulate a definitive plan to move this team forward.


Any concern that Seattle and your old employer Arnold Reigns will be upset that you walked away from the team only to return elsewhere? 

GM Jon

While I'm sure Arnold and Seattle fans aren't too happy seeing this news, I can assure you Bomani, that this wasn't some long drawn out secret plan to get out of Seattle and get to St. Paul. Of course part of me feels bad for leaving that chapter of my career unfinished, but when I retired, I had every intent to stay retired. Like I said earlier, this really was a perfect storm of events that has led me back to the HIFL and here to St. Paul.


GM Jon, Alberto Kidwell.. not sure we ever had the pleasure.

Welcome to the Lynx.

GM Jon

Coach, I don't believe we have and I must say, it's great to be on your side after your years and years of wrecking my defenses.

But let's get to business, what can you tell me about the team that I need to know and what's the current situation between Kitchen, McNasty, and Worthington?


It's ugly, not going to lie.   Shit went sideways fast and I had a front row ticket to watch it happen.

When things went down with the trade, Ms. Snow told me to handle Kitchen and it hasn't been easy but when the boss gives you marching orders its time to act.

Basically I had to put on my big boy pants and take charge.  GM Bennett being traded like that really sent a message and the locker room responded, so between that and me putting my foot down, the locker room is quiet right now but its clear Aaron is still feeling like the victim, Willis is feeling like his QB is throwing him under the bus, and overall Worthington is just doing his thing, but he's pissed for being dragged into it at all.

Max Ramos sat last week because he and Aaron have a connection, even though they've been heated at times, he is firmly supporting his QB, but he and Willis are still cool, its dynamics.  Weird shit, but a lot to unpack.

I think if we sit on it it will calm down, but if we struggle on the field it could easily crop back up; if you think you can squash it now so we can move on, then that is probably the best option for our long term goals of winning the chip.

GM Jon

I think fixing it now or figuring out the next step if that's not possible is the move that we have to make. I'm no miracle worker, so it's really going to be up to the players and if they are willing to play nice for the chance at getting a ring.

Once I talk to Kitchen and McNasty... and pending how those guys respond, potentially Worthington and Ramos... unless something pops out at me game plan wise, I'm going to be leaning on you pretty heavy early on as I get back into the flow of things.

Before I get to unraveling this mess of a situation, do you have any questions for me Coach?



I've got a good handle on the x's and o's so unless you want to have specific identity I need to tweak for, I am fine doing as much as needed in my role, after all, I coach and you GM right? 

I'm good man. Handle your business and hopefully we get everyone on the same page.

GM Jon

Sounds good, thanks Coach.


Elsa, can you please put me in touch with Aaron Kitchen.


Hey there Aaron, I'm Jon Hallquist, new GM here. Look, I know things got more than a little messy over the last few weeks, but I want to know if there is still the possibility of you rejoining your team and we go try and win a championship. We all don't have to like each other and be besties, but we must be able to respect one another and do what's necessary to achieve one common goal... raising that Impact Bowl trophy. It'd sure be much easier to accomplish that goal with you than without you, but I need to know if that's something you still want here in St. Paul or not.


Well Well Well, GM Jon.  The former Golden Boy of the HIFL!   Well welcome to the big time GM Jon, the Northeast is the toughest division in Football, and you're right. It will be a lot easier to win WITH the Most Must See QB than without him.

I was thrown under the bus by the last administration.  Made to be the villain, flat out called Brain Dead by your predecessor while my teammate Willis McNasty was patted on the head and coddled.

My issue was with GM Bennett, and he is gone now.   Willis and I are fine, he knows I demand the most out of my teammates and like you said we don't have to like each other to win a championship, he can be the Shaq to my Kobe and it won't matter when we lift the Commissioners Trophy after the Impact Bowl.

I want something from this team though. If I am going to risk my body for this championship run, I want an assurance that if I suffer a season ending injury that hurts my free agency stock, that I get an immediate player option for next season at 1 year and $20MM fully guaranteed.

What do you say, you ready to call JC and make it official so we can get back to work?

GM Jon

I think that is something we can come to terms with. I'll talk to JC and make it happen. Like you said, it's time to get back to work!


Elsa, can you please get Jay C on the line to discuss a player option deal for Aaron Kitchen next season. Thank you.


JC! Long time no talk, but good to chat with you again. I'm calling to discuss a player option, fully guaranteed deal for Aaron Kitchen next season at $20MM. Is that something acceptable to you?



Perfectly acceptable.  Glad we're getting Kitch back in the fold and happy.  Kid's a baller.

GM Jon

Done deal, pleasure as always JC.

Game 6 vs. Long Beach Mermen

Player Rotations:
Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Coaches Decision


GM Jon

It was a quality bye week for our team as we were able to rest up a little bit, enjoy extra time with family, and prepare ourselves for the next section of this season. It's definitely always better to enter the bye with a win, something we were able to accomplish against a tough Long Beach team that battled to the final whistle. And now we get set to face a quality Oakland team who is also coming off their bye week. Looking forward to seeing us build on our win and carrying that momentum forward.

I know you all want my opinion on what is happening between the PFL and HIFL. Looks like GM Rebel made a pretty large oversight by acquiring a few PFL players. I know he didn't make those moves with the intent to piss off the PFL and even if the optics of it all look bad on his behalf, I know it was an honest mistake.

With that said, mistakes are mistakes and he has to take ownership of that fact and do what necessary to make amends. I'm not part of the summit, but GM Gates knows he can always approach me if he needs some advice or just an ear to bounce ideas off of. I don't think Orlando should beat the full weight of the responsibility just because he happened to be the straw that broke the camels back. I'm sure multiple GMs are guilty of doing that very thing, but we also need to have each others backs in this time. I know GM Rebel would help out where he could for any other GM in need from an honest mistake. Yes, we are competitors in competition with each other, but we are also HIFL family and need to support and defend each other rather than finger blaming.

I hope this is something that is able to be resolved and I trust our GM Rep in assuring the best course of action is enacted.



Tough games out of the gate, Oakland and Bama... lets go do our thing

GM Jon

Coach, you got that right! I trust the guys are bit more rested, but we still have a long season ahead. Oakland is going to give us everything on that field, but it's time for us to start stacking up some W's and getting some divisional separation.

The summit currently going on has definitely altered the attention away from the play on the field to our roster construction and current state of the league from a general manager perspective. What do you gauge the feeling in the locker room is about all the PFL vs HIFL potential war? One thing I think about, is while everyone is worried about their own bank accounts... who is thinking about the players and what benefits them the most at this summit? I hope someone is.


Obviously some guys who want more money see this war as a way to make more, whether than means the cap goes up in teh HIFL or the PFL comes calling and offering that bag, but at the same time its called a war for a reason, and wars have casualties.   Nobody wants to lose a job, nobody wants to see a team go out of business, and while it doesnt seem possible right now, if people keep playing Russian roulette with their checkbooks, some day they are going to tap out.

GM Jon

Well it seems like we have avoided any PFL intrusion this far, but I'm sure they are not done trying to convince current HIFL players to jump ship with all the money they are throwing around. And I have to say, I can't blame any player wanting to better provide for themselves and their families if they are able to.

As for Oakland, I'm going to leave everything in your hands gameplan wise. Unless I notice anything specific I feel we should implement between now and gametime, it's all you Coach.

Before I forget to address it, did the win against Long Beach and the bye week help cool down the Kitchen/McNasty situation some. I'm sure it's something that will always take a small action to trigger another outbreak but just want to make sure we're doing everything we can to minimize that from ever happening.



So far so good... with all this other drama going around, it seems like they've started to let it stay in the past.

GM Jon

Great to hear that. Well Coach, with that drama going around the league, let's get our focus on our game against Oakland and go out and continue our winning ways.

Week 8: @ Oakland Silverbacks

Player Rotations:
Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Coaches Decision


GM Jon


1. Discuss your game and the results this week.  What stood out?

Anytime you beat a team as good as that Oakland team is, you have to be happy. I know for some, hanging on by the skin of our teeth after allowing Oakland to claw their way back into the game and almost force overtime would be seen as worrisome. I learned long ago that wins and losses comes in many shapes and sizes, but at the end of the day... a win is a win and a loss is a loss. The thing that stood out the most was what our team looks like when everything is firing on all cylinders. Before Oakland could catch their breath, they were down four scores. Now I have to commend their team for making the adjustments needed, but even when things were not going our way, I thought we did an outstanding job not panicking. 

2. What is your take on the PFL/HIFL war?

It's unfortunate, I can tell you that much. Unfortunate because it's something that could've easily been prevented. I know there is a world where we both can peacefully co-exist, but now that ego's have been hurt, it's uncertain whether we can find a common ground between both leagues. Let's hope that cooler heads will prevail and we can each carry-on about our business. 

3. Where you pro-Gates treaty or anti-Gates treaty, and why?

I was absolutely pro-treaty. Was it the best solution... I don't know... but it was A solution and we failed as a collective to look at the well-being of our league in lieu of some minor and temporary inconveniences. Let's hope we learned a valuable lesson. I really feel for GM Gates, who worked tirelessly to make peace and compromise. Being the GM Rep is a thankless job and I just want to take this time to say thank you to Gates for all the countless hours put into that role.     

4. What was your opinion on the choices of GMs selected for the summit?

I'm in no position to judge who Gates selected for the summit. Do I wish I was one of them... sure, but I also think any GM has something they feel that could've contributed to the summit. Maybe if Gates had a do-over, he selects differently, who knows. 

5. What do you think of GM Pancho being voted in as interim GM Rep?

Pancho is one of the most respected individuals in our field. I will go on record and say that is who I voted for. You don't have the kind of success that Pancho has had in his career without being able to successfully navigate difficult situations. I think it's an unrealistic expectation to expect Pancho to be able to deliver a compromise between our league and the PFL, but I do think he is someone that has the ability accomplish just that.

6. Discuss the news this week, anything that stood out, especially if it related to your team.

I've gotten wind that the PFL is attempting to sign St. Brown away from us and I can't blame them, he's a heck of a player. It's something I'll have to sit with him about and see what I can do to ensure he remains a Lynx.

7. It is mid-season, who has been your teams MVP?  Who needs to step up and show you more in the final half of the season?

Mid-season MVP for St. Paul would have to be Jerry Worthington. He has anchored our defense, maintaining a consistent presence in the opponents backfield. As for who I'd like to see step-up their game in the second half of the season... I think we haven't seen the best version of Willis McNasty yet this season. We have to do a better job of getting him more touches though. 

8. The trade deadline is fast approaching, what should fans expect from your office?

That's a fair question and to be honest with you, I'm not even sure what that answer would be. All I can ask is for them to trust in my ability to do what's best for this franchise in the present and the future.

9. Discuss this weeks game.

It's always a big deal when St. Paul and Alabama face each other and this encounter will be my first in this historical rivalry. To the make the pot even sweeter, it's another match-up in the competitive rivalry between Pancho and myself. I know he's going to have his hands full with the interim GM Rep role, but he has that Bama team ready each and every season. We'll need to find a way to limit Bruce's impact defensively, something nobody has been able to do this season. I know the coaches will do their best to get creative offensively to keep Bama on their toes. And for us defensively, it's all about slowing down their lethal running attack. I'm expecting a tough battle and we'll look to continue our winning momentum into another week. 



The fact our team has stabilized and got us sitting on top of the division is huge.  Alabama is always a tough out, especially with that pass rush, but if we can put another W on the board, its going to boost everyone's confidence through the roof.

GM Jon

Coach, it just may be the win we need to propel us to that next level. I wanted to discuss with you about McNasty and how we can get him the ball more consistently. If you feel messing with any of our percentages might disrupt our flow, then I'll just let things be.