

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:50:33 PM

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GM Eli

"And he has the right to do so. We'll cross that bridge when we get there. Thanks, gentlemen. Now I've got to have a tough conversation. Coach Aquino, I'd ask that you hang around just outside my office to be able to talk him through things after I break the news to him here in just a minute."


"Shakira, would you have David-Allen Slinger come up to my office please. Thanks."


"D.A. I don't want to blow smoke but I do want to say how much I've appreciated how hard you have worked both last season and throughout camp and the preseason this year. You're showing yourself to be exactly the Quarterback I thought you could be when I drafted you in St. Paul.

Since there's no good way to break this news I'm just going to come straight out and say that we've decided to go with Lindsey as our starting Quarterback this season. I know that's hard to hear, and hearing that it is the hardest decision I've had to make across my entire tenure I'm sure doesn't make it any easier a pill to swallow. Just know that, from here on out, I will do my best to do right by you and how you wish to proceed going forward."


...damn.   Can I ask why?

GM Eli

"Of course. From a performance standpoint there was basically nothing to separate you and Arch, so I had to make a determination based on what the coaching staff as a whole had to say about long term upside and intangibles.

Look, you've done everything we have asked you to and more. The whole world has seen that, and seen that you absolutely have what it takes to perform at a high level in this league. This isn't a situation where David-Allen Slinger lost the job, but where the competition was so fierce, and so close, that I had to go with my gut instinct to make this call."


Understood.  ...I get it. I don't agree with it, but I get it.

You've been good to me my whole career, so I'm not going to make a big fuss, but I am formally requesting a trade.   I understand I might not be able to start this year, but I'd like to be somewhere that the GM believes in me if I'm called on. I know I can start in this league and that I could start for a lot of teams.

If you need my agent to officially make the request, I'll make sure he does it, but yeah..

GM Eli

"Nah, you don't need to make a formal request or anything like that. I'll do right by you as best as I can.

Keep your head in the game here, though. You are well aware how treacherous life can be as the starting quarterback and you might be called on to step in here. If that happens, you know I believe in you.

And for what it's worth, you've still got incredible tools at your disposal to continue your growth in Coach Mumbasa and Coach Aquino.

I appreciate you, D.A., and I hope you know on a personal level this kind of news hurts to have to give to you."

GM Eli offers the QB his hand to shake if he so chooses as he brings the first conversation to a close.


"Shakira, lets get Lindsey Archibald up here now. I need a little bit of good news to brighten the office up now."


"Lindsey, thanks for coming. I want to begin by saying that I appreciate how hard you have worked since we drafted you last season. We had high hopes for you and to see you take the bull by the horns and make the most out of every opportunity the coaches have given you to hone your craft a little bit more has been a pleasure.

I've talked to D.A. already and broken the news to him, but let me be the first to congratulate you. We have decided to name you the starting quarterback for the Cancun Mutineers. You've earned it, but now the real work begins."


What a time to be alive!   I'm pumped.  The work I put in is paying off, and I'm thrilled to be the face of this franchise.
You'll get my best every day, boss.  I promise you that.  LETS. FN. GO!

GM Eli

"First in the building, and last out. That's what is expected out of you now. You don't have to be a vocal leader, but I expect you to lead by the example that you set day in and day out.

It's baptism by fire your first time out there. No tougher test than the Nighthawks. But think of the statement win you have the opportunity to lead the team to right off the bat. First game under center, walking into the Nighthawks house and taking a win off them? There would be no better feeling.

So lets go bring about a little mutiny in the division, shall we?"



We're going to Raise the black flags all over this league this year, boss.   Take no quarter!

GM Eli

"That's the kind of swagger and confidence we want to keep. Teach the whole league to Fear the Deep.

Get back to your guys. I know they're going to be looking forward to the opportunity to congratulate you. But if you really want to set the tone, go to Slinger and shake his hand. You two pushing each other made both of you better in the short term and long term."


"Shakira, one last conversation before we lock in for the week. Will you have Elijah Peppers come by please. Thanks."


"Well if it isn't the Carolina Reaper himself. How you feeling after preseason big fella? You ready to go hunt some Nighthawks?"


This is one of those surreal moments for me.  As a kid in High School I went to Bruce Wilkinson's seminar a few off-seasons in a row; and it turns out he went to my Dad's seminars when he was that age. Its one of the reasons I was a Tar Heel.   Now we're going to be on opposite sides of the field and I can't wait to show what I've learned over the years and do it against a legend like Jamie Ortega.

This is why I chose the HIFL over the PFL.  This level of competition is what it is all about, and I'm about to show up and show out.

GM Eli

"Heck yeah, man. That's what I love to hear. Lets go!"


Week 1 @ Alabama Nighthawks

Player Rotations: Mostly Starters
Gameplan Changes: Coaches Decision
Strategy Changes: Coaches Decision
Depth Chart Adjustments:

QB Lindsey Archibald to QB1
QB David-Allen Slinger to QB2

DT Jim Rosa [activated] to DT1
DT Ronald Burke to DT2
DT Jeremy Ashton to DT3

R A I S E   T H E

B L A C K    F L A G!

Lock In

GM Eli

Talk us through opening week, what went as expected?  Where did you exceed expectations, and where did you fall short?

"Sometimes you have an idea of how a game is going to go and it goes completely different than you anticipated it going. I think our defense was outstanding. We made it difficult for Jamie to get going in 'cheat code' mode. He had a couple of lengthy runs but nothing that ever shifted the momentum of the game the way all of us have seen him do countless times throughout his career. I'm so proud of our defense as a unit. That's a really good offense, lead by an incredible head coach that I think the world of. And we held them to 13 points. How many times has that been said about an Ortega led Nighthawks offense? I wager not many.

On offense there were some hiccups. We've got to clean things up a bit and be a little bit more careful with the football but all in all I thought Arch played good enough for us to win. Obviously we're going to want to see him get a little bit more comfortable as the season goes on but I've seen hall of fame Quarterbacks be completely derailed by the pass rush of Bruce Wilkinson, and Arch took some shots from him no doubt about it. But he hung in there, he got into a nice rhythm on a couple of drives in the second half and he got the football to his playmakers when we needed him to.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the job that Alberto Sonora did punting the ball as well. His control of the field position for us through four quarters was immense. Six of his eight punts wound up inside the twenty. Just a stellar day for him, and for our special teams unit as a whole.

I know some are cracking jokes about this being our championship in week 1. It's not. But it is a statement win and we're not going to let anyone take that away from us."

Which player stood out the most to you from your opponents team?

"It's Bruce. I genuinely believe that if it wasn't for his pass rush we'd have won that game by two touchdowns. He is such a disruptive force that throws off the timing of a Quarterbacks passing. He just makes life so very difficult. I know people call Jamie the cheat code, and he's earned that moniker obviously. But if Jamie is the cheat code on offense, then that's exactly what Bruce has been for years and years on defense.

Thankfully we've got the next generation of 'glitches' in the system lining up for us these days. Was a lot of fun to watch Pep and Bruce try and one up each other."

Your team was mentioned a couple of times in the news this week. First, the story broke that the Nighthawks weren't a big fan of Elijah Peppers and Isaiah Simmons planting that black flag right at the 50 yard line. What's your take on that situation, as well as on the rumors that David-Allen Slinger has signed with Scott Forrest and that Forrest has been negotiating a contract with other teams?"

"A wise man once said if you don't like it, then beat us. Otherwise shut up. That's how I feel about the Nighthawks players being upset. They'll get another chance at us later in the season in our house. All I've gotta say is come give us your best shot. We aren't backing down from anyone.

As for the situation with David-Allen, I granted him permission to have his agent negotiate with other teams in the event of a trade. Whether the teams that are named in that report are accurate or not, I have no idea. So far my phone hasn't rang but as I told D.A. privately, we'll do everything we can to do right by him. But until that time we expect him to prepare to step in and play at the level we know he is capable of playing at. He's a talented kid with a dynamite arm who could start on any number of teams in this league right now."

Do you feel like you put your team in the best position for success coming into this week 1 game?

"That's an easy one. Yes. Absolutely yes."

Talk about your opponent for week 2 and what you will need to see from your team.

"I get the feeling we're going to be walking into the lions den again this week, this time against a hungry Music City team that wants to prove its week one loss was a one off and not the start of a trend. You've got to give credit where it's due, their defense made life tough on Patrick Owen and that says a whole lot about their ability to defend the pass. On offense I'd argue that they could use an upgrade at Quarterback with a guy like David-Allen Slinger but I think Franchise believes in the kid he's got there now. Good on him if that's the truth but I expect us to make his life pretty difficult. On paper our defensive line should feast against the Kings offensive line, in my opinion. But, of course, that's why the games are played on the field and not on the papers our depth charts are printed on.

If we want to start out the season with two wins in two tries we're just going to need to continue to perform as we did on defense and special teams, and just clean things up a little bit on offense. If we can do that, I think we've got a good shot at it.

Any other questions?"



AHHHH!  That is exactly what coach told us to expect, and we made it happen!  The entire locker room is energized.  We can ride this kind of energy to big things.

GM Eli

"Pep, in all honesty I can't think of a single game where I've seen Jamie bottled up the way you guys locked him down. I'm sure he's had off games before but not like that, not that I remember seeing. Under 200 yards of total offense generated by him? Sheesh.

I know they gave the defensive player of the game to Bruce, and the defensive player of the week to David Nutt, but for my money both of those awards should have been given to you on a silver platter. Whole leagues on notice now. Well done."



Appreciate that boss, all I know is I will never see Ortega hurdle my ass again, if he tries it, I'll be snatching him out of the sky.

GM Eli

"Iron sharpen iron. I know he's not gonna get away with that again.

But hey, I hear that first skull and crossbones is going up as we speak.. Lets see if we can collect a few more this week and have them on display for our fans when Atlanta comes to town in Week 3."


That's the goal. Doomsday dropped the QB 3 times, I've got catching up to do.

GM Eli

"Gonna be fun to watch you do so.

Go ahead and get back to the guys and get ready for Music City. You're gonna be key in keeping Barger from having the time to get the ball to Peerless and Ryan Ryan."


GM Eli

"And it feels so good. Nice game plan on both sides of the ball. Arch will get better as the season goes on and he gets more comfortable.

We've celebrated that victory enough now, so lets move on to Music City and preparing to go 1-0 again this week. The one change, if possible, to make is I'd like to see the workload that Uri Bitton is getting be more of a 50/50 split with D'Anthony. Up to this point, and including preseason, Uri has been our more productive back and while I don't want to take D'Anthony's touches away entirely, I think we'd benefit from getting Uri the ball a few more times."


We can't lock in a carry percentage due to game flow, but lets see what it looks like after this week, if he stays 1/3 of the carries we could maybe do some packages where he is RB1?

GM Eli

"That works for me. Not sure if we've updated who our primary 3rd down running back is now that Ortiz isn't on the roster, but if we haven't we can slot Uri in there and maybe that will give him a bump up in touches too. If you or Coach Mumbasa have already taken care of that, though, just leave it as it is."



We defaulted to D'Anthony, so we can flip that to Uri no issue.

GM Eli

"Alright, that's all I've got for the week. I'll note that in the lock in but I'm gonna give it a day or two to allow for anyone who might be interested to make a call about D.A."



Sounds good, boss. We'll do our jerb.

GM Eli

"Alright, I don't think it's happening this week. Shakira, would you let Scott Forest and David-Allen Slinger know that we haven't received a phone call regarding any trade offers for him so far, but that we will continue to be open to fielding offers for him as he's asked. Thanks."


Week 2 @ Music City Kings

Player Rotations: Mostly Starters
Gameplan Changes: Coaches Decision
Strategy Changes: Set RB Uri Bitton to 3rd Down Running Back
Depth Chart Adjustments: None

R A I S E   T H E

B L A C K    F L A G!

Lock In

GM Eli

Talk about your teams performance this week.

"Before I get to that I want to address something that was said during the off season. There's a certain head coach in Dallas who, in his introductory press conference, said that this team last year didn't have 'hungry' players. But if you look at what's going on in Dallas, maybe it's our former defensive coordinator who was the one who wasn't so hungry, hm? Because we have a lot of guys in the building this year that were in this building last year. What's changed since then? One Coach McKenna is no longer leading this defense. The guys who are still here are still getting after it. We've just coordinators in the building who actually believe in them this season.

I'm proud of how we played this week. I'm proud of the grit that we showed even when things weren't going our way early on. Our guys on both sides of the ball kept fighting. They kept making plays. They kept getting the ball back in Archibald's hands and he kept getting it to his playmakers. That's two wins in two weeks.

I think it's pretty clear who the hungry ones are. It's a blessing to have tenacious coaches like Coach Mumbasa and Coach Diaz in the building this year, and with Coach Rhodes guiding the ship we see exactly what we're capable of."

How do you feel about your team after two weeks?

"I feel good. There's still plenty of room for improvement and growth, and still a lot of football left to play, but like I said I'm proud of these guys and how they don't quit on plays, and how they fight to the very very end."


"Lets not go full sky is falling on the Killer Whales and Nighthawks just yet. Those are two teams with rich history lead by two talented GMs. No offense to Travis Swift, I don't believe the panic meter in either of those organizations should be anywhere near as high as he has them labeled currently."

Talk about your opponent for week 3 and what you will need to see from your team.

"The Underground are going to be another tough task for us. We see what Orion Harris just did this past week. He's clearly got all the arm talent in the world and with quality players at all levels on both sides of the ball, they're going to be a challenge. But we've got some pretty talented players of our own. Morale is high in the locker room after two big wins and our chemistry continues to improve. Just need to keep it moving and focus on going 1-0 again this week.

And we get to welcome them to our home. So let me speak to our fans. This is your moment. The first of many. You've put up with a lot, been patient with this organization through more than you deserved, but this is the moment where you can finally start to sink your teeth into being a fan of a team worthy of you. We need you. You hear about fan bases being the twelfth man and we need that energy, that fire, and that passion from you. So show up. Show out. And hoist the colors high!"


GM Eli

"Indeed. So our focus turns to being 1-0 in our home opener. They look like the interior of their offensive line is stout, but I'm curious how you feel we'll match up with them on the edges even if they bring Martin back off of suspension."



Even with Martin, they dont have enough on the outside.  Martin is solid and but his run blocking is his biggest strength.   I like our chances to really pressure Harris early and often.

GM Eli

"Then we just need to keep Arch upright and let him do his thing. Hopefully between D'Anthony and Uri we can keep them honest.

Question for you about the offensive line. When a guy is having a "missed block" attributed to him, is that a reflection on faulty technique, poor understanding of the position.. or something else? More specifically I guess what I'm asking is in the long term if I start to see missed blocks pile up for any of our guys, what area of training would best help them mitigate that?"


I don't know what the answer is there.  For an example, Fabian has 6 missed blocks but he grades extremely high in all categories. 

GM Eli

"No worries. If it's an unknown then it's just one we'll live with, especially since it hasn't resulted in any sacks on Fabians part.

I'm gonna touch base with a couple of the guys while giving teams a little bit more time to reach out about D.A. Good luck this week against the Underground."


"Shakira, would you get WR Francis Phillips for me? Thanks."


"Francis, just wanted to congratulate you on that first official touchdown. Know you showed out in the preseason but it's gotta feel good getting that first one in a game that counts."



Please boss man, call me Frankie.  Only my moms calls me Francis. Haha.

But thanks and thank you for the opportunity to get my foot in the door and to show what I am all about.

GM Eli

"Frankie it is, then. Definitely don't want to tread on her territory.

We're all about opportunity here and I'm glad you get the chance to make the most of it. How are you settling in? Feel good with the coaches we've got and the system we're running?"



For sure, I think my reps in pre-season showed what I can do with this scheme once I move my way up the depth chart.  I like the coaches, but I don't have many to compare too.  I had an elite staff at UNC so not a lot of turnover in my time there.

GM Eli

"Hey man good deal. Those opportunities to move up the depth chart and get more reps are gonna come, just keep grinding and putting the work in. We're glad to have you here in Cancun.

Have a good week of practice and lets get after the Underground and get our fans a home victory."


"Shakira, I'd like to talk to Shawn Simon next. Thanks."


"Shawn, just wanted to tell you what a privilege it is to have you as part of this team. I know you've kinda bounced around a little bit lately but I wanted to ensure that as long as you want to be here in Cancun, you'll be here. Your impact on the receiver room, and on the offense already, has been immense."



I appreciate that, GM Eli.  Its good to be somewhere that appreciates those qualities I try to bring to the team. 

GM Eli

"How's the connection coming along with Lindsey? I've heard good things from the scouts and coaches, but sometimes players view things differently."


We're getting along well. I feel like he's starting to realize that I can get the football even when I'm covered, that trust takes time.   On my end, I feel like I have a good feel for his ball placement so its easy to anticipate on routes.   

We might never hit that peek level that KD and I had in San Antonio during our title run, but that's once in a lifetime stuff right there; but I think we're going to do great things together.  He's a great young QB and I'm glad he's on our side.

GM Eli

"Hey, just because it might not be like the connection you had with Daley doesn't mean it can't be special here too. I watched a guy in Max Ramos, who had a tight connection with Christian Sullivan, blow the doors off the league with a QB that a lot of people had given up on.

Even if it doesn't ever reach those levels, it's a special thing for a young QB to have a vet who has done it all like you to be there as his primary option. The league is on notice now that this isn't the Cancun squad of the past. We're gonna make some noise this year, I believe, and it starts by taking down Atlanta.

Speaking of what you do for our young guys, I'm not sure if mentoring a young WR is something you're interested in but I'd love to have you sit down and be a sounding board and mentor for Frankie Phillips if you're interested in doing so.



I can definitely do that. What would you like me to focus on with him?

GM Eli

"Just sort of a general knowledge and understanding of the position. Those little adjustments that guys can only learn with time and experience, or with someone who has done it giving them pointers along the way. Seems like something like that would be right up your alley."


GM Eli

"Appreciate you. Thanks. Have a good week of practice and let's get that first home victory of the season."


Week 3 vs Atlanta Underground

Player Rotations: Mostly Starters
Gameplan Changes: Coaches Decision
Strategy Changes: Coaches Decision
Depth Chart Adjustments: None

R A I S E   T H E

B L A C K    F L A G!

Lock In

GM Eli


"Man, it's a hot one. Like seven inches from the midday sun. Someone crank the AC up in here and lets talk some football."

Talk about your teams performance this week.

"This one hurts, to be honest. I wanted this win for our fans so badly. They deserve it and while I know there's a lot for us to be excited about after beating both Alabama and Music City, it still stings to lose at home and in the way we lost. We need to shore up our pass defense, certainly. But lets also give Atlanta and their QB credit. They executed and made the most out of the one turnover we gave them. But man, it hurts.

Thanks to our fans for showing out. I hope, even in the disappointment, you see that you've got a team worth giving your passion to this season."

Do you feel a particular coach has stood out on your staff, and why?

"Give credit to both of our coordinators. This team looks night and day different from a season ago. A lot of that has to do with talent, but a lot of it has to do with what they've brought to the table as well. Our offense looks more cohesive. Our young guys are developing on both sides of the ball. You can see the defense flourishing with how many fumbles we're forcing this year. And to think we're just starting to grow into these systems. Hard to put into words what it means to have coordinators who buy in and lead our guys, rather than look to ride on our players coattails to relevance like some... in Dallas... need I say more?"

Talk about your opponent for week 4, do you see any holes in their game that you can exploit?

"Yeah I think their run game and their offensive tackles don't pose too much of a threat to us. I'd expect this to be another game where Peppers, Simmons, Van Horn and Andre James are making a QB's life miserable. Which, hopefully I'm right about because we're going to need to get pressure on their QB. We've seen that if Hudgins is afforded the time to get the ball to his receivers how deadly he can be.

Honestly the strength of this Sydney team is their defense, and especially their DB's. Finnegan, Edwards, Camp and Okada are an absolutely nasty group of defensive backs. Truly, I think this will be a bigger test for Lindsey than having Bruce Wilkinson breathing down his neck was. It's really hard to see a weakness on their defense, so we're going to really have to be meticulous in our preparation this week. So it's a good thing we've got the coaching staff we do, because I know they'll have our guys on both sides of the ball ready to go."



Two big road wins and then dropping the home opener. You could feel the energy get sucked out of the crowd.   We can't afford a loss this week, all the positive energy we've built in the locker room is still fragile and we don't want anyone starting the "here we go again" mentality.

GM Eli

We've started off slow in all three games offensively and in the first two it didn't hurt us, but it came back to bite us in this one. I think the more frustrating things is just watching them march the ball down the field so easily in their two minute offense.

But the truth of the matter is we had the ball and an opportunity to walk it off, and they just made a play. Lets make sure we're reminding the guys the kind of company we're in this year. We've beaten Bama in their building. And a healthy Alabama at that. We beat Music City in their building, and they were a playoff team last season. And we were in control of our own destiny in our own building against an Atlanta team that a lot of people have as a team that should be battling for a playoff spot, if not being the dark horse in their division this year.

We're going to win this week. I have every confidence in that. But even if the ball takes an unfortunate bounce against Sydney the way it did against Atlanta, this is no here we go again situation. We need to keep that swagger we've been playing with.

I do want to adjust our percentages a little bit as I think maybe that's why we're struggling early on offensively. I set them for our team sheet, but do you know what Coach Mumbasa would recommend if it was left to him?



Coach Mumbasa is a very pass heavy play caller when left to his own devices; I don't think we should go that route.

GM Eli

Understood. So, here's what I want to adjust to then.

1st and 10 - 50%
1st and Medium - 40%
1st and Long - 55%
2nd and short - 40%
2nd and medium - 45%
2nd and long - 50%
3rd and long - 65%
End of Half/Game Winning - 30%