

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:55:34 PM

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GM Gates

What kind of deal would he be looking for to stay here, then?



Right now he's thinking around $4MM per season.

GM Gates

What if we met somewhere in the middle at $3.25 million a season for those 3 years?



Maybe in the off-season, but right now it's a no.

GM Gates

Does the $4 million he is looking for have to all be salary or could it be split up, say, $3 million in salary and $1 million bonus?


GM Gates

Excellent then let's do that for the same 3 years. Glad we could keep John in Miami.

GM Gates

Take care Mike.


Selina, can you get me in touch with Coach Jose?


Alright coach, just finished the paperwork to keep John Peyton here long term. I didn't want to risk a glue player like him going to free agency if I could avoid it.



He's an amazing athlete, Im glad we're keeping him.

GM Gates

For sure coach. And I'm going to work on retaining some of our other free agents in the coming weeks. For right now though, here's the information for this weeks game.

Strategy/Depth Chart Changes:
LT: Gary Fenton
LT2: David Brill

RT: David Brill
RT2: Ricardo Millard

CB1: Rodney Greenwood
CB2: Daniel Coleman
CB3: James Gonzales
CB4: James Paris
CB5: Jared Owens

Lock In

GM Gates

1. Discuss your week 4 results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?) (if you lost, who needs to step up to prevent another loss?) (if you had a bye-week, skip)

It was a frustrating week. We gave up two huge runs to Ackerman in the first five minutes, then held the Dragons to 6 points over the next 3.5+ quarters but still picked up the loss. If we were able to stop those big runs, things could have been a lot different in the outcome and really, that's what it comes down to. You asked who needs to step up, and I don't think that's as simple as "this person needs to step up". We just need to all come prepared to play right at kickoff and not give up big plays. Or even worse, as seen against Alabama, play undisciplined and give the other team opportunities. We need to play in the first quarter like we play in the rest of the game.

2. One quarter of the way through the season, has your team played up to expectations?

Honestly, I expected us to be 3-1 or 4-0 at this point, so we are a bit below, but I think we are in a similar spot as last season and we still went on a nice run and made the playoffs. So while the record might not be there, I wouldn't say we are far off from the end goal.

3. Do you see yourself attending the HIFL's Offensive Lineman Open House?

Possibly. I will never shut the door on the possibility, but I also know that in a few weeks we should be getting Jesus Young back to bolster our line.

4. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.

I hope that the news regarding Hollywood Experience doesn't end up in another hostage situation. Beyond that though...lots of running happening in the league. Orlando and Alabama, Fields, quarterbacks really showing that they are dual threats.

5. Grade your coaching staff so far through the first quarter of the season, have they lived up to your expectations?

I think the coaches have done a great job. We've been able to make adjustments in games and stop things from getting out of hand. You look at this past week, adjustments were made to hold New Jersey from blowing up the scoreboard. Against Alabama we were able to stand toe to toe with them. Those are just two examples of how this coaching staff has helped lead us.

6. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is something about that team that you wish you could emulate?

We head across the pond to take on Amsterdam. A tough test but one we should be ready for. They've got a lot of weapons that can burn you especially those tight ends, and Campanelli isn't a slouch, he knows how to move the ball. So we need to be ready for that and who knows, maybe we can get our tight ends into play and throw some of that back at them. Because I think that is the one strength they have that not many do - the way they run the game through their tight ends. I mean, just when you think you have them locked down, they can burn off a big gain from a position that not many teams utilize as much.


"A hostage situation?  Do you have reason to believe that it could?"

GM Gates

No, I have no reason to believe it could happen. I was just reminded of the last time something like this happened, we had a situation where a bunch of kickers were trapped. I just don't want to see that happen again.



Not our best look in the press, but hey..

GM Gates

Yeah, not my best...I think I was just still steaming off that loss. Probably shouldn't be, but we've been giving teams early chances and unable to come back.

So I think it might be best to revisit what we did last year, at least with running the ball more.i tweaked some numbers a few weeks back, but I think a 60:40 run to pass percent is best. We did it last season after some early blips and turned the season around.



I hear you and I agree.  I think we have talented pass-game talent, but our run game is capable of taking over games.

GM Gates

Excellent glad we are in the same page.

Now that we are a quarter of the through the season, how has Hallquist looked to you? Does he still look like the future QB we should tie our wagon to or would we benefit from looking at a more veteran option?



I believe he can have a long career with us if we go that route, but I'm not sure if he is going to make the leap from top 15 QB to Top 5 QB..

Realistically right now I'd say its Daley, Owen, Ortega, Elias, and Patton in my top 5, Ryan is in my top 10, but do I see him jumping those guys without them retiring?  ...I don't have that answer.

GM Gates

That's a fair assessment. With him being in a contract year and a pending free agent I was hoping to get an idea of whether we want to keep him in house and work with him to reach a higher ceiling.

Personally I'd love to keep him around. I'd love to build him up and watch him grow into a Killer Whales great. I just wanted to get your thoughts if you felt he was the kind of QB we could win with.

I mean, the only better QB we could try and bring in is Patton, and that contract would really mean we'd need to make some changes to how we are built going forward.



Times like these that I'm glad I'm not the GM. 

The General would be an interesting addition, hard to know if his struggles this year are regression or a lack of talent in Louisville.   ...either way boss, I'm coaching whoever we have in the building.

GM Gates

No doubt coach. And I appreciate the input you have given.

I don't plan to make an moves in that area until we see how the new changes unfold anyways. My intent is to roll with Ryan and hope that running the ball even more will help.



Sounds like a plan, boss.

GM Gates

Coming out of camp, it seemed like Marler was progressing to taking the starting center job away from Sumner. With how things have gone so far, do you see Marler as being able to step in and start or should I look at a short term gap if I wanted to upgrade over Sumner?



Marler is a major liability in the pass game right now, but his run game is good enough that he comes out with the same rating overall as Sumner.

GM Gates

Good to know. Thanks for the input coach.

I've got nothing else for you but this weeks changes. Let's go out a 'W' on the board.


Strategy/Depth Chart Changes:
Run/Pass Ratio to 60% Run/40% Pass

Everything else coaches decision.

Lock In

GM Gates

1. Discuss your week 5 results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?) (if you lost, who needs to step up to prevent another loss?) (if you had a bye-week, discuss a game that caught your eye)

We lost to Amsterdam. We were unable to capitalize on key opportunities and weren't able to do what we needed to, especially after Hallquist left the game. Givens did great filling in, but it changes the approach a bit more then what we had planned for. We had some great defensive performances and shined in some areas but overall we couldnt overcome the Smoke. Even with both our running backs putting in work and some gutsy efforts on defense, they managed to pull out the win. So we just need to continue to make the most out of every play.

2. What does your team need most in terms of improvement?

I don't know if there's a position that screams improvement for us, I think it's just a matter of buckling down a bit. We still give away free yards a lot and we don't seem to be able to really put away opponents. Now a lot of that is we've played some tough teams, but we also haven't really been outstanding. So we just need to buckle down and win.

3. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.

I'm glad to see that the O-Line open house has had some result, even if that result is just negotiating for now. It shows that the league didn't host the event for nothing and will allow some players to find some homes for the rest of the season and maybe beyond.

4. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)

We take on a Cancun team that is better then they have been in years past. No longer can you look at that team as a win on the schedule, you've got to take them seriously and make sure they don't get the better of you. We've got to make sure we limit their ability to make the big open plays and we definitely can't give them free yards or downs.


Well, coach, it wasn't the best of games for us. Givens tried but we just couldn't catch back up.



"GM Gates! GM Gates!  What lead to the trade for Merv Patton?!"

GM Gates

Basically, we made the trade because we felt that Merv Patton gives us a better chance to win now. Our goal here is to compete for the championship and win it, and while Ryan Hallquist should have a good future in the league, Merv gives us the best chance for that now. And being able to add a receiver like Todd Pike is great for us as it adds to the firepower on offense. We wish Ryan and Jonathan nothing but the best in their futures, and are excited for what Merv and Todd can bring to this team.


GM Gates,  it's a pleasure to meet you.  Merv Patton reporting for duty, sir.

GM Gates

Mr. Patton, pleasure to meet you. I'm sure you aren't surprised you were traded, though maybe the location is a bit shocking. I'm excited to have you here in Miami and feel like you are the sort of QB we need to lead us to the championship.



I'm excited to be back in the Gulf Coast Division.  I'm familiar with our divisional rivals and I've got a chance to lift that Florida Cup again, but the chance to win an Impact Bowl is definitely the most exciting part of all of this.

GM Gates

I'm glad to hear you are excited to be here and I can't wait to see what you do on the field as a Killer Whale. I don't want to keep you too long as I'm sure there are teammates and coaches you want to speak to and get to know.



Absolutely, we've got work to do.

GM Gates

Perfect. Thanks for coming to see me Merv. Head on off to practice.


Selina, Coach Jose please.


Well coach I pulled the trigger and brought in Patton and Pike. Maybe it's a move I will regret in the future but I think right now, Patton gives us the better chance to win.

Now we've got Cancun up next. We can't sleep on them as they've been better this year then seasons past.



It's going to be strange coaching a guy I used to compete against, haha.. but yeah adding The General is a great get for us. I love Ryan and think he can be a star, but Patton should give us that must-win mentality.

GM Gates

Haha, no doubt that will be strange.

Now the question becomes, do we change anything about of strategy? Go back to being aggressive? Change the ratio? Or leave it as is and let Merv adjust.



I think we stick with the plan this week and ease into a change. We don't want to throw everyone off their game.

GM Gates

Sounds good.

Now with Merlin out for awhile, are one of Kaplan or Sandoval capable of filling in? Or do we have to shuffle some things around and maybe move Obaje in, Chow down and start Sherwood in our LB corps?



I think Sandoval is capable of filling in for us instead of having to shuffle too much

GM Gates

Sandoval it is. Thanks coach. I don't have anything else for you so I will let you get back to practice.


Selina, could you get me in touch with Drew Leventhal please?


Drew, how are you doing? I wanted to talk to you about your client DE David Freese. He's in the last year of his deal and we would like to keep him here in Miami. How about a 4 year deal worth $27 million a year with $3 million in bonus, starting next season?



David enjoys being a life long member of the Killer Whales, but right now we'd rather wait until the off-season to talk about our future.

GM Gates

I can understand that Drew. We will connect later on about David's future.

What about Jayson Little? Is he looking to wait until the end of the season to discuss his future as well?



Jay is looking at a deal that would average around $15.5MM per season.

GM Gates

Ah, good to know, Drew. Let me crunch some numbers over the next week or so and then I will have an offer for you and your client. Sound good?



No problem, we're open for business.

GM Gates

Excellent. We will talk soon, Drew.


Selina, can you send this lock in info to the coaching staff?


Strategy/Depth Chart Changes:
QB1 - Mervin Patton
QB2 - Michael Givens
QB3 - James Sanders

WR1 - Jayson Little
WR2 - Joseph Hickson
WR3 - Todd Pike
WR4 - Sam Crawford

DT1 - Ali Muhammad
DT2 - Ricky Sandoval
DT3 - James Kaplan

Lock In

GM Gates

1. Discuss your week 6 results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?) (if you lost, who needs to step up to prevent another loss?) (if you had a bye-week, discuss a game that caught your eye)

That was a game we needed to win and we did. Cancan isn't the same team they were last season - they've taken steps to being more competitive - but we showed why we are still the better team. We dominated the score board and dominated the time of possession. Hard for the opponents to get anything going when you've constantly got the ball. Patton did a good job facilitating the offense in his first game in Miami, and our defense was stellar against their offense.

Game ball would go to Maria Crews here. While her and Knox both carried the ball well for us, Maria was able to get into the end zone and help us take and keep the lead. Both our running backs were great in this one though.

2. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.

I have no evidence that what Mr. Doss was claiming actually happened. It's tough to gauge whether they were actual events or if it was a QB who couldn't get anything going lashing out and making excuses for his teams poor play. I'd find it hard to believe that the players he named were as violent as he suggests, or we would have heard a lot more about it in weeks or seasons prior. I feel like he may have just let a tough loss against a divisional rival get to him and needed to let off some steam.

3. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)

We travel to Vegas to take on the Scorpions. They aren't the same sort of team we are used to seeing but they can't be overlooked. You overlook a team like Las Vegas and that is when you get tagged with a loss. So we have to stay focused and play our best game so that we can stamp home a win here. Take advantage of a down year for the Scorpions and keep climbing out of an early hole. 


Alright coach back in the win column with a dominating game against the Kraken. How did Patton look in his first game under center for us?


"GM Gates, some GM's have suggested as the GM Rep, that you push for a formal investigation into the accusations against your team, any comment on that?"

GM Gates

I will have to take a look at the tape to see if that kind of investigation is needed. As I said, I do not know if this is a case of actual foul play or one player letting the heat of a loss get the better of him.


"What is your take on Hollywood Experience being reinstated by the league? Do you feel the Players Union or another power in the league should act to further punish him for his alleged misdoings?"