

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:55:34 PM

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GM Gates


Last bit I've got for you before I touch base with our coordinators. On our offensive line, I had Shore penned in as the starter at right guard, but has Thomas Moya done enough to take that spot for himself? Should he be the one lining up opposite Bender?



What Shore lacks in pass blocking he makes up for in position skill and IQ, meanwhile Moya has a much better pass blocking technique but he's still figuring out the position at the pro level.   

I think it just comes down to what you value more.  They are very evenly matched overall.

GM Gates

That makes sense. I'll likely stick with Shore as the starter to begin the year and go from there. My goal coming into the season was for Moya to work on things so that he'd be ready to come in as a starter next season. But good to know he should be able to hold his own in a pinch.

Thanks for all the insight coach. If I have anything else I'll get in touch.


Selina, Coach Peterson please.


Coach, welcome back to another season. I  just wanted to touch base with you on some depth chart things, nothing too crazy. So let's start at linebacker. Obviously Chow and Spellman are our best two, but who do you think should be our 3rd starter? Peters is the guy we've gone with, but I wasn't sure if someone like Sherwood might be a preferred option, or if a rotation of the two is ideal? I know each probably excels in different areas, I just want to make sure we are putting the best team out there.



If we want to go with upside, we should give Peters the job and just have Sherwood as our top rotating back up for all the LB spots.

GM Gates

Sounds good.

I'm going to save the rest of my questions. None are pressing and we might get some light shed on them through actual game play.

When sending you the information for the game, do I need to make any note of the rotation between Berg and Fagan?



If you would, just to make sure we dont forget to make the edits to our gameplans.

GM Gates

Alright coach, I think we are ready for this week. Let's get this season started out strong.


Strategy/Depth Chart Changes:

DE2 - Mark Berg/Henry Fagan rotation (exact percentage split to be decided by coaches)

MLB1 - Joseph Spellman
MLB2 - William Sherwood
MLB3 - Earl Sturdivant

ROLB1 - Samuel Chow
ROLB2 - William Sherwood
ROLB3 - Earl Sturdivant

LOLB1 - Herbert Peters
LOLB2 - William Sherwood
LOLB3 - Zachary Gant
LOLB4 - Joseph Foley

CB1 - Rodney Greenwood
CB4 - Daniel Coleman
CB7 - Willian Gray

CB2 - Daniel Coleman
CB5 - Willian Gray
CB8 - James Paris

CB3 - Mikel Moore
CB6 - Willian Gray
CB9 - Greg Juarez

Lock In



1. Discuss your performance and result for week 1. What were some sustains, and what were some improvements going into week 2?

2. Ryan Hallquist threw for 7 TDs in his PFL debut, what are your thoughts on that and his comments about the GM's he's worked under in the HIFL?

3. Coming out of training camp and now seeing the team in week 1, what should fans expect to see this year from your club?

4. Did any news catch your eye this week?

5. Discuss your next opponent and game.

GM Gates

1. Discuss your performance and result for week 1. What were some sustains, and what were some improvements going into week 2?

That was a great game and I don't say that because of the final score I say that because it was a complete game. We stubbed our toe early with the fumble and subsequent touchdown, but we never gave up. Our defense was on fire all game, with nearly everyone getting in on the action. Even when the score started to get lopsided, we never sat back or got comfortable. Same goes for the offence. Everyone played their part to put points on the board and again they didn't get complacent or anything. And I think that might be because this team knows how close they were, and knows we can get the job done this year.

2. Ryan Hallquist threw for 7 TDs in his PFL debut, what are your thoughts on that and his comments about the GM's he's worked under in the HIFL?

First off, congratulations to Ryan on that performance. It's definitely great to see him thriving. I honestly thought someone in the HIFL would have given him a shot as their starter this off season. He's got the ability to be great, to be a great quarterback, he just needs to figure some of the smaller things out, which it seems like he's been doing.

As for his comments, I can understand where he's coming from and I hope that if nothing else, he continues to use those moments of his time in the HIFL as motivation to be the best he can be. Some times things don't work out, for whatever reason, and it shows a lot about someone by how they react. And if he channels it all into his play on the field, there's probably going to be a lot of HIFL GMs kicking themselves.

3. Coming out of training camp and now seeing the team in week 1, what should fans expect to see this year from your club?

I expect this team to play some great defense each and every week and to keep the pressure on our opponents when we have the ball. I don't think we will see 58 point wins every week, but we should see a team who knows they could have won the Impact Bowl last season, and a team who is determined to get back to the championship.

4. Did any news catch your eye this week?

Some big injuries to Wiese and Reed and of course, the Hallquist comments, but I think the big eye catching news was the sack totals that we have seen this week. Some video game numbers out there from some dangerous linemen. Maybe it was a just a case of week 1, but who really knows.

5. Discuss your next opponent and game.

Leg one of the Florida Cup. Orlando has been a different animal since the middle of last season, so this is going to be a hard contested game that is likely going to come down to who can limit the mistakes. The obvious answer to Orlando is to stop their running game, but it's never just that simple with them. Bellerose is just as dangerous through the air when given time. We are going to have to make sure we are prepared for them and that we aren't taking them too lightly. We will have to get to the quarterback so that he doesn't get comfortable back there and pick us apart.



65-7, yeaaaah I think we came to play.

GM Gates

For sure coach. The whole team chipped in to make that a fantastic opening week. I was really impressed with what our defense did with  not even letting Myrtle Beach sniff a score no chance.

With how Peters and Chow played, I plan to just slide Sherwood in for Spellman if he can't go.



Sounds good to me boss, I've got nothing to really change this week.

GM Gates

Me either coach. It's a tough match up against Orlando, but it's one I know we can win. So let's go get the cup.


Strategy/Depth Chart Changes:

MLB1 - Joseph Spellman
MLB2 - William Sherwood
MLB3 - Earl Sturdivant

No other changes from last week.

Lock In

GM Gates

1. What stood out to you about your team this week, any surprise performances good or bad?

Our defense was on point in this game. Sure, we gave up a rushing touchdown, but in some cases you just have to contain and limit the damage. Our defense kept us in the game and kept the Stampede from taking the lead or winning and giving us that chance to win it in overtime. Just a tremendous job by the whole unit.

Offensively, we were what we need to be. Steady and moving the chains. Their defense made it hard for us to get a lot going, constantly hitting us behind the line for losses but they found a way to still get downfield and put up points.

Again, a team effort and a team win. Played well on both sides of the ball and were able to come away with the win.

2. Discuss any news that interested you. (Cover your news first; then move on)

Skipper is a great kicker and if he misses one shot in overtime, all he needs is that extra chance to make up for it. Our defense gave him that chance by stopping the Stampede, and he made good on that, sending us home with a win.

It's eye catching to see some teams who are usually leading their divisions scuffling or finding themselves on the wrong side of luck. But I guess that speaks to how talented the players are across the whole league that we've had some varying results.

3. Talk about your next match up, how do you win this game?

Time to take on the Nighthawks. They may not have Ortega under center but they can still hurt you. How we win this game is we limit what they can do on offence and make sure we give Patton enough time to do what he needs to do. Treat this game like Ortega is there and not get wrapped up in it. Their pass rush is great, but if we can get the time we can make them pay downfield.


Coach, gritty win there. Fantastic job by the defense to keep Orlando from scoring to give us the chance to win. They've been doing a tremendous job so far this season and I can't wait to see what they are able to do against Alabama. Herbert Peters looks like a machine out there alongside Chow.



If our defense can continue to play this well we are going to be a hard out for anyone in the league.  This Bama defense will be an equal test for our offense, but so far so good.

GM Gates

For sure. Orlando was more of a test than Myrtle Beach, but Alabama will be a big test. We will have to make the plays when we need to, give Merv some time, so that their defensive front isn't pummelling us all game.

As for our own defensive front, I think we should be able to get some pressure though I have been looking for upgrades to maybe strengthen our defensive end depth to help out with that.



#1 scoring offense and #2 scoring defense, right now we want to find upgrades without throwing off chemistry, because we are playing great football.

GM Gates

Oh for sure. I'm not looking to make any huge changes, don't want to make a move for the sake of it and ruin how well we've been playing.

I don't expect to make any changes to anything this week, so I will let you get back to practice.


Selina, could I speak with Shaun Day please?


Shaun, how's it going. I'm sure you've heard how the media has put your name forward as a potential fit for San Antonio. I just wanted to check in and see if this is something you're looking for? I know the media has a habit of throwing around false information so I wanted to see where you were at. We would love to keep you around here, but I also don't want to stand in the way of an opportunity you might want to pursue.



I'd love to start if given the opportunity, so if San Antonio is offering, I'd definitely be interested.

GM Gates

Alright, sounds good. And if they don't, I will keep this in mind throughout the season for other opportunities. Thanks for taking the time to speak to me, Shaun. I'll let you head back to practice.


Selina, Herbert Peters please.


Mr. Peters, I just wanted to take a moment and compliment you on the great start to the season. I don't know what made the difference, but you've been a different animal this season and I love what I'm seeing out there. You've definitely been making your presence felt this season.


Thanks for noticing.  It all started to click towards the end of last season, I just feel like the game has slowed down.

GM Gates

Well keep it up, because it's been fantastic to watch you out there. Can't wait to see what the rest of the season has in store.

Thanks for taking the time to speak with me. I'll let you head back to practice.


Selina, I believe we are ready to go.


Strategy/Depth Chart changes:
No changes from last week

Lock In

GM Gates

We let that one slip away. We weren't defeated in any sense of the word, we just couldn't get anything going. From being pinned too deep to make a good punt, to high snaps that cost us a down and a field goal, we just couldn't get anything going. Not that Alabama could either, but in the end they had just a bit more. We caught fire late but it was too late to make the points needed to come back.

It's good to see that the team didn't give up though, and that's a big part of this game. You see some teams who can't put points up or are letting opponents pull away, if that's because they just don't have that fight and passion.

This week we face New Jersey and while they aren't the same New Jersey team, they are still dangerous. A lot of people wrote them off after GM Stark was moved, and that might be too soon for that. They're still talented and will be another test for us. But if we keep playing our game, we should be able to pass the test.


Well, not the outcome we were looking for, but we've got three weeks coming up that we can really work to establish ourselves, it starts with beating the Dragons.

GM Gates

For sure coach. They still have a good team but they are a team we can and should beat. I don't plan to make many changes to how things are but I did have a question.

Do we have an issue at center? Just based on the last game and some of those snaps, should that be an area to make look at fortifying as well or can we chalk that up to first game having to defend the Bama line for Marler?



I think they will iron themselves out, I wouldn't be too concerned yet.

GM Gates

That's good to know. I didn't think there was an issue with what we know of Marler and Tuggle so I figured it was more just a circumstance of the opposition they were facing. Hopefully it's out of their system now.

In any case coach, let's get to it and beat the Dragons.


Strategy/Depth Chart Changes:
No changes from last week.

Lock In

GM Gates

1. Talk about the results of your game this week. (if you were on bye, talk about your bye week)

We got ourselves a big win over New Jersey. After last weeks tough loss to Alabama, we were able to pick ourselves up and beat the Dragons to get us back on track. We might not have dominated the game, but in the end, we managed to make the most of our opportunities. Maria had a fantastic game out there, setting the new record and helping to pace us, and our defence has continued their stellar play, limiting the Dragons offensive scores to what they were. And the O-Line...keeping Patton from getting sacked was great to see. Definitely allowed him the time to get the plays off and move the chains downfield, while also opening up lanes for Maria to do her thing. This was a great team win to rebound off of a tough loss.

2. After 4 weeks, is the team performing as expected, and where do you feel you need to improve most?

This team is doing great. We might not be a 4-0 team, but we also haven't been embarrassed in our one loss, so I'd say that this team is right where we need to be. I don't think there's one spot where we need to improve on, because every game it seems to be something different. Either our defence steps up huge, or Patton throws some touchdowns, or our running game steals the show. It's been great to see so far and it's only the beginning.

3. We are getting into trade season, are you one who would like to get a deal done before the flurry at the deadline, or do you prefer to wait?   ...Also do you see yourself as a buyer or seller this season?

I prefer to get my deals out of the way before the trade deadline flurry, so that the player or players are with us longer and can help us with our goal more. However sometimes things pop up and you need to try and make another deal later in the cycle and end up working within that flurry. As for where we see ourselves, if we were to make any moves, it would be as a buyer and not a seller.

4. Rumor has it the HIFL and PFL have quietly discussed a trade window, what is your opinion on that possibility?

I feel like it is a potential step in the direction of repairing the relationship between the two leagues.

5. How much stock do you put into International Football, is the IFAF something you pay much attention to?

I follow it. With our international partnerships and the ability to sign international players, you'd be a fool not to really.

6. Talk about this week (your upcoming game or bye week plans)

We travel to Amsterdam to take on the Smoke. At 2-2 they are a dangerous team and one we can't take lightly. They can hit you hard a few different ways and we need to be ready by or it. I know our defence will be ready and our offence will be looking to move the ball downfield against theirs, so it's just a matter of executing our game plan and getting the job done.

7. Talk about any other news if you would like (optional)

Congratulations to Maria Crews on winning offensive player of the week honors. Very much deserved after he performance this week.

I feel like Keenan Daley is playing with fire every time he steps onto the field. How many concussions is it going to take for him to realize he doesn't need to be under center every week?



Great to see Maria running it so well she's been banged up the last two years, so if she can stay healthy and keep this pace up it will be great.

GM Gates

It's definitely great to see her healthy and running the ball as she has been. Makes it harder on defences to truly stop our offence.

I know I sound like a broken record coach, but outside of trying to handle some business I don't have too much for you. The team is playing well right now so I don't want to change much of anything until we have to.


GM Gates

Awesome coach. I will let you head to practice.


Selina, could you send Maria Crews to see me please?


Maria, how's it going? First off, I just wanted to congratulate you on the franchise record breaking game against New Jersey. You really seem to have found a new level this season and it's great to see how well you've been doing.


Thrilled to have my name in the books.  Can't thank you enough for believing in me and giving me the chance to prove I belong.  I hope it opens the door for the next generation of females.    I mean, the FEM-FL is already a thing and I'm proud of that, but I want to see more women playing in the HIFL.

GM Gates

You're welcome Maria. You've never given me a reason not to believe in you. I'm also hopeful it opens the door for the next generation. We just need more of us GMs to take the chance and give them the opportunity to show that they belong.



Bet.   I think it would be great for us to sponsor a womens combine or some type of FEM-FL showcase to let my girls show out on a big stage.  the FEM-FL only gets play on streaming services half the time and ain't even being aired live, its total disrespect.

GM Gates

You know what, leave it with me and I will see what I talk to the necessary parties and see what I can do to get that going. At the very least, we can give them a chance to show their skills on the football field to interested GMs.


GM Gates

Thanks for coming by to speak to me, Maria. I'll let you head back to practice.


Selina, could you get me in touch with the representative for the Spanish National Team?


Good day, I wanted to get in touch about possibly signing some of your players to our International Practice Slots for this season. I had a few players in mind, but also understand if you are unable to part with them or have others that might be more likely to want to make a jump to the HIFL. The players in mind were CB Eric Castro, LB Jose Garrido and SS Jaime Marquez. What would the cost be to bring them into our IPS slots?


  GM Gates, Rafi Gasol here, good to hear from you.

CB Eric Castro - Eric is 38 years old and about ready to retire. He was once the #2 ranked prospect in all of football and has had a legendary career, he is likely to be a coach when he retires, but after 254 games, 217 PDs, and 39 INTS with 9 DTDs for his career, he's not looking to make a trip to America.

LB Jose Garrido - at 23 years old and his contract with us expiring, we'd let him go to the IPS for $750K

SS Jaime Marquez - A team captain at age 34 with 14 years of experience, he's a legend here.  He would be a high probability to go to the HIFL next season anyways, so helping us with his $6MM salary would be a good incentive for us.  How about $3MM

GM Gates

Mr. Gasol, great to speak with you.

Thank you for the information about those players. We would definitely have interest in bringing Jose Garrido here and could make that $750K work, no problem.

As for Jaime Marquez, we would have interest, however the $3 million stretches a bit beyond the budget we have left. We could definitely do $2 million if you'd be open to that, though.



  We could make it work at $2MM, sure.

GM Gates

Excellent. I will file the paperwork accordingly for Jose and Jaime to join us. Thank you for your time, Rafi, I'm sure we will talk again soon.


Selina, coach Jose one last time please.


Coach, I made a move to bring in another DE in Glenn Everson. Not a huge splash, but hopefully someone to give us something more opposite Freese. Should we throw him right into the fire, either as our starting DE2 or just in a rotation with Fagan?



I think we plug him right in, but give Fagan some reps on the back end.

GM Gates

Excellent, that's what I was thinking but wanted to double check first. Nothing more this week, so let's go out and win.


Strategy/Depth Chart Changes:
DE2 - Glenn Everson
DE3 - Henry Fagan
DE4 - Mark Berg

Rotation at DE2 (Everson 80%, Fagan 20%)

Lock In

GM Gates

1. Talk about the results of your game this week.

We won a close game when our offence wasn't at its best and that is because our defence balled out all game. They have been a great unit all season and showed why in that game. They held Amsterdam out of the end zone for the majority of it, and while we gave up some yards, the defence did not break. It was great to see Spellman back to give us another playmaker to help keep the Smoke at bay. The defence as a whole was fantastic this week.

Offensively we did what we had to do. We scored when we had the opportunities and limited any potential damage in turnovers. It might not have been a game full of yardage for us, but it didn't need to be.

The team as a whole did what we needed to do to win.

2. Talk about any news that involves your team.

I understand Christopher's frustration and I am going to make sure that the situation is rectified to the best of my ability. Having him out there gives us another weapon.

3. Talk about any other news if you would like (optional).

Some pretty heavy trades to kickstart the week. The biggest of which is probably GM Bennett being moved to Atlanta, but perhaps it will allow everyone a fresh start. Trade talk in general is heating up as there seems to be more and more players being put on the block or teams looking to make a move.

4. Talk about this week (your upcoming game or bye week plans)

We welcome Cancun to town. While this isn't the same Cancun team we are used to, they are still a team in transition, looking to figure themselves out as they grow together. But that is not a reason to overlook them. Cancun has a lot of talented players, and if we don't take them seriously, we could be blitzed with a loss. We need to continue to play our brand of football.



Good win, now time to keep it going.  A chance of rain this weekend and some wind coming but I think we'll handle Cancun.

GM Gates

I think we will be able to handle Cancun this week, chance of rain or not.

As for the news about Knox, I plan to give him some more run. Not because Maria isn't getting it done, but to try and keep her healthy. Is it as simple as creating some packages where he is the RB1 and percentage each one is to be used?


GM Gates

Then I will do just that.

Last week, we made the move to bring in Glenn Everson. He didn't look too bad in his first week here and I'm just wondering if you think he might be able to help out our long term pressure from the opposite side? His scouting seemed to imply that playing him opposite Freese would be best for him and I feel that if we continue to get Berg and Fagan involved, we can at least create some challenges on that side.


I think we have an improved unit across the board now, I liked adding Everson.