

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:55:34 PM

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GM Gates

Good to know.

Those are all the roster related questions I had for you coach. Enjoy the break and I'm sure we will talk more once it comes time to hammer out our coaching budget.


Selina, can you get me in touch with Amber Molina please?


Amber, I wanted to talk about extending P Maurice Alcala here in Miami. I'd like to offer a 2 year extension worth $1.5 million dollars a season.



  I think Maurice is more like a top 10 Punter value at $2.25MM

GM Gates

I can agree to that Amber. Glad to have worked out a deal. Take care.


Selina, can you get me in touch with Steve Rosenhaus please?


Steve, how's it going? Let's talk about RB John Provost. We would love to have him back here in Miami. Would he sign on for another year at $2 million?



GM Gates

We will be in touch later then. Thanks Steve.


Selina, I am ready to speak with Mr Biggs if he'd like.


GM Gates, Two Goals out of Five... Not a good start to our working relationship.  I know people say "oh they were the #1 Seed"  and "oh they were in the conference championship" but you and I both know I pay you to build a Champion.

Division. Conference. Impact Bowl.    We only did one of those and that has to change, dude. 

I don't like spending my money on disappointment, you understand me?

GM Gates

I understand you. 2 of 5 isn't good enough for me either. I'm just as disappointed in the fact we aren't raising the trophy.



You've been to the mountain top before, and thats why you're here.  I trust you share my enthusiasm to be champion every single season.   That's all that matters. 

GM Gates

I definitely share it. I don't do this job to be satisfied being second or third. I do this job to win. I came here to Miami to help build a team to win Impact Bowls.


Damn right.   Alright, we're on the same page.   Get to it, I've got more money to count.

GM Gates

Thank you, sir.


Selina, thank you for all the help this season. As always, it's much appreciated. Now we are ready to lock in.



Hola GM Gates, Here is our budget and roster outlook going into the off-season including what I have down for our draft picks.  Please contact me if you see anything out of place. 




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hmm... that is interesting.












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GM Gates

Selina, welcome back. I hope you had a good break. While we have some time before things really pick up, can you get HIFL Sr VP of Football Operations John McLoed on the line? Thanks.


Mr. McLoed, thank you for taking my call. I called to talk to you about setting up a showcase for the players of the FemFL to show their football talent to interested GMs around the HIFL. I spoke last season to their commissioner, Tomi Brandy, and both her and I thought it would be a great opportunity for her players to get a chance at the HIFL that they currently don't have. We also felt that a partnership with the HIFL for this event would benefit both leagues.

We haven't discussed anything beyond the rough idea, because we wanted to make sure that this was feasible in the eyes of the HIFL.



  If you want to partner with them for an event that is totally fine, however the league is not looking to partner with any other league in any capacity at this time.  Between the PFL, the IFAF, and now the FemFL, we just not want to cross pollenate too much.

GM Gates

Understandable, Mr McLoed. Perhaps as time goes on and things smooth out we can revisit this idea. Thank you.


Selina, can you get Tomi Brandy on the line for me please?


Ms Brandy, it's a pleasure to speak with you again. I just got off the phone with a representative of the HIFL and, given the recent goings on with other leagues, they are hesitant to commit to a partnership with another league.

With that said, I would still like to partner with your league to put on the showcase we mentioned earlier. Give the women of your league an equal chance to make a play for the HIFL. That is, if you're still interested in what we spoke of earlier this year.


  GM Gates, I would absolutely love that opportunity, I think that showing some of our girls talents will convince the HIFL to partner with us in some capacity in the future.

GM Gates

That's what I hope as well. Everything has to start somewhere and hopefully this is only the beginning of an eventual partnership between leagues.

As for the showcase, what do we need to get this started and set up? I figure we can host it here in Miami to start.



  That would be wonderful.  I think if you just spend the funds for the marketing and the travel, etc for the event, I'll provide the players, and we'll put on a show.

Also, as a thank you for hosting, I'll give you the first shot at signing one of our players if you see anyone you think can help.

GM Gates

That sounds good to me. How much do you think that might run? Just so I can make the necessary payments and get things started.

Also, if we decide to put an entry fee on it for other GMs to attend - something feasible and not outrageous - then whatever money we make on it, we will split 50/50.



  I think $1MM would be all it takes to run the event and properly advertise it.  Open it up to the public for free to bring in more eyes, run it on both league's web streaming services, all that stuff.

GM Gates

That works for me, Ms Brandy. I'll file the paperwork with our league to get things started, and I think allowing fans to watch for free is a great way to get some new fans.

I'm going to put a fee of $250K for any GMs who wish to come and scout the event. I feel like this number will allow for more GMs to attend, enhancing the chances that the players get signed. And whatever is made off the event will be split between you and your league as well as myself for putting the event on.



That sounds great. I'm going to start getting together the girls interested in showcasing themselves at the event.  When would you like to set a date?  We could do between IFA and UFA, or between The scouting combine and draft, or we could do it between the draft and the second stage of UFA.

GM Gates

Alright I've filed the paperwork for the showcase. I chose between the scouting combine and the draft to host it for this year, and we can see if we need to move it in future years.



Excellent. Thank you GM Gates. We're going to put on quite the show.



  Hello GM Gates, this is Kate with the league office.  I'm looking over our books and records and I see your 5th round pick that you just attempted to trade to Music City, currently belongs to Atlanta via the trade you completed last season for John Provost.

As a result, this trade has been blocked by the league office as the only movement was IBP.   You have been fined $1MM from your off-season bonus fund. Please double check these things in the future and remember to cross reference your draft picks from your secretary if you ever doubt their accuracy.

GM Gates

My apologies Kate. The most recent update from my secretary had the pick still in our possession but I should have been more careful about that. Thank you for letting me know of the infraction.



I am so sorry jefe, I checked with the Atlanta secretary and they had the pick in their inventory as well, it must have been something we just overlooked.. UGH, that my bad.

GM Gates

Don't worry yourself about it, Selina. Luckily it happened when it did and how it did that it didn't hurt us. We will just be extra diligent as we go forward.

In the meantime, can you get Steve Rosenhaus on the line?


Steve, thanks for taking my call.

This past season during the PFL poaching I spoke to Herbert Peters about staying here in the HIFL, he agreed so I wanted to come to you with an extension for him.

I'd like to offer him a 3 year extension for seasons 18, 19 and 20 that would pay Herbert $10 million dollars a season. So he'd play this year out on his current deal and next season he would kick in at $10 million.



  I like it baby, let me talk to him about it and we will let you know after the coaching budget period.



Ive got our budget in hand, I'll start making calls and see if we can get this staff ready for another run at the title.


Hola Jefe!

With the free for all starting now, here is what I have on our team sheet.  Please note this does not factor any signings we may or may not have made and failed to league office, so if we have signed a player recently but not yet sent his deal to the league office, I do not count that.   

Currently I have us with:

8 Open Roster spots.

15.2MM Remaining Salary.

250K Remaining Bonus.

6.25MM Remaining Off-Season Bonus.

0 Remaining International Bonus.

This will be our only roster/budget update for the rest of the off-season, so if you have a discrepancy we need to speak in private and compare sheets and comb the league office to make sure we are on the same page.

GM Gates

Thank you for that, Selina. Excellent work as always.

Now let's get this going. Can you get me Mike Maker on the line?


Mike, let's continue our talk about your client RB Daniel Darby. I wanted to change my offer to be a 1 year deal worth $3 million in salary with a  $3 million signing bonus, paid out of our off season bonus money.


GM Gates

Fantastic. Glad we could work something out.

I also wanted to talk to you about your client, WR Rory Dover. I wanted to bring him in as a kick and punt returner as well as organizational receiving depth. How does a 1 year deal worth $1.5 million sound for that?



We're seeking $3MM per season, we've turned down $1.5MM already.

GM Gates

Fair enough, Mike. Hope he finds what he's looking for. Take care.


Selina, can you get me in touch with Bobby Shapiro?


Bobby there are a few clients of yours I'd like to talk about, so let's start with QB Michael Givens. I want to offer him a 3 year deal worth $2.5 million a season to return to Miami. In addition to that, he will receive a $500K signing bonus this off season - paid out of our off-season bonus money - as well as a $500K roster bonus next off season and the off season after that. The roster bonus would be paid out prior to the draft in each of those off seasons.


GM Gates


And what about DT James Brown? Would he come to Miami on a 1 year deal worth $750K with a team option for a 2nd year at $1 million?


We would do 1 year at 750K, but no option year.

GM Gates

1 year works. Thanks Bobby.


Selina, can you get James T Crain on the line please?


Mr Crain, how are you doing? I wanted to talk about your client FS Robert Peters. Wanted to discuss the possibility of him coming to Miami on a 2 year deal worth $1.5 million a season.


GM Gates

That's fair James. I hope you are able to find it. Take care.


Selina, can you get me in touch with Anthony or Meadow Campanelli?


Mr. Campanelli how are you doing? I wanted to see about bringing back SS Edward Sparks to Miami. I'd be offering a 2 year deal worth $1.25 million a season to do so.



GM Gates, we're seeking $3MM right now.

GM Gates

Alright let me think on that one.

Would TE Mauricio Lopez consider signing here in Miami on a 2 year deal? First year would be worth $2.5 million in salary with a $1 million signing bonus, and year two would be a player option worth $6 million with $1 million in bonus money.



Not at all. 70 catches and 629 yards last year, he's not playing for a discount.

GM Gates

Alright. Thanks for the honesty. We might talk again about Edward but right now, I will let you go.


Bobby Shapiro again.


Bobby, let's talk about LB Jon Luis. I'd like to offer him a 2 year deal at $1.5 million a season.


GM Gates

1 year works.

And what about FS Tyson Head. I'd like to have him come in as a back up to Berlin at FS, and for that, I am offering him a 2 year deal worth $2 million a season?
