

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:27:04 PM

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GM Justin

Sure...what allegations do you speak of?



Hi there, I have us with $42.1MM and $6MM in bonus heading into UFA.

GM Justin

It's amazing how all of these GMs can't do basic math....our numbers match.

GM Justin

Lolly, let's get Anthony Campanelli on the line...

Anthony, let's talk Stephen Bonner (DE)...2 years, $750K per season


GM Justin

Great. Lolly,let's get Amber Molina on the line.

Amber, I want to bring your brother, Alan Molina, to DC...1 YEAR $4mm total


  Punishing him for not signing the 2/5/1 FG'd deal you offered earlier? I could get more in the PFL, you know?

GM Justin

That's why i only offered one year, but I'll do the original deal


  We'll take the 2 year deal.

GM Justin

Lolly, let's get Scott Forrest on the line.

Scott...Antonio Palmer (WR), 2 years $1mm per


  Hey! The original offer was fully guaranteed!  ¡¿Qué diablos, tío?!

GM Justin

My apologies, I will send an updated offer sheet to the league office


GM Justin


1. Michael Meek -- IQ
2. D'Brickashaw Arreola -- IQ
3. Barney Lowe -- Pass Blocking
4. Jerome Butler -- Pass Blocking

1. Lucio Clayton -- Strength
2. Benjamin Tyree -- Agility
3. Arthur Jarrett -- Speed
4. Caleb Green -- Pass Blocking


Attitude: Conservative, Balanced, Aggressive
Focus: Run, Balanced, Pass
Tempo: Very Slow, Slow, Normal, Fast, Very Fast
Passing Focus: None, Short, Medium, Long, Balanced
Pass To: None, Balanced, Outside, Over Middle, Tight Ends, Running Backs
Primary Receiver: List #1 target
Third Down Back: List primary 3rd down RB (or say none for default)
Goal Line Back: List primary RB when inside the 10 yard line (or say none for default)
Running Focus: None, Inside, Outside, Draw, Power, 3WR-Sets, Balanced
Running Backs Role: None, Running, Blocking, Catching, Balanced
Backfield by Committee?: Yes or No 
Tight End Focus: None, Blocking, Catching, Mixed
QB Tuck and Run: Never, Rare, Normal, Often

Attitude: Conservative, Balanced, Aggressive
Focus: Not Set, Run, Balanced, Pass
Primary Coverage:Not Set, Man, Zone, Mixed
D-Line Focus: None, Run Support, Balanced, Pass Rush
Linebacker Focus: None, Run Support, Balanced, Coverage
Player Radio: Choose a LB or FS/SS
Match CBs to WRs?: Yes or No
Align Man Coverage?: None, Never, Balanced, Always

Point Margin for Backup Package (list point difference leading or trailing to bring in back ups)
Sub Package Minimum Energy (list energy level to bring in back up/substitution recommended 40-70)
Sub Package Maximum Energy (list energy level to bring starter back in - recommended 70-100)

If Winning None, Run More, Run Only, Pass More, Pass Only
If Losing None, Run More, Run Only, Pass More, Pass Only

COUNTER STRATEGY (vs. offense gives your defense a boost to stop the selected type; vs. defense gives your offense a boost vs. selected defensive strategy) -- COACHES DECISION ON ALL
Coaches Decision? Yes or No
vs. Offense Short Pass, Med Pass, Deep Pass, Inside Run, Outside Run, Power Run
vs. Defense Zone, Man, Blitz

OFFENSE MASTER DEPTH CHART GM's MUST COMPLETE THIS TASK (You may attach up to 3 additional Copies of this Chart for various "Packages" in your offense, the final package is strictly your back up players for substitutions - this is automatically set by your coaching staff)


QB- Michael Meek
QB2- Hubert Solis
QB3- Aaron Mojica

RB1- Adrian McCaffrey
RB2- Nathanial Payne
RB3- Earl Brand

FB- Earl Brand

TE1- Maurice Harry
TE2- Dirk Reynoso

WR1- Herbert Bobbitt
LWR4- Dirk Reynoso

WR2- Lonzo Jackson
WR5- James Boudreaux

WR3- Maurice Harry

LT- D'Brickashaw Arreola
LT2- Barney Lowe

LG- Albert Baum
LG2- Jerome Butler

C- Caleb Green
C2- Dave Thomason

RG- Jerome Butler
RG2- Andre Jones

RT- Barney Lowe
RT2- Glen Johnson

DEFENSE MASTER DEPTH CHART GM's MUST COMPLETE THIS TASK (You may attach up to 3 additional Copies of this Chart for various "Packages" in your defense. The final package is strictly your back up players for substitutions - this is automatically set by your coaching staff)


DT1- Benjamin Tyree
DT3- Michael Ocasio

DT2- Lucio Clayton
DT4- Ronny Stone

RE1- Anthony LeBlanc
RE2- Stephen Bonner

LE1- David Coffey
LE2- Anthony LeBlanc

MLB1- Larry Stevens
MLB2- Irvin Schofield

ROLB1- Irvin Schofield
ROLB2- Francisco Young

LOLB1- Arthur Jarrett
LOLB2- Francisco Young

CB1- Shane Barkley
CB4- Harry Griffin

CB2- Stephen Basham
CB5- Dwarven Heights

CB3- Alan Molina
CB6- Sam Givens

FS1- William Bostic
FS2- Walter Turner

SS1- Richard Mattheiu
SS2- Elmer Turner


K- Larry Legg
P- Colby Toledo

KR1- Lonzo Jackson
KR2- Nathanial Payne
KR3- Dirk Reynoso
KR4- Alan Molina

PR1- Lonzo Jackson
PR2- Nathanial Payne

PLAY CALLING GM Chooses who calls plays, and assigns desired percentages if not left up to play calling coach


First and 10 -
First and Short -
First and Medium -
First and Long -

Second and Short -
Second and Medium -
Second and Long -

Third and Short -
Third and Medium -
Third and Long -

Fourth and Short -
Fourth and Medium -
Fourth and Long -

Goal Line -

Final 2 mins of half (w/ lead) -
Final 2 mins of half (trailing) -


First and 10 -
First and Short -
First and Medium -
First and Long -

Second and Short -
Second and Medium -
Second and Long -

Third and Short -
Third and Medium -
Third and Long -

Fourth and Short -
Fourth and Medium -
Fourth and Long -

Goal Line -

Final 2 mins of half (w/ lead) -
Final 2 mins of half (trailing) -


(PLAYER NAME) (Campaign Theme/Tag Line)


1. (SONG) (ARTIST) (LINK TO YOUTUBE optional) Chocolate City -- Roger & Zapp

2. (SONG) (ARTIST) (LINK TO YOUTUBE optional) -- Icy by Gucci Mane
After every touchdown scored by DC



Lock in



Here is our team report after camp!

GM Justin

Coach, I got the team sheet and your report.  Nothing from me at the moment, the data I have speaks for itself. I'm confident about this season so let's get it started.

lock in



1. Discuss your performance and result for week 1. What were some sustains, and what were some improvements going into week 2?

2. How did it feel to be on the winning end of a field goal this time?

3. Coming out of training camp and now seeing the team in week 1, what should fans expect to see this year from your club?

4. Did any news catch your eye this week?

5. Discuss your next opponent and game.

GM Justin

1. Discuss your performance and result for week 1. What were some sustains, and what were some improvements going into week 2?

We won a tough game against a divisional opponent.  We have some new players to the team and I believe that was evident and we know it will take time to gel.  We will keep working hard and put in the coaching and effort.  I am proud of our guys battled and fought back.  It was a great win.

2. How did it feel to be on the winning end of a field goal this time?

Larry Legg for MVP.

3. Coming out of training camp and now seeing the team in week 1, what should fans expect to see this year from your club?

A high octane offense and a stout defense.  I am excited about the future of our organization.

4. Did any news catch your eye this week?

The amount of sacks from week 1 was staggering.

5. Discuss your next opponent and game.

Cancun is an upstart with a very good GM.  We cannot underestimate them and have to go out there and execute on both sides of the ball.



No major injuries and a win is a good start, having a running game without having to run it 30+ times is exactly what I wanted, so we're in a good place. 

GM Justin

I agree.  Over 7 yards a carry makes life easier. I don't have anything else, we should beat Cancun easily so I'm hoping to see a huge game for us.

lock in

GM Justin

1. What stood out to you about your team this week, any surprise performances good or bad?

"Well we won today, which is what matters most.  There is a lot to like about what happened, such having a balance attack on offense, putting up 48 points and almost 500 yards of offense.  But man oh man, there was a lot of bad.  Three turnovers, one in the red zone if I'm not mistaken.  We could have easily put up 60 on the board. And our defense gave up way too many big plays.  There is no way in jolly green hell we should have given up 37 points to can freaking cun.  We have got to get better on defense."

2. Discuss any news that interested you.

"Not much that interested me this week outside of us getting better as a football team."

3. Talk about your next match up, how do you win this game?

"Honestly, it doesn't matter who we play.  We have the talent to win every game every time we step on the field.  It is just up to us an organization to execute week in and week out.  We win this game easily if we tighten up on defense."


"Coach, outside of the turnovers, our offense was spectacular.  But we have got to get better on defense.  Way too many big plays, I'm going to be talking with Coach Barbour about our scheme and game planning to see if we can make some tweaks.  Outside of that, any cause for concern with London?"



Doss has been slinging it for them offensively, so outside of what you mentioned, I dont see any issues, but obviously stopping the pass is priority 1, 2, and 3.

GM Justin

Alright coach, send in Coach Barbour and let's get this defense figured out.

Coach, glad to have you on board here in DC.  I know it's early in the season, but we've given us some big plays the first two games and I wanted to chat about possibly tweaking the game plan.  It seems like we are playing real soft in the secondary. Is that true?  Are we playing more zone than man?  What's your thoughts thus far?



We do play a conservative style of defense, but we play a pretty balanced mix of zone and man coverages.   We could see what happens if we go with a more balanced mentality over conservative.

GM Justin

Alright coach, let's make that change and see if we see better results.

Kevin Agholor is CB3

Defensive philosophy changed from conservative to balanced.

lock in

GM Justin

Another hard fought victory, but to be honest I'm not happy.  We should not have had to win in the last minute of the game.  Right now we are playing a bend but don't break brand of football and we keep playing with fire.  We torched them on offense for over 500 yards, but we could have done so much more.  We had four turnovers!  FOUR!  We had three last week...that style of football does not win an Impact Bowl.  Our defense on the stat sheet played well, but we're still giving up big plays.  We have got to be disciplined on both sides of the ball.  With that being said, I am proud as hell of how the team battled back and saw things through to the very end and we came out on top.  These type of games will only make us stronger.


Close call there, but in the end its 3-0.

GM Justin

Curious for your thoughts on Meek's interceptions.  Is it just a matter of us throwing so much they are bound to happen, or when you look at game film, was he hurried on those throws or just poor decisions?



I think it's primarily just our volume of passing.  His INT percentage is the same as last year, which is only a tick up from the rest of his career.  I think if he had a touch more gas in the cannon he could avoid some of them but not much we can do to insure he improves his arm strength.

GM Justin

Since we are on the topic...do you think he is our QB of the future? Or should we let him test free agency at the end of the season and we explore our options as well?



I like the kid.  He's set records with us last year and showed he can spread the ball around which I do like; but if you took this same offense and added a top-tier type QB imagine the possibility.   

Bringing him back if we cant find a big fish is fine and dandy, but I think we at least wait and see what is out there.

GM Justin

I agree with you there coach. Alright I'm getting ready to head to Buffalo to do scouting for a week. Let's go ahead and lock in.

lock in


Well, the press will have fun writing whatever they want since we missed the presser, but lets focus on getting back in the win column.

GM Justin

Sorry about that coach, life has been hectic the past few weeks.  We turned the ball over numerous times once again and it finally bit us in the ass.  We have got to be more disciplined and our defense is still pissing me off.  We are better than how we are playing.  I digress...let's get down to business.  Solis looked good filling in for Meek.  I'm of the opinion we start Solis this week and let Meek sit.  Thoughts?


I think you're right.  We let Meek rest and not risk blowing out his arm, also gives us another look at Solis..  We're going to tweak a few things to try to reduce the turnovers and tighten up the defense.

GM Justin

Sounds good, I'll chat with Meek and let him know.

Lolly, can you send in Michael Meek please

Mike, how's the shoulder holding up?  I know you haven't been officially ruled out, but coach and I believe it is best to have you sit out this week to preserve your shoulder and to let it fully heal.



I appreciate you looking out for me. I'll take the week and do everything I can to be back to 100% next week.

GM Justin


Lolly let's lock in.

Hubert Solis is QB1

lock in

GM Justin

1. Talk about the results of your game this week.

"Back in the win column after a hard fought game.  Music City played their butts off...had 7 sacks..and made things difficult for us, but our guys stayed the course.  I'm proud of the rebound from last week's let down."

2. Talk about any news that involves your team.

"Solis did a great job filling in for Meek the past two weeks, especially in his first ever start in the HIFL.  But Meek is our starter and we are glad to have him back.  We all know what I spent to get AMC here and he's been worth every penny thus far.  This offense was designed for him to flourish and that's exactly what he's doing."

3. Talk about any other news if you would like (optional).

"Some big trades just went down.  Curious to see how things shake out."

4. Talk about this week (your upcoming game or bye week plans)

"Big division game against Amsterdam.  They are always a tough game and I don't expect this one to be any less.  Our defense played good this week and if they continue that strong play plus our offense hits on all cylinders we should win this one."

5. Anything else you'd like to discuss?

"I would like to thank you, the press, for great work you all do covering HIFL for us and the fans.  I appreciate you."


Nice win, keeps us in a good spot and we got Meek back at full strength.  Focus shifts to Amsterdam, it would be nice to get to 5-1 and keep setting the pace for the Conference.

GM Justin

It was good to find out that Solis can more than hold his own should anything happen to Meek again.  I would love to beat Amsterdam and GM Bone into the ground.  They have a top 15 defense...how do you think we should attack them? Stick to our current game plan or turn it up a notch in the pass game?


They are under 200 yards allowed per game in the air but 21st against the run. I think we let AMC work as we have been and hope he breaks some big runs early to loosen up the pass defense. 

GM Justin

Sounds good to me.  I'll let you get to work while I check in with a couple guys.

Lolly can you send in Larry Stevens for me?

Larry, how are you captain? Just wanted to touch base with you and see how the defense is feeling? I know we have a lot of new guys and a new coaching staff so wanted to get your take on how things are progressing for you guys?


Coach Barbour is a guy I've always had love for.  Its great having him here.  The defense is coming along we're working to get rid of the big plays and tighten down in some areas, but I trust the process.

GM Justin

Thank you, Larry. I trust in your leadership on the field.

Lolly let's lock in.

Michael Meek is QB1.

lock in

GM Justin

"We got killed by penalties and a lack of production in the red zone and we paid for it.  A sloppy game all the way around."


Well coach, that was a huge let down.  Undisciplined football at its finest.



It was terrible.  I've issued fines to everyone who was penalized for more than 5 yards.  We have to tighten up.    I see we made a move for Hickson, nice addition to help when we run spread or sub.

GM Justin

Yes, it was ridiculous.  I am going to talk to Bobbitt, but I want you to fine him as well.  Throwing your teammates under the bus like that is unacceptable. 

I'm glad you like the Hickson move, I've got another one brewing as well for another receiver, so hopefully I'll have some more good news shortly.  In the meantime, we have New Jersey.  Any changes to our plan of attack or business as usual?



Business as usual, but with a focus on the discipline and tightening up our composure.

GM Justin

Thanks coach, I'm going to handle some business before we lock in.

Lolly can you send in Herbert Bobbitt please.

Good afternoon Herbert, wanted to touch base with you about your comments to the media.  You have been a great addition to the team since you got here and your performance speaks for itself, but throwing your teammates under the bus like you did in the media is not acceptable.  If you have frustrations come to me so we can talk about it and come to a resolution, not air your feelings out to the media like that.  With that being said, the team is going to fine you for conduct detrimental to the team.  Coach Saint will let you know how much the fine will be.