

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:42:14 PM

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They put a bouquet of flowers on our grave before they realized the casket was empty.   Now we make them all pay.

GM Gravedigger

The way the boys have played since the rough start we both know they are ready to make some noise. I don't think a speech is in order just yet, unless you want to do one in the locker room.



Naaaa, I've always been a believer that you treat this like a normal week.

GM Gravedigger

Agreed. Let's get to it...


All decisions by coaching staff




1. Lincoln clearly sent the house early and often, despite having arguably the most imposing pair of tackles in the league, Keenan was still sacked 11 times, do you feel like the right players are on the roster for the interior o-line, or is that an area you must focus on moving forward?

2. KAC finish the season with the second best receiving game in playoff history, talk about his amazing breakout season and what he means to the club.

3. Fatu set a playoff game record for pancakes, is it time to acknowledge him as the best tackle in the league?

4. When you look back at this season, what do you think you'll remember most?


GM Gravedigger

1. Lincoln clearly sent the house early and often, despite having arguably the most imposing pair of tackles in the league, Keenan was still sacked 11 times, do you feel like the right players are on the roster for the interior o-line, or is that an area you must focus on moving forward?

KD was hit early and often in this one. I credit Lincoln's defense for having a great game plan that they executed well. As for our line, we will look at our current unit, along with every other unit on our squad, and make what we feel are the appropriate upgrades throughout our roster.

2. KAC finish the season with the second best receiving game in playoff history, talk about his amazing breakout season and what he means to the club.

At times it felt like I was watching KD to Simon this year. KAC has that kind of talent, and this year he really brought it out. He was tremendous all season, especially in this game. He has an amazing future and will be a key player for this organization for years.

3. Fatu set a playoff game record for pancakes, is it time to acknowledge him as the best tackle in the league?

As far as I'm concerned he has been for quite a while. Will the rest of the league finally acknowledge this? I can't say, but they should...

4. When you look back at this season, what do you think you'll remember most?

Missed opportunities. Too many close calls that didn't go our way. Some great record setting performances, but a lack of consistency. Now we wait for the playoffs to end, and we get back to work...

GM Gravedigger

Let's check in with Coach Tarr


I really thought we were about to go on a run, Coach. Our interior line just shit the bed against Lincoln...



Beat us at our own game.. We were crushing interiors late in the season and when it happened to us, we couldn't hang...

GM Gravedigger

I won't go into personnel specifics/contracts with you, but interior OL will be a priority. I think an upgrade at FS is something I need to look at as well. Ricky could use some consistent help in the middle of the DL as well.

Get some rest, Coach. You earned it after that roller coaster of a season. You must be mentally drained...



The beaches and the bitches make it all worth it..  The break will be a welcome sight my brother.    Lets come back with a vengeance next season.




  Are we going to try to re-sign any free agents or are you ready to close out S17?

GM Gravedigger

Yes, I've been planning but I guess it's time to make the calls.

Can we get Adrian Hagan's representation on the line? I believe it was John Raymond for his initial deal, but it looks like he may be repping himself these days unless his info has changed since our sheet came out to start the year...



GM Gravedigger... I've been waiting for this call. 

GM Gravedigger

Hey, Adrian. Good to talk to you.

Before we get into numbers, I'd like to hear a bit from you about what you're looking for. Is being a Silverback long term a priority, one that might lead you to accept a smaller raise to keep the team as strong as possible? Or might you want the financial respect of being one of the higher paid guys at your position after a tremendous season?

From my side, I'd obviously love to save some money and keep the team around you stronger, but if financial security and the respect of getting the bag is important I'll make it work. The reason I'm asking first is that I don't want to offend you with any offer you feel is insufficient.



An interesting question, what fuels a man?   What motivates him to do the violent things he does?
What sort of mental disorder must one have to willfully turn themselves into a human battering ramp, a torpedo focused on destroying its target at ALL cost.

...A "ticking" time bomb if you will.

Well, for me it's the lamentations of my opponent.  Hearing the sound a quarterback makes when I pummel him face first into the dirt. The sound of air leaving the lungs of a ball carrier when I drive my shoulder through his body and the football pops free.

That being said, I am also a man who likes to control his own destiny, so what I am willing to do right now is sign a one year deal for $22MM.

GM Gravedigger

A man who is willing to play on 1 year deals and prove his dominance year after year is the kind of guy we need. You have a deal.

Do you have any preferences to the salary/bonus split of your contract?


GM Gravedigger

Excellent. Can't wait to see you wreck the opposition again next year. Enjoy the offseason.


Let's get Vernon Sheffield's representation on the line. It's listed as Anthony Campanelli, so that probably means we'll be dealing with Meadow.


I want to keep Vernon here in Oakland. Would a 3 year, $9 million deal with $1 million bonus get it done?



We're looking at Lawrence Bates' $13MM per season, however you want to split it up, but that would get us to sign today.

GM Gravedigger

$13 million is a deal.

Have a nice day, Meadow.


Before we finish up for the moment, I know we owe a fine for missing the press.

Was it just the one fine for $100k? I don't think I was fined twice but I don't want to forget anything...




It was only once, you're right.

GM Gravedigger

Thank you for checking on that.

Now that we have that settled, I think we're ready to move forward...




Hey hey! Here is our team off-season primer.  It shows our current roster (including expired players and coaches but without their contract values) our current draft picks for the next 3 seasons, and our budget.



In the event either of coordinators get an offer for a head coaching position, I'd like to know what the max I'll have in my budget to retain them would be. PM me the figures when you think about it, and if we don't wish to retain them at all, let me know so they don't miss out on an interview out of loyalty when we don't plan to bring them back.



GM Gravedigger

Miss Dossey, I have us with $7.1 million in offseason funds to utilize at this moment, and we're $2.25 million over the bonus cap for next season with our current roster and coaching staff. Do my numbers line up with the official team books?




That matches my numbers, thanks for showing your work and not just asking for my numbers!

GM Gravedigger

When we work as a team we'll accomplish a lot more. Thanks for the help.

I'd like to give Coach Tarr a call.


Coach, sorry to interrupt your vacation. I have a financial proposal for you.

Our bonus pool is currentl over the cap for next year, so here's what I'm thinking. I'd like to give you $4 million out of our offseason bonus money, and in turn lower your regular season salary by $3 million. This will get us under the cap, and you will earn an extra $1 million by the end of next season. Is this something you'd be willing to do?




Hey now, After signing our draft picks we have 21 open roster positions to fill with $14.15MM in salary cap and we are $2.25MM over the bonus cap as you are well aware. We need to add a Punter and a Guard, and then the remaining roster spots are all flexible.  We also have $7.1MM in off-season bonus money remaining as well.

The experts over Pro Football Focus gave us a draft score of 85.4 which was 4th in the league.

If you have any questions, let me know asap.

GM Gravedigger

These are the same numbers that I have. Thank you.

I take it Coach didn't answer my call and I was awkwardly speaking to myself?



...I heard, just had to think on it man.  I don't like having to talk contracts and money when I'm under contract.  So I'm giving up $3MM this year AND next year on my contract and you're giving me $4MM this off-season AND next off-season out of a different budget? is that what you're saying?

GM Gravedigger

I was just thinking this coming year. You get the $4 million right now, and your in-season salary decreases $3 million. It helps us against the cap, and you get an extra $1 million.



The issue is dropping my cap number for this year and not altering next year.  Its easier to do this kind of business when its the last year of a deal.  So I'd drop 3MM off this year, get the $4MM in off-season bonus now, and then add another $3MM to next years deal. Like deferring a car payment to the end of the loan.

GM Gravedigger

I think I can get on board with that, but want to clarify:

You get $4 million offseason bonus right now

Your s18 salary becomes $12 million

Your s19 salary increases to $18 million

Is that your proposal?


GM Gravedigger

That is a fair proposal, and one that I fully accept. I appreciate your willingness to make changes.

GM Gravedigger

Miss Dossey, I'd like to get confirmation on our budget at this point. Thank you.




I have us with 3 roster spots to fill, 3.4MM in salary, 43MM in international bonus, 750K in S18 bonus, and $3.2MM in off-season funds.

GM Gravedigger

Thank you for the update. I had forgotten to add our last two signings to my personal books.


Let's get Amber Molina on the line.


Amber, I'd like to bring QB Jesse Burgess to the Silverbacks. Would he do a 1 year, $1 million deal?


GM Gravedigger

Great, I'll get the paperwork in.


Let's give Steve Rosenhaus a call.


Steve, from what I can tell it looks like RB Julius Robles is available. If I have that right would he come to Oakland for a $500k offseason bonus and a 1 year, $1 million contract?



Jules isn't interested in anything less than $5MM

GM Gravedigger

I thought as much, but figured I'd give it a shot. I hope he finds a squad. Good player.


Let's talk to James T Crain


James, I'd like to bring RB Scott Berg to Oakland. Would be accept a $500k offseason signing bonus and a 1 year, $1 million contract?


GM Gravedigger

Excellent. I'll get the paperwork done ASAP.


Let's get Steve Rosenhaus back on the line.


Steve, I'd like to bring CB Timothy White to Oakland. Would be come to the Silverbacks for a $500k offseason bonus and a 1 year, $1.25 million contract?


GM Gravedigger

Thanks, Steve. I'll get the paperwork in.

GM Gravedigger

Played when the Silverbacks take the field and at the end of Silverbacks' wins

Played at the beginning of the 4th quarter





Hopefully this is the year we put a ring on it!