

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:45:25 PM

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GM Black Death

yeah, Not much I can say coach... I don't think to have much to change on the offense. Maybe on defense, thinking about moving to 4-4, it might be able to max our players.  your thoughts on this?


Big Risk going 8 in the box on every down and leaving 3 DBs on their own, I wouldn't recommend it, personally.

GM Black Death

I see what you're saying, it would rely on us getting to the QB almost every time, leaving DBs unprotected.

you are the coach and if you don't recommend it, I am not going to press any further.

I can not think of anything else that we need to discuss.  Do you have any issues that you want to talk to me about?


No sir, I think at due to turn it around and get the win this week.

GM Black Death

I agree should be able to turn it around this week

Mostly starters

Tempo: fast

Run/pass ratio 50/50

Offense depth chart/strategy:

Offense Strategy  Run/Pass Ratio
1st and 10           60/40
1st and short   70/30
1st and Long   20/80
2nd and short   70/30
2nd and long   20/80
3rd and short   70/30
3rd and long   20/80
4th and short   80/20
4th and long   10/90
goal line           60/40
Last 2 mins (ahead)   80/20
Last 2 mins (behind   20/80

Defense depth chart/ strategy: coaches' decision


GM Black Death

1. Discuss your weeks results

It was a great win, after two weeks of close hard-fought losses. we were able to put up 55 points and win going away. It's hard to pick just one person who deserves the game ball. you had Wharton with 4 TDS. You got Golden with 7 rec. 120 yards and 2 TDS. you got West with 122 yards and td also. You can not forget Ginn with 6 tackles and 2 ints. But push comes to shove I will go with Smoak  19/26 316 yards and 3 TDS with a rating of 152.1. Give him the game ball for this week.  but that does take away from the great work that the whole team did. It was a great playing by everyone. A team win by all.

2. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.

I can understand Robles feeling, but I would not take what has been said with a grain of salt, yeah Robles might see Wharton getting 4 tds. But he knows that it helps us win and winning is the name of the game. so I don't see an issue here, more than likely taking his words out of context. I know Robles is happy for him and happy we got that win.

3. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)

Tucson is up next, top in the division right now, and a measuring stick for us. We need to [rpve that we can hang in the top of the league and getting a win over them will go a long way to prove that we can win in the playoffs and get to the impact bowl.  Our biggest advantage is we can hurt you on offense, either way, it picks your poison with us. we can either throw it all over the field or we can run it down your throat. You might be able to stop one, but you're not going to stop both.  it going to be a statement game for us, announcing the Knights are here and they are here to win.


Big time offense!  That's what I am all about!

GM Black Death

That's what I am talking about coach. Putting up my points than the FBL basketball team. It looks like we are starting to get it together, just need more of that each week and we are going to be a hard team to beat.

Coach, This Robles issue with the touchdowns, is this something that we need to get ahead of before it becomes a bigger problem. right now, it same small, but I am getting a bad feeling, your thoughts on this issue?


I definitely don't appreciate him trying to dictate how we use our personnel, and the fact that Wharton got us 4 TDs shows we made the right calls, Julius is under contract longer, but Wharton has scored 9 TDs to his 1 and his YPC isn't that bad either; we might just need to decide who we want to stick with after this year if ti comes to it, or talk some sense into Julius if that's even possible.

GM Black Death

I agree we might need to make a decision on who we want to keep, I don't think we are going to be able to talk any sense to Robles. He is a young guy, with a lot of talent and they tend to be set in thinking at this age. I have felt it is more about pride than anything else.  I might at least take a shot at having a chat with him about this, but honestly I not expecting much from it.

We got Tucson coming up, do you have any suggestion on how should attack them this week, or should stick to the game plan we've been doing, it has been producing, even if we have gone 1-2 over the last 3 weeks. we have still been putting up points and yardage



Offensively we trust the system, on defense it's tough to say.  They have poor rankings for yardage, but they do score TDs, we need to force field goals.

GM Black Death

Well, coach, if you got any tips or insights that you can pass along to our DC, it would help get a leg up on them this week, I know that your brother is running a similar offense in Tucson.  I don't think anything else we can do at this moment. I going to give Robles one more week before I have a chat with him. We may have to make a move if he does not get his head on right in the upcoming weeks. Let's take out Tucson and make a statement to the league 

Mostly starters

Tempo: fast

Run/pass ratio 50/50

Offense depth chart/strategy:

Offense Strategy  Run/Pass Ratio
1st and 10           60/40
1st and short   70/30
1st and Long   20/80
2nd and short   70/30
2nd and long   20/80
3rd and short   70/30
3rd and long   20/80
4th and short   80/20
4th and long   10/90
goal line           60/40
Last 2 mins (ahead)   80/20
Last 2 mins (behind   20/80

Defense depth chart/ strategy: coaches' decision

Lock in

GM Black Death

1. Discuss your weeks results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?) (if you lost, who needs to step up to prevent another loss?) (if you had a bye-week, discuss a game that caught your eye)

Another win , 2 weeks in a row , starting to hit our strive at the right time ,  if i have to give a game ball it would be our Lb Sammy Davis 4 tackles , 1 sack , 1 int and  1 force fumble . He was everywhere.  there is that saying , Offense wins you games , Defene wins you championships. Great Job by Sammy 

2. Discuss any news that interested you, also what are some of the stats and/or stat leaders that have surprised you at the mid-point of the season?

Kicking is a vital part  of this game to know that I have top Punter in the league is great. I am happy for Jack Mertz . hopfully Louisville can fins there GM for next season quickly with little drama .

3. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week

Miami this week where the heat is on. It does not get any easier in this league , we just going to have to keep working hard and keep playing our game ,   I think we can throw all over the filed on them . but still got that hard nose running to keep them at bay. It going to be a tough game , but what is not tough in HIFL



Big win that shows us we belong... Got to love it.

GM Black Death

Agree that was a statement win, I am happy with the job you done so far. Ok before we talk about the Miami game . Robles did not make much noise this week, he had no TDs, but he did rush more yards.  Your thoughts on moving him the trade deadline is two weeks ... you think this issue can be fix , or should we look to move him before the deadline. I know it slims pickins to be honest , I don't think I could swing type of deal a player like Robles could bring this late into the season.  I am more incline to not do anything for now and wait to see how this plays out going into next season.  if I where to move him that be a better time to do it, plus they make for good one-two punch for our backfield. 



We're better with them than without one of them, if they can co-exist we're fine but we could also play ourselves into a situation where we lose both in the off-season, but youre the GM, I just coach.

GM Black Death

i understand.  Ok ,  We got Miami this week , any sugesstions on how we should attack them , or should we stay the course keep our same game plan, it been working for us so far.


They are well rounded, we just stay the course, I think.

GM Black Death

That sounds good to me coach, I was looking at the stats , were about even with them in a lot of the team stats , give or take few yards here and there.  so we stick with the game plan.  Ok I really don't have much else to say.

Mostly starters

Tempo: fast

Run/pass ratio 50/50

Offense depth chart/strategy:

Offense Strategy  Run/Pass Ratio
1st and 10           60/40
1st and short   70/30
1st and Long   20/80
2nd and short   70/30
2nd and long   20/80
3rd and short   70/30
3rd and long   20/80
4th and short   80/20
4th and long   10/90
goal line           60/40
Last 2 mins (ahead)   80/20
Last 2 mins (behind   20/80

Defense depth chart/ strategy: coaches' decision

Lock in

GM Black Death

1. Discuss your weeks results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?) (if you lost, who needs to step up to prevent another loss?) (if you had a bye-week, discuss what piece of news was most surprising to you)

It was a tough loss, things went bad early in the game and just snowball after that, it was just one of those games where error here and error there, and everything just came apart, We still move the ball but turnovers killed us. Smoak can not have 3 int game if we want to win next week. I am not putting the blame on him, just stating what can not happen. we are going to need to not have turnovers on offense if we want to win.

2. Discuss any news that interested you, what do you make of the recent GM moves around the league? (Cover your news first; then move on)

I am always looking to make moves, I am above moving players out if the right deal comes along, will see what is out there, and will have chat with the staff. I really do not believe that we need to strengthen the WR corps or LB crew at the moment.  But hey, will have to get a second option and examine what has been working for us.

I wish GM Gooch the best, he's a good guy, and I understand when the moves just don't work out, been there, but it's always nice to start fresh. 

3. Rate your teams activity level this week when it comes to the Trade deadline, should fans have their notifications on for a big deal, or is it likely to be quiet?

moderate to be honest, I like where the team is at, I know we are coming off tough loss , but this team has been laying other teams tough. not sure I want to mess with anything else at the moment. but again not going to dismiss offers and not make any moves if the right type of package comes along.  Phone lines are open , always

4. How safe do you feel you are right now, is your job secure?

I believe my job is secure

5. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)

Bama coming into town, it never gets easy in the HILF, a top team in the East for the last few years, and still a team to beat this season. I still think our Offense is better than we showed last week and think we can take advantage of Bama's Defense, there not the same Defense we have seen the last couple of seasons and we can exploit some matches in the secondary. It going to be another statement game for us.

GM Black Death

Coach, it was a tough loss,  just was not our day. but we got to put it behind us, Bama is coming to town.  with the trade deadline coming up. Do you have any suggestions on areas on offense we need to strengthen before we make a push for the playoffs?


I think we're pretty well off overall on offense, we could use a receiver if one fell in our lap maybe, but even then, its hard to know if a guy is an upgrade for sure.

GM Black Death

I was thinking the same thing,   hold on one moment Coach, let me get Coach Steven McElroy in here I have the same question about the defense I want to ask him.  So hang out for a moment,  let me talk to him real fast and then we can get to game-planning how we can beat Bama?

Maggie, get me Coach Steven McElroy please , I need to speak to him

Coach McElroy, With the Trade Deadline coming up, is there any area of the Defense you feel we need to strengthen before we make that push for the Playoffs?


I think Corner is our biggest need right now.

GM Black Death

That makes sense coach, we got Botts and Gantt, but the drop-off after that talent-wise is glaring. We will see if we can make up the gap.


GM Black Death

Thank you for your time Coach McElroy. 

Maggie, can you get Amber Molina on the phone, I need to talk to her for a moment.

Miss Molina,  David Wharton has played his butt off so far and I am interested in keeping him on going into next season and beyond. What I want to know is what's your client's price for a new deal starting next season?


We'd do 2 years at $10.5MM per year. With incentives for 1200 yards and 1500 yards adding 2MM and 3MM respectively  for hitting those markers.

GM Black Death

sounds like we got a deal.  Thank you so much for your time.


GM Black Death

Coach Stark, sorry for keeping you waiting, had to handle some of the business. Ok, we got Bama this week. I am not sure how we should attack them this week, Do You have any suggestions on the game plan?



We run it and hope their run D is as weak as it has looked all year; we can throw when needed, Im not saying we go extreme, but we definitely want to establish the run early and avoid them taking a big lead to force us into passing and deal with their elite pass rush.

GM Black Death

So we lean on the run, a little bit more this game, sounds good to me. Also, I pick up Grover from Vegas to help our WR corps, where do you think we should place him on the depth chart, he might make a good WR3 or WR4.



He can be our WR2 when we put West in the slot for sure, solid pick up for a rental veteran to help us make some plays.

GM Black Death

sounds good, let's win this game and start our march toward the playoffs

Mostly starters

Tempo: fast

Run/pass ratio 60/40

Offense depth chart/strategy:

Offense Strategy  Run/Pass Ratio
1st and 10           60/40
1st and short   70/30
1st and Long   20/80
2nd and short   70/30
2nd and long   20/80
3rd and short   70/30
3rd and long   20/80
4th and short   80/20
4th and long   10/90
goal line           60/40
Last 2 mins (ahead)   80/20
Last 2 mins (behind   20/80

WR Depth Chart
WR1  Herny Golden
WR2  Matthew Grover
WR3  Eric West
WR4  Tim Collier
WR5  Alexander Sandoval
WR6  Sterling Sampson

Defense depth chart/ strategy: coaches' decision

Lock in

GM Black Death

1. Discuss your week's results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?) (if you lost, who needs to step up to prevent another loss?) (if you had a bye-week, discuss what piece of news was most surprising to you)

it was a tough loss, we play hard and it came down to a couple of mistakes in the red zone that cost at least 14 points, we don't make those mistakes we win that game. but that is the nature of every game, some times those calls don't go your way, and sometimes the ball bounces right not left. can not dwell on the what if's. all we can do is correct the errors and not let them happen in the next game.

2. Discuss any news that interested you. (Cover your news first; then move on)

people can speculate all they want, I feel Wharton has done a great job this season and earned himself a new deal. that is the end of the story. People can speculate all they want, still got this season to finish, next season will take care of itself. 

3. With the trade deadline in the rear view, what move surprised you the most?

Gm Gooch getting traded to Louisville was a shocking move for me,  very surprising, and something I did not see

4. Tell us a player on offense and defense you want to see more from in the second half of the season.

Are new WR pick up from Vegas Matthew Grover, I feel adding him to this already strong WR Corps will help our offense add more points. he makes a great one-two punch team up with Henry Golden. going to putting up more points on the board than a FBL team 

On defense. I would to see more of Jesse Ginn in the second half of the season.  one of the top SS in the league and does not get talked about like he should be. I think the time is now for him to make some noise in this second half of the season

5. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)

well, we got Dallas up next, it's that time again for the best rivalry in sports. Battle for Texas  Governor's Belt Buckle is up for grabs and San Antonio is looking to bring it back home where it belongs.  I feel we are the better team in all three phases of the game offense, defense, and special teams.  I feel Dallas can not stop our offense attack we can either attack them from the air or run you off the field. Our  Defence is going to keep them in check.  Dallas is  going to run out of gas by the end of the game and we are going to walk away as the winners and bring the Buckle back to San Antonio


"What do you make of the San Antonio fans who vandalized GM Strike's home ahead of the rivalry game?"

GM Black Death

I understand why they did it, but we the San Antonino Knights do not condone that type of behavior. We have some of the best most passionate fans in the world, they love their team and the team loves the fans back. I know Gm Strike did a scummy move, he left this team suddenly without a word, like who does that, I can see why the fans would be upset. Hell, he comes back to the cross-state rivals. They hated Dallas Mariachis. I can see people being quite upset with that wanting to show their anger.   

We want them to express their fandom in the best way, the most positive way that they can. you know tailgate, painting your faces, painting their cars in team colors, putting the team uniforms on their pets. buying all the San Antonio Knights stuff that they can,  things like that. 

We do not vandalize Gm Strike houses with paint the colors of the Knights, slash his car tires, or throw garbage over his yard, it's just not something that our fans should do...ever 

I want our fans to know that Gm Strike leaving was the best thing that happens to San Antonio Knights. because it brought me to the team. We are going to win that Belt buckle back and show them who the best team in Texas really is.

So to recap, please refrain from those types of negative actions.  that is not the right way to show your support. Coming out to the games, buying the team merchandise ... cheering for your beloved San Antonio knights is the right way.  Go, Knights   


Big week against Dallas.  This rivalry goes off two out of the next three weeks, so winning at least one is critical, but winning both would be HUGE.

GM Black Death

It would be huge,  I feel we got the team this year to take them out both times, Any suggestions on changes to the game plan, I think we should move to more of a passing attack this week?



If that's how you want to go, I'm fine.  They've got  the 15th ranked pass Defense and only the 29th ranked run defense, but we pass better than we run, so maybe it works?

GM Black Death

I see what your saying coach, it would be smarter to work the run on them, no problem. do you have any other issues that we need to address before we lock in for this week?


GM Black Death

sounds good, let go get that Belt Buckle and bring it back home

Mostly starters

Tempo: fast

Run/pass ratio 60/40

Offense depth chart/strategy:

Offense Strategy  Run/Pass Ratio
1st and 10           60/40
1st and short   70/30
1st and Long   20/80
2nd and short   70/30
2nd and long   20/80
3rd and short   70/30
3rd and long   20/80
4th and short   80/20
4th and long   10/90
goal line           60/40
Last 2 mins (ahead)   80/20
Last 2 mins (behind   20/80

WR Depth Chart
WR1  Herny Golden
WR2  Matthew Grover
WR3  Eric West
WR4  Tim Collier
WR5  Alexander Sandoval
WR6  Sterling Sampson

Defense depth chart/ strategy: coaches' decision

Lock in

GM Black Death

1. Discuss this past week.

We should've won the game; moving the ball was easy, but we could not get into the end zone, the points were right there for the taking, and we did not capitalize on those opportunities.  and it cost us the victory and the belt buckle. The only saving grace is we get another shot at them in a few weeks so that we can get it back. but going to need to stop the bleeding.

2. Discuss any news that interested you. (Cover your news first; then move on)

Smoak is right, going to need a few people to step up, this is a playoff team, we have some of the best players in the league and we showed we can play and beat anyone, but the last few weeks we have been our own worst enemy and beaten ourselves.  The playoffs are right there and we are letting it slip away.

3. Talk about your plans for this week.

Pearl Harbor is next, this is a must-win, we got to limit our mistakes and go out and play the way we can play.  meaning moving the ball and getting into the end zone.  need to stop setting for field goals and need touchdowns.

GM Black Death

Coach, I don't have much to say, there have been too many damn mistakes the last few weeks, you got any suggestions to see if we can stem this tide of errors that same to wash over us the last few weeks?



Tough loss, especially against a bitter rival.



I think we should let Smoak air it out more.

GM Black Death

I agree,  we are getting down to the nitty-gritty, time to open it up., Let's get Golden some extra treatment and rest this week so he can be ready for the Dallas rematch in two weeks.

well, don't think there is anything we can do.  Let's lock-in and see if we can get this win from Pearl Harbor

Mostly starters

Tempo: fast

Run/pass ratio 40/60

Offense depth chart/strategy:

Offense Strategy  Run/Pass Ratio
1st and 10           60/40
1st and short   70/30
1st and Long   20/80
2nd and short   70/30
2nd and long   20/80
3rd and short   70/30
3rd and long   20/80
4th and short   80/20
4th and long   10/90
goal line           60/40
Last 2 mins (ahead)   80/20
Last 2 mins (behind   20/80

WR Depth Chart
WR1  Herny Golden
WR2  Matthew Grover
WR3  Eric West
WR4  Tim Collier
WR5  Alexander Sandoval
WR6  Sterling Sampson

Defense depth chart/ strategy: coaches' decision

Lock in


Hey boss, I heard you've been dealing with a lot, don't sweat the media this week; just let me know if you want to make any changes before the lock in for Dallas.