

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:45:25 PM

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Team Information
City: San Antonio, Texas
Conference:  Western
Division: South West
Team Owner: Lance Alloutte
Team Secretary: Maggie Dame

Official Colors:

Grey (#867875)
Blue (#005083)
Orange (#F56600)

Team History:
The San Antonio Knights are an expansion team in the HIFL for season 6. The Knights are owned by Lance Alloutte, a French native who made his money selling mid eval artifacts. 

Mr. Alloutte is not familiar with the game of football, but is looking for a successful money making venture and sees the HIFL as a booming market.  General Managers will be expected to consistently improve the franchise to increase revenue.

Season 6: 4-12 [GM Gravedigger]
Season 7: 5-11 [GM Gravedigger]
Season 8: 9-7 [GM Gravedigger]
Season 9: 10-5-1 [GM Gravedigger]
Season 10: 13-3-0 [GM Gravedigger]
Season 11: 14-2-0 [GM Gravedigger]
Season 12: 13-3-0 [GM Gravedigger]
Season 13: 9-7-0 [GM Gravedigger]
Season 14: 6-10-0 [GM Black Death]
Season 15: 5-11-0 [GM Black Death]
Season 16: 4-12-0 [GM Black Death]
Season 17: [GM Black Death]

Playoff Appearances:
Season 8: 0-1 (Divisional Round)
Season 9: 0-1 (Divisional Round)
Season 10: 0-1 (Divisional Round)
Season 11: 3-0 (Impact Bowl Champions)
Season 12: 2-1 (Impact Bowl Runner Up)
Season 13: 0-1 (Wild Card Round)

11 - GM Black Death



Training Camp      
Henry Golden   Hands   
Joesph Grubb   Run Blocking   
Mel Briggs   Pass Blocking   
Jose Winchester   Pass Blocking   
Samuel Slack   Speed   
Wilfredo Barrera   Endurance/Conditioning   
Forrest Jackson   Tackling   
Bryan Iverson   Tackling

Caleb Smoak
Julius Robles
Lester Fischer
Jeffrey Harlow
Wilfredo Barrera
Jarvis Botts



QB1   Caleb Smoak       
QB2   Danny Hoak
QB3   Robert Price

RB1   Julius Robles
RB2   David Wharton
RB3   Prince Fournette

FB1    David Sutton

TE1   Paul Jordon
TE2   Joesph Grubb

WR1   Henry Golden
WR2   Eric West
WR3   Tim Collier
WR4   Alexander Sandoval
WR5   Sterling Sampson

GR1   Jose Winchester
GL1   Dwight Bell
G3   Aaron McCloskey
   Artorian Westerlund-PS

C1   Lester Fischer
C2   Cruz Cohen

TL1   Stefan Elkins
TR1   Mel Briggs
TL2   Elijah Gale
TR2   David Fusco
   Laki Schuster-PS


DT1   Forrest Jackson
DT2   Russell Lane
DT3   William Coleman
DT4   James Gurley

DE1   Jeffrey Harlow
DE2   Robert Simmons
DE3   Mark Berg
DE4   Eddie Larsen
DE5   Lonnie Spooner
   Marcus Maiava-PS

LB1   Wilfredo Barrera
LB2   Nelson Lai
LB3   Sammy Davis
LB4   James Brown
LB5   William Jones
LB6   Bryan Iverson

CB1   Jarvis Botts
CB2   Hubert Gantt
CB3   John Jones
CB4   Pierre Goodin
CB5   Derek Metcalf
CB6   Irvin Carlisle

FS1   Jonathan Albertson
FS2   Samuel Slack
FS3   John J. Smith
FS4   Benny Gates
FS5   Mark Sandoval

SS1   Jesse Ginn
SS2   Edward Sparks


K   Bambi Ortiz

P    Jack Metz

KR1   Jesse Ginn
KR2   Prince Fournette
KR3    Pierre Goodin

PR1   Jarvis Botts
PR2   Jesse Ginn
PR3    Pierre Goodin

OFFENSE -Coaches Decision on All      
Attitude: Conservative, Balanced, Aggressive      
Focus: Run, Balanced, Pass      
Tempo: Very Slow, Slow, Normal, Fast, Very Fast      
Passing Focus: Short, Medium, Long, Balanced      
Pass To: Balanced, Outside, Over Middle, Tight Ends, Running Backs      
Primary Receiver: List #1 target      
Running Focus: Inside, Outside, Draw, Power, 3WR-Sets, Balanced      
Running Backs: Running, Blocking, Catching, Balanced      
Backfield Focus: Committee, Bell Cow      
Tight End Focus: Blocking, Catching, Mixed      
DEFENSE -Coaches Decision on All      
Attitude: Conservative, Balanced, Aggressive      
Focus: Run, Balanced, Pass      
Primary Coverage: Man, Zone, Mixed      
D-Line Focus: Run Support, Balanced, Pass Rush      
Linebacker Focus: Run Support, Balanced, Coverage      
Player Radio: Choose a LB or FS/SS      
Match CBs to WRs?: Yes or No      
Playing Time: Mostly Starters      
1. Linkin Park - Numb But It's Party Rock Anthem By LMFAO      
Played when the Knights enter the stadium Pre-Game      
2. I Need You to Hurry Up (Dua Lupa VS Kanye West)      
When a team scores a touchdown and the offense takes the field      
3. Blacklight - Wiz Khalifa vs. Fall Out Boy      
Played each time the Knights defense take the field and on crucial 3rd or 4th down plays on defense      
4. Everybody's Victorious - Backstreet Boys vs. Panic! At The Disco      
Plays at the end of the game after a win      

Lock In

GM Black Death

1. Welcome back, lets talk off-season.  What was your off-season like, what was your biggest addition to your team, and who is someone you wish you didn't lose?

It felt great to be back for a full off-season, I did not get a chance when I came in to actually do an off-season, it was just a tail end of it and I was playing catch up the whole time.  With a whole new season comes a whole new coaching staff and a new direction we need to take the team and felt that I did a good job getting the players needed to fit those new philosophies. The biggest addition was adding Jeffery Harlow at the defensive end. one of the biggest problems the defensive had last season was no QB pressure. Harlow going to help change that. It was a tough decision to let Simon go, but some tough choices have to be made if we want to improve and get better. In the end, I feel we are on the right track to return to the Impact Bowl.

2. Take us back to Draft Day, what lead to you taking the player you took with your first pick?

Forrest Jackson has all the tools to be a top D-lineman in this league. He is sneaky quick and really strong. If you watch his game film he is never the same tired out there. A great addition to this much-improved defense.

3. Coming out of Training Camp who is the player you wish you would have seen on your "most improved list" that you didn't see?

I don't really know, everyone really same to have gained a lot from this training camp. if I had to really answer your question I would have liked to see more from Lester Fischer, I brought him back because I like his work last season. I expect him to do good work this season.

4. If you were to improve one position on your team with a trade before the season starts, what position do you target, and are you looking to trade picks or players to get a deal done?

I am pretty happy with what I see at the moment. but if I wanted to make improvements to just one position, it would be cornerback depth. We are solid with Botts and Gantt, but behind the same to be a drop-off in talent. don't get me wrong. I like what we got there, but if there was a place that needed to be sure up before the season started I would start there. would work a combination of picks and players to see if could make it better. As my fellow GMs know about me,  I am always open to discussion

5. How many wins should your fan base expect this year, realistically what should fans expect to see?

The fans should expect 10 wins from the team this season. That is what I am expecting also.  They're going to see a high-powered offense and stiff defense from this San Antonio team this season.


Hey boss, first time in the big seat, so let me know what you want to go over.

GM Black Death

I don't think there is much we need to go over at this moment. training camp report pretty much sums up everything. Any player problems that I need to know about right now?


Nothing major that I've seen..  I know Sammy Davis is considering retirement after this season, he's 35 and has had a good full career, but beyond that, no concerns. 

GM Black Death

sounds good, just need to make the depth chart changes to who will be doing the kickoff and punt returns, and then we should be ready to go   


If you're asking me, I'd go with West, Goodin, Albertson, or Sandoval with West being my #1 option followed by Goodin.

GM Black Death

those sound like good choices to me, but will make one change, West as the number 1 option, Goodin as number 2 option and move Prince Fournette as the number 3 option. That for kick-off returns will change it up for punt returns.

that about it coach I don't really have much else to talk about. I would like to get a game under our belt and see how this new team plays out before we can go more in-depth with any changes or moves that have to be made overall

so make these changes to the depth chart.

Kick-off Return
KR1   Eric West
KR2   Pierre Goodin
KR3    Prince Fournette

Punt Return
PR1   Eric West
PR2   Prince Fournette
PR3    Pierre Goodin

also, I just thought of a question, our run to pass ratio, what would you recommend we go with this season, I am thinking 40 run percent and 60 pass percent. How does that sound to you coach? do you have another number in mind ?


That's fine with me. I lean more on the pass especially with my background coming out of Texas Tech, but I don't think anyone can go TOO heavy in one direction, 40/60 is a good starting point and we can adjust from there.

GM Black Death

Sounds good, that all I really need, let lock-in and get this season started

Mostly starters

Tempo: normal

Run/pass ratio 40/60

Offense depth chart/strategy: coaches decision

Defense depth chart/ strategy: coaches decision

Lock in

GM Black Death

1. Discuss your week 1 results, what were you happy with, what were you disappointed with?

It was not a bad start. overall stat-wise, good play by the defense, I love our overall rushing attack but looks like we need to work on our passing attack, but that could be the great play of the Orlando defense. but it good starts, it is something we build upon without a pre-season this team is going to have to hit the ground running, the season is a marathon, not a sprint. so we are going to build upon the good things that happen in-game moving forward.

2. How do you feel about not having pre-season this year?

I miss the preseason, it was a good way to get get a feeling for what team you have and get them to gel a little faster. but it is what it is.

3. What did you think of Alejandro McGhee's comments about the Bay Area Sea Lions being able to beat any HIFL club?

It's a stunt, trying to drum up some publicity and get some ink. I laugh at this statement. if he really thinks that is true, he can put up or shut up

4. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team-specific news address it first.

interesting question about the Orlando QB getting hurt. Were there injuries that were not disclosed or more than likely this is a different level when what the french player is used to and got hurt? He going to need to adjust and get tougher if he wants to be in this league for a long time

5. Discuss your next opponent and game.   How likely do you feel your team is to win this contest?

Salt Lake is next on the list. Going to need to get the pass rush going and get more Qb hurries, sacks to disturb their passing attack, based on the stats in the last game they are a pass-heavy offense, and we going to need to disturb that to be able to get the win.


I expected to move the ball better through the air this week, chalk it up to a strong Orlando secondary, I'd say.

GM Black Death

I agree the team looks decent, In that 2 quarter we spotted them 21 points and that was enough for them to hold on.

Right now I don't think we need to make any changes to the personal. is there anything that you can suggest coach, or do you think we need more games under our belt before we do any tweaking at this moment?



Ive always believed you need 3-4 games before you make big changes unless you see something just flat out terrible right away.

GM Black Death

sounds good, 

I do have a question, do you think the offensive would benefit if we move to a more up-tempo pace? I think with your offensive system, going at a faster pace will get the opposing defense on the back foot and off-balance   



If the offense is humming, it would help, but if we're struggling it just rushes us off of the field.

GM Black Death

It's worth a shot. let try it out and see how it goes.

let make some changes to the depth chart

Kick-off Return
KR1   Eric West
KR2   Pierre Goodin
KR3    Prince Fournette

Punt Return
PR1   Eric West
PR2   Prince Fournette
PR3    Pierre Goodin

Mostly starters

Tempo: fast

Run/pass ratio 40/60

Offense depth chart/strategy: coaches decision

Defense depth chart/ strategy: coaches decision

Lock in

GM Black Death

1. Discuss your week 2 results, what were you happy with, what were you disappointed with?

We got the win, very happy, no sack allowed by our o-line and defense getting 4 sacks. It was a good win by us.  I was not disappointed by anything in this game.

2. After two weeks do you feel your team is where you thought they would be, if not what is the biggest area of improvement needed?

It is in a good spot, but it is hard to know what this team is going to be like after only two weeks. but I like what I see right now and I hope we can improve as the season goes on and get better.

3. Are you happy with the play of your quarterback so far? Where do you rank him across the league's 32 starters?

I am happy with the play.  ranking him, only after two games doesn't make sense for me, not much of a sample to base a ranking on. ask me again in a few weeks.

4. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team-specific news address it first.

Interesting Crowns with the Sleep Apnea study. might be something to look into with my team.

5. Discuss your next opponent and game.   Where is your biggest advantage?

got Las Vegas next,  first divisional game.  if we can take advantage of the passing game and open it up downfield. our defense needs to cut down on the big plays from Vegas and will win this game


I'll show you exactly where you should rank me this week, man.. No doubt about it in my mind.

GM Black Death

That is what I want to hear.



I just wish our offensive line had guys who were better in the pass protection game than in the run blocking game, but since that is the case, we might want to consider running the ball early on in the down and distance to try to maximize what we've got.

GM Black Death

Sounds goods, will discuss it with the coach,  you got any other suggestions that you feel will help improve this team while you are here in front of me?



Na that's all I've got, man.

GM Black Death

That's good, thank you for coming in and I am looking forward to you showing me and everyone else what you can do in this upcoming game. Give them hell.

Maggie can get me, Coach Stark

Coach, I just had a chat with our Starting QB Smoak, and he seems like he is fired up, ready to prove himself this week. He also made a suggestion that think is very good and I wanted to run it past you. From what I can see from our two games we same to be a better run team than passing at this moment. Our O-line same to be better at run blocking than pass block and Smoak same to think we need to maximum that, by running more often. I agree with him. We should try to run to pass, if we can get the run game going it going to open up the passing game in the latter stages of the game. plus it also going to save Smoak from getting hit too much.  I want to hear your thoughts on this Coach?



I mean, in reality Coach McCarthy and I are two of the heavy passing coaches in the entire league and we're running an offense together, but I guess in retrospect, and older QB like Smoak is a guy who needs to back it down a few notches...

We really should consider a young gunslinger with a cannon for an arm for our offense going forward, but yeah for now we can make some adjustments and run more I guess.. just specify the ratio(s) when we lock in.

GM Black Death

I totally understand what you are saying coach, that QB  conversation is something that you and I are going to have to have in the future going into the next offseason. Right now we will deal with the hand that is dealt us. 

Also what is the  411 on Golden, injury reports a sniff neck for him. is it serious now we should consider sitting him for a game and letting him get healthy. I don't want to risk him too early this season, We are going to need him in the latter half of the year.  Your opinion on this is it worth a risk just letting him play through it or should we rest him?



If he gets the all clear from the medical team he shouldn't be at risk of further injury, so we should be okay to just see what they say.

GM Black Death

sounds good, I will leave in the hands of our medical staff.

Think that all we need to talk about this week

Mostly starters

Tempo: fast

Run/pass ratio 50/50

Offense depth chart/strategy:

Offense Strategy  Run/Pass Ratio
1st and 10           60/40
1st and short   70/30
1st and Long   20/80
2nd and short   70/30
2nd and long   20/80
3rd and short   70/30
3rd and long   20/80
4th and short   80/20
4th and long   10/90
goal line           60/40
Last 2 mins (ahead)   80/20
Last 2 mins (behind   20/80

Defense depth chart/ strategy: coaches decision

Lock in

GM Black Death

1. Discuss your week 3 results, what were you happy with, what were you disappointed with?

An overtime win over a divisional rival. I am very happy with the results this week. I am happy with the nice balance of run and pass the offensive was able to provide.  The great play of the defense throughout the game.  The only disappointment would be too many penalties, going to need to cut back on that in the future.

2. Have you and your coach made any major adjustments so far this season, if not do you feel you need to after this week?

Nothing at this moment, there have only been three games. after a few more weeks, the coach and I will have another look at the team and see if there any change needs to be made.

3. The league has discussed a potential league-sponsored event to give free agent offensive linemen the chance to showcase themselves to HIFL teams, what do you think of this idea?

I am all for it, any chance to find new or re-discover talent is a good thing.

4. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.

I wish GM Gator all the luck in the future with his partnership. He will be missed.

5. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is something about that team that you wish you could emulate?

Being that we have a bye week coming up. just an extra week to get rested, but to answer the latter half of your question, coming out of the bye week, we got Rapid City and they lead the league in pancake blocks. I would love for my o-line to emulate that.


Big win and an extra week to let us enjoy it a little bit.. Nice start to the season for us.   Any business this week?

GM Black Death

I can not think of anything at this moment. I say we go light this week, let them rest and we come back next week and get ready for Rapid City.  How does that sound to you Coach?



I think the team will enjoy the break, even this early in the season.

GM Black Death

GM Black Death

2. One quarter of the way through the season, has your team played up to expectations?

They play well, 2-1 after 4 weeks is great. They are playing well and I can see that they are getting better week after week.  I am happy so far with the team play

3. Do you see yourself attending the HIFL's Offensive Lineman Open House?

Yes, Always looking for new talent. It going to be fun.

4. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.

just little worry about the "revolutionary" injury recovery and prevention treatments that are being offered by Bill Silverberg. I am not saying what he is offering is a bad thing, but I am concerned about something that has the revolutionary attached to it, just raises red flags for me, I could be wrong about it. I am just letting voicing my thoughts.

5. Grade your coaching staff so far through the first quarter of the season, have they lived up to your expectations?

A...For me, I have nothing to complain about my coaching staff. They have done a great job so far.

6. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is something about that team that you wish you could emulate?

Rapid City is the next game,  I believe that you ask this same question before and I will give you the same answer that I did last week. RC o-line is at the top of the league in pancake blocks and I would love for my team's o-line to emulate that this week and moving forward.


Our bye week went well. I think having an extra week to try to prep for that explosive Rapid City offense was good.   

Anything you want us to focus on going forward?

GM Black Death

Well, I can not think of anything at this moment, Do you have any suggestions on what we as a team need to focus on right now.



Well, we're dead last in points per game, so I think trying to score more to take advantage of our 2nd ranked defense would be best.

GM Black Death

Yeah, that sounds like something we need to focus on, against RC, do you think we need to open up the passing game against them, test their secondary, and threw it downfield more. We turn this game into a shootout and put our defense against their offense. I feel our defense can hold them. Your thoughts on this Coach?


It might be a good week to try it, they have one of the lowest ranked defenses, so we could find success in all phases.

GM Black Death

sounds good let's open up the passing game on them

Mostly starters

Tempo: fast

Run/pass ratio 30/70

Offense depth chart/strategy: coaches decision

Defense depth chart/ strategy: coaches decision

Lock in

GM Black Death

1. Discuss your week 5 results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?) (if you lost, who needs to step up to prevent another loss?) (if you had a bye-week, discuss a game that caught your eye)

it was a tough game we took them to overtime, but we were unable to get that win. I have nothing negative to say about this team, they play their butts off. a couple of breaks here and there and we win this. the person that needs to step up is me, my job is to find the right gameplan that we can use so we can maximize the talent that we have on both sides of the ball.  That loss was not on the team it was on me.  I am going to do better to make sure that does not happen again

2. What does your team need most in terms of improvement?

I don't know how to answer that one, we only had one really bad loss so far, and think that has to do with the new team getting to know each other and opening day jitters.  still little too early to say we need to improve at this or that. I will revisit that in a few more games and see what moves have to be done before that deadline if need be. Stick a pin in that question

3. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.

Bad breaks in vegas right now, maybe it is just a chemistry issue and a rash of injuries that messing with them at the moment. I am sure I am only saying what the other gms in my division are thinking, we are a little bit happy to see them stumble after a few years of being on top. but if anyone can right the ship it GM Metro,  It hard to count him out

4. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)

Lincoln is up next they are coming off a bye week after taking their first loss of the season, so that means they are going to be rested and ready to go. They are a good mixture of run and pass , but think we can hold them with our defense and be able to control the time of possession and keep that offese off the field and wear their defense down.

GM Black Death

Coach, I am sorry I take full blame for this should have stuck to the other gameplan from a few weeks ago, I would have worked better against them. That being said I believe we can run on Lincoln this week, your thoughts?


They are 7th in run defense, so it wont be a cake walk, but if we can get a balanced attack going it would improve our odds, to say the least.


Hello GM BD, this is Kate with the league office... unfortunately this is not a social call.

I was running the numbers and your latest transaction, signing Mr. Stanley has put your team over the salary cap by $700K

As a result, the league must fine you $5MM this season and next, and for the remainder of this season you will be forced to forfeit a roster spot.

That being said, you must clear $5.7MM in salary cap and open one roster spot before locking in for this week.    As always, the league will allow you to utilize next off-season's amnesty clause to help facilitate the move(s) you need to make in order to be in compliance. 

If you have any questions, please let me know.   Thank you.

GM Black Death

Now that business is out of the way.  I agree with you coach, A balanced attack would make our odds better, I believe that we have improved our O-line to be able to do so.  Do you have anything else you need to speak to me about coach before we get this thing locked in?


GM Black Death

sounds good, let's get another win coach

Mostly starters

Tempo: fast

Run/pass ratio 50/50

Offense depth chart/strategy:

Offense Strategy  Run/Pass Ratio
1st and 10           60/40
1st and short   70/30
1st and Long   20/80
2nd and short   70/30
2nd and long   20/80
3rd and short   70/30
3rd and long   20/80
4th and short   80/20
4th and long   10/90
goal line           60/40
Last 2 mins (ahead)   80/20
Last 2 mins (behind   20/80

Defense depth chart/ strategy: coaches decision


GM Black Death

1. Discuss your week 6 results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?) (if you lost, who needs to step up to prevent another loss?) (if you had a bye-week, discuss a game that caught your eye)

Lincoln is a good team and it was a hard-fought tough game that came down to the wire,  I really don't hold anyone responsible for what happened. There were a few calls here and there if they had gone our way we would have pulled off the win.  Sometimes it is just the way things go. If we keep playing with that same effort every game, 9 times out of 10 we are going to win.

2. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.

interesting is the money more important than a world cup. Hard decision

3. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)

well, we got Cancun next.  Not really much to say, we just need to keep playing like we did the last few weeks and we should be able to pull off the win. Ball control offense and suffocating defense and we will be fine.



Man, another week with a crushing late game score.. we had them on the ropes, just didnt close out.