

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:18:11 PM

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GM Lucas

I'm thinking this is the worst time possible to start playing WACK-FUCK, So instead, let's go with Petrovic as primary LB Back up. Thanks for hearing me out.

(Lucas notices GM Rinaldi on ESPN giving speaking at the his presser. Lucas grabs the Remote and puts up the volume as the coaches are sitting in the room)

That being said, our focus is now on the Vancouver Wolfpack and we are out for revenge. If you can remember earlier in the season, Vancouver absolutely obliterated us. But that was early in the season, before we had made our moves. It was before our starting QB had gotten his feet wet and gotten a feel of the pro game. I don't expect a similar result this week. I expect us to give Vancouver all it can handle, and I expect us to win.

If we do send Vancouver home, I am kindly asking that I be allowed to view the meeting between GM Lucas and his owner so I can see how he explains going so far over the cap and delivering NOTHING."

(Lucas looks at the coaches watching the presser. He nods with a smirk)

This is what we are playing gentlemen. I Hope the guys are watching this in the locker room?...(He looks back as GM Rinaldi finishes his presser and hits mute) So tell me gentlemen, how are we gonna answer this?


Depth Chart
MLB1- Morris Jackson
MLB2- Jarod Jordan, Djokovic Petrovic, Wesley Moody Frederick Blackwell

ROLB1- Jarod Jordan
ROLB2- Djokovic Petrovic, Wesley Moody, Frederick Blackwell

LOLB1- Leland Creamer
LOLB2- Jarod Jordan, Djokovic Petrovic, Wesley Moody, Frederick Blackwell

Offense play calling and depth chart same as last week (OC Brad Rogers)


GM Lucas

 Talk about your wildcard game, how does it feel to advance to the Divisional round?
It was a hell of a game and I'm glad I'm on this side of it, I can only imagine with all GM Rinaldi did to go all in what he's now gonna have to tell his owner why he has nothing to show for it. that aside, I'm extremely proud and happy for what we were able to do, our first playoff game resulted in our first playoff victory and I know everyone associated with the Wolfpack is having a good time right now. Plenty of guys stepped up when we needed it and that is the difference between winning and losing in this league. Fantastic job by our LB core who came in with the next man up mentality and really did exceptional. The way they have been playing this season, we know nothing can replace Creamer and Cotter but Jordan coming in with 9 tackles, 1 for a loss, a forced fumble and fumble recovery and Punter Petrovic coming in with two big sacks, a few knockdowns, some punts inside the twenty with on landing at the 1. I mean, those two guys came in and did as good as job as anyone could have asked for, I'm truly impressed by how our team stepped up. From John Young tipping a back of the end zone TD pass to himself to Basham making the games final stop. We came back from 10, took a lead and never gave it up and that says a lot about where we are, we are truly in playoff form and ready for the next challenge.

What is the key to advancing to the Conference Championship?
When you look at the stats, The Pack and the Stars are pretty close, pretty evenly matched, only difference between our two teams is that they play in a horrible division. With that said, you can only play who is on the schedule and they managed to gut out 12 wins and get rewards with a much needed rest to boot. This game has some story lines, one being Maldonado vs Corrales which if that isn't must watch, I don't know what is. I don't have an insightful take about this game to make headlines, the team that wins will be the team that makes fewer mistakes. As boring as that sounds, it will absolutely be the difference.


Gentlemen, congrats on your big win. Now we have to keep it going. Time to bring the pain train to Tucson. Coaches, I'm going to let you prepare because we have a hell of a flight ahead of us. I ahve some business to take care of and then I'll send us off.


Ms Hart, can you get me Mr Creamer and his Agent Mr. Maker on the line please


Gentlemen, I got you both here Mr Maker because Mr. Creamer, has been an absolute staple to this team and a fantastic leader in the locker room. Now as you both know, Mr. Creamer you had a clause that would pay you an extra 2 million for 100 tackles but injuries kept you out and practically stole 2 million from you. Well, while other GM's would secretly be celebrating saving some money, I am not like other GM's and I want to still pay you your 2 million dollar bonus next season. I know I will be pressed against the wall with our budget, but if I do anything right this season and the next I want it to be this, you absolute deserve it. Mr. Creamer.



GM Lucas

Ok gentlemen, now it's game time.


Depth Chart
MLB1- Morris Jackson
MLB2- Jarod Jordan, Djokovic Petrovic, Wesley Moody Frederick Blackwell

ROLB1- Jarod Jordan
ROLB2- Djokovic Petrovic, Wesley Moody, Frederick Blackwell

LOLB1- Leland Creamer
LOLB2- Jarod Jordan, Djokovic Petrovic, Wesley Moody, Frederick Blackwell 

Offense play calling and depth chart same as last week (OC Brad Rogers)


GM Lucas

Talk about the game this week.  What went right and what ultimately went wrong?
First off I would like to thank every man in that locker room for a great season. We fell short of our ultimate goal but we accomplished so much in our journey. (Takes a deep breath) This game was tough, we spent the first half jousting back and fourth and trading field goals. Came out like we have been doing all season in the third quarter, making adjustments and putting up points. What went wrong was exactly what had to go wrong for us to lose, to many turnovers. Turnovers counted for 9 of their points and though our defense did an amazing job holding them to field goals it was the gifts we kept giving them every time we put the ball on the ground or threw an interceptions. Teams that win these games capitalize off of other teams mistakes and unfortunately, we were the team that made the mistakes.

When you look back on this season, where do you think you missed the move that sends you to the Conference championship game?
Not sure I missed any moves. First off I have an amazing coaching staff, when I went to the back and told Buyers I wanted to shift offensive focus and give the reigns back to OC Rogers he absolutely supported the decision because he knew it wasn't about any one person or their ego but about winning. When Corrales and Buyers talked about needing some O-Line help I brought in Beal. When I felt like we needed an absolute studd in our defensive backfield I made the move which I felt then and still feel now was the game changer and brought in Basham. So, I don't think there were better moves I could have done or that I missed out on.

Who was your best player this season?
This ain't fair, sorry, but I'm to much of a fan and of this team and have to much respect for every guy in the back to single out anyone as best player. Each man in purple and gold contributed to our success. You can look at any game and point out 2,3,maybe even 4 guys who just balled out in any game at any given time all season.   

Grade the job you did this season as well as that of your coaching staff.
So, I think I put together the best roster I have ever had, I stayed out of trouble with the fines and I hit every one of the goals my Owner put in front of me. Normally that looks like an A- or A BUT, what makes this loss sting even more is that huge tax bill, so financially we ae up against the wall so that knocks it down so I give myself a B+. I think my coaching staff gets B+/A- , though we always found ways to storm back, we also found ways to give it up at the very end and I just think that has to do with having so much confidence in the scheme and the players that maybe checking down on an audible or adjusting schemes at the end could have been the difference in a few games were we needed either more or less aggressiveness in both our offense and defense.

What is next for you and this club?
I'm saying this now, there will have to be moves made and the Pack will look different next season but I want the fans to know 2 things, I'm not taking any other job and running out on you because we have a high tab, trust me and believe in me to get this up and running. AND! I am going to do my best to make us relevant and competitive again next season. This off season will probably be the toughest since my first year in Atlanta.


Well coaches, Let me stat by saying how extremely proud, excited and sad I am all at once that what started in an expansion draft has turned into this amazing ride but also possibly our last journey together. Coach Buyers and Coach Rogers, both your contracts are up I believe, so the next time we speak, you both will be highly sought after free agents, which we will speak about renewing contracts when the time comes but until then, do either of you have any last thoughts, ideas or request before we go into the off season?



No, but I'm looking forward to making it to the Impact Bowl next year.  We'll chat after the Championship game.


GM Lucas, welcome back to the office... you've got quite the job on your hands eh?

So I currently have us with $23.25MM in available salary cap and $23MM in Bonus funds for S16.  Our bonus may flex depending on how you decide to handle our coaching staff, which currently lacks a head coach.

I have us with 25 open roster positions at this time. 

I have our s16 draft picks as follows:

6th - AMS
7th - OAK

We have all of our own draft picks for S17 minus our first and second round picks; and we have all of our own picks for S18.

We currently own $14.96MM in tax which can be paid from our off-season bonus money or our S16 bonus budget.

Our available off-season bonus money currently is: $1MM ($1MM from your GM Contract + $0 from your S15 budget rollover).

I have our off-season team sheet copy here. Feel free to edit/use it if you would like.  If you have questions or disagree with my notes please let me know and we will get to the bottom of it!

GM Lucas

Thank you, I'll get with the last coach left in our roster,


Coach Frankum, what a season we had. But now we both have some decisions to make. I think we will have enough money to retool and go for it once more. You being the last remaining coach on contract makes you the hands down front runner for our head coaching position. So, if I give you the keys and made you leader of the pack, what coaches would you want to bring in. Now I won't have the funds to bring in 7,8,9 and 10 million dollar coordinators so how do you see us creating this staff. What's your vision? Wanna go coaching pool, young up and comers? Are there big times guys in the college ranks or pro's you are close enough with that would come and play under you for that 4,5,6 million dollar wage?



Asking me to make chicken salad out of chicken shit with our money, huh? 

Well son, I'm not going to lie to you; I need to have a strong offensive staff, it's not my area and I'm not really big on trying to coach it without talent there to do the work; but i can work with a budget defense, I can make that into gold..

GM Lucas

How would you feel if we could bring Rogers back as OC but we might not have a lot left for DC. Are you ok with that?



We got where we got with me and Brad running things; we can do it again.

GM Lucas

Coach Frankum, let me give coach Rogers a call and see where he stands. If he's good coming back. The we make it happen

Ms Hart get me coach Rogers

Coach, coach Frankum say you and him can do it all.
I tend to believe him. What you say about coming back. He wants you on his staff. I don't have a ton of money so what would it cost to bring you back for another go around.



Son, that's now how this works anymore;  you ask me how much it's gonna take and I do the work.

For me to become head coach, I'm looking for $14MM per season.

Then to bring Coach Rogers back as OC with a staff we'd need $8MM

And to fill out my staff on defense and get a DC, I'd be looking for $3MM to fill it out with young kids.

GM Lucas

Sounds good coach, look, let me run the numbers. Let me turn over every stone. I want to make sure that if and when I sign off on this that I, WE! Don't get screwed. Stay near your phone.


Ms Hart, get me coach Rodgers

Coach Rogers, coach Frankum thinks both of you can make magic, but what if you were to become the next head coach, what would it look like as far as the next staff to  lead the Wolfpack, How would you go about hiring a coaching staff if you were head coach and how much would you want to be our head coach, we don't have a ton in off season money but I am in the verge of freeing up some money.



I'd love to be head coach if Coach Buyers isn't coming back; I'd probably be looking for something like the rest of the league has done this off-season, $14MM per year and then hopefully around $6-8MM per side of the ball for a solid coaching staff unless we have to sacrifice something and go super cheap on one side of the ball.

GM Lucas

Sounds good, ok , I loved how you ran our offense, but We will be missing key components that we've had the past few years. What would your priority be to getting us back as we retool this season and possibly rebuild next season?



Well, my system is built around speed; so we have to have speed at all the receiver positions. I've got no time for slow possession receivers; we need to stretch the field and go deep.
That's the priority.

GM Lucas

I know having ties with pro's, college and your stint in XFL, What staff would you be looking to bring in.



It really depends on how much money i have to recruit with and what other teams are doing with their money.

GM Lucas

So let's do this, tell me ideally who you would like on your staff if given the budget then tell me who you would bring in with 12 mill to share between both side of the ball.



It doesn't work that way dude; I don't know if guys will sign.  The entire league is about to start signing coaches; if I have $6MM on offense and $6MM on defense Im gonna be middle of the pack at best; most teams are spending $7-9MM on either side of the ball so it could be me going after my top targets but they sign elsewhere..

GM Lucas

Got it, ok, let me run the numbers we have with the potential number we might have if I'm able to make some moves. Keep your phone near.


Ms Hart, I have done in-house interviewing and I have one outside person of interested, can you get me Christian Action,


Mr Action. I've done some in house interviewing and now I want to interview someone with a fresh lens, ideas and perspective. Someone I haven't spoken to in the last three years.  As the carousel continues around the league, you have become a person of interest. I can see in how you ran Alabama that you are aggressive and love the spread offense which is what we have been doing here the last three years. So if you were to become head coach, what are your strengths in coaching as far as positions go?


Oh wow, wasn't expecting this call; but thanks for the opportunity.   I'm an aggressive thinking coach who has come up as a position coach at a lot of positions so I am solid in all areas but my best strength is skills positions and special teams.  As a coach I believe strongly in Loyalty, Leadership, Flexibility, and using my high football IQ to prepare and make a great gameplan.  While I am a good position coach in general, I don't specialize in development and youth; I work best in a situation with a good mix of established players, not a rebuilding team.

GM Lucas

Ok, With that said, coach Buyers and his staff can attest that I am a hands off GM. I GM, you coach. The guys in the locker room can tell you, if you need to upgrade the team, I make it happen. If you are good with that and want the keys to this Ferrari, I would like to offer you a 3 year deal, give you your first shot and allow you to build the Christian Action name and help you build your own legacy, I would like to offer you 10Mil for 3 years?



Wolfpack Kinda House, baby! Let's go!

GM Lucas

Awesome, I'm giving you 12 million to hire your staff the way you see fit, so let's talk about your staff.



Just league office how you want to split the money between offense and defense and Ill get to work on filling out the coaching roster, anything specific you want me to target, let me know and Ill do my best.

GM Lucas

Coach, how much would it cost us to retain Frankum as DC?


DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODE.... I can't promise anything; the way it works is you give me a budget to work with and I do my best to fill it with what you want; or what I want depending on how you do it.

You say you're hands off; then just tell me if you want a 4-3 or a 3-4 and get out of my way.

If you want specific coaches I can try my best; but Coach Frankum, who you interviewed for HC first, isn't coming back as DC unless you pay him that $12MM he was already making.

If you want Coach Rogers as OC we'd need $9MM for the offensive side..

If all we got is $12MM you can split it however you want; but we don't have a lot of from for hiring a big time coordinator with only $6MM on each side of he ball.

GM Lucas

I think I got it now, I think, Ok. I'll send it now.

So lets roll like this, our biggest issues the last few seasons have been 2 fold. first, We couldn't seem to finish strong even with names like Basham, Cooney, Black, Creamer, Cotter, Jackson, Crowell, Shack and turner  we couldn't hold a lead, our aggressiveness on defense made us scary tough and we were always a tackle away from forcing a fumble but we also sacrificed smarts for the big play and it burnt us consistently. We couldn't seem to hold a lead with 1 minute left unless we are blowing the doors off someone. I literally watched us pin Salt Lake back at their 20 with 5 seconds and we went out in a 3-4 formation, Turner bit on a pump fake and the receivers toasted him when we should have been playing prevent. We don't need anymore of that. I love aggressiveness but not at the cost of smart play, especially at the end of the game with a lead. I joke but I honestly think we gave up the most walk off hailmary TD's in the last 3 seasons. So finishing strong on all fronts is very important to taking this team to the next level.

second, We also need to clean up our penalties, this went hand in hand with our aggressiveness on defense, so we need to clean that up. I'm confident if we can clean that up, everything else will fall into place.

Finally, if working with young talent and developing them isn't in your wheel house, I think we should think about that aspect in our hiring. This year it won't be an issue as we don't have draft capital and I plan to bring in some playmakers and seasoned vets, but next season we will have money and draft picks and a bare bones roster which you can put together in your vision.

Assistant HC- up to you
Strength and conditioning -  best we can get
Quality Control -  best we can get, I tend to do most of the damage control around these parts so we can go young and promising.
Special teams -  That's your wheel house so we can get some young and up and coming talent here you can mold.

OC - You are here because of your background as OC so I trust you here to do the best you can, I love creativity so maybe you being able to develop some young talent here could be special. 
QB -  I think we can get a dynamic young coach here, JD I think is in his prime or approaching it, so someone young and brash would work
RB - We currently have no RB's. So young talent here to break them in and develop them could help out any FA we might pick up
O-line - This is where we should put a lot of our focus on. We have two young players in Luckett and Estep here and they are the future of our O-line, plus it's a place I am going to really have to focus on in the next few years so having the best guy we can get here would be great. O-line is very important to me as it should be for everyone.
WR/TE - Our guys are solid, with all the extra training these guys put in over the last few seasons, I think they are were they are going to be so, some young talent here could help spark some creativity.

DC - Considering Offense is your side of the ball, I would say let's focus here with the brunt of our budget and look to intermediate or slightly better.
Run d - best we can get. This was our strongest part of our defense last season and our strongest guys are coming back, so some aggressive young talent here could really give us an edge
Pass rush - I trust you here so I'm comfortable going for a promising young coach
LB - Our guys are top in this area, and this is an area I plan to make the focus of our defense. We have a range of talent here so I'll leave this to you. I believe Jarod Jordan is on the verge of breaking out so someone to push him and give us an edge here
Secondary - No matter who it was, this was our biggest concern, every loss we had came at the cost of some remarkably big hail Mary play to end the game so I want us focusing here.

Overall I want us to spend 8mil on Defense and 4 on Offense. If you think we need a little more because there is someone out there you really want to bring in, let me know.

GM Lucas

Ms Hart, can you get me Agent Molina


Ms Molina, I would like to make your client a part of our retooling process for the future of this team. I want to bring him back at for 3 years at 1 mil per.



GM Lucas

Letting you know I am talking about would help, sorry about that, I said it in my head and figured I said it out loud. I would like to bring back SS Eric Flores for 3 years a 1 mil, 500k raise to back up Crowell.



Sorry, but Eric is seeking $3MM right now.

GM Lucas

How about we meet in the middle at 1 year at 2 MM and this way I don't have to worry about tendering him.


Might as well swipe right; we're holding firm at $3MM right now.

GM Lucas


So; I cashed in a favor with the league office to avoid a cap fine after your tampering thing; but no more thunder forgiveness for the season, so we better be careful.

ANYWAYS!  The league decided to make us sit out day one of free agency, so we're going to have to hope none of our top targets sign day one.  ..better than being fined, but still.

GM Lucas


The news covered it, but we need to acquire $2MM in International Bonus Money to send to Greece asap.  if we can not do that we will forfeit the other money we sent them and lose the running back we tried to sign and it will really hurt our reputation with the IFAF market..

We also need to acquire $5MM in off-season bonus money before the draft or else we will have a $10MM salary cap penalty for this season.

We also took a $5MM hit to our S16 bonus pool.

...I need a drink.



Hi there, I have us with $53.35MM and $8.54MM in bonus heading into UFA.

GM Lucas

Ms Hart can you get me Mr Maker


Mr. maker, I've checked all sources and it seems like your client Rory Dover hasn't signed. I would like to bring him in 1 year, 5 mil, if he gets 30 receptions 5 td's I'll drop another 3 on him regardless if he resigns or not. Hell if he fails to hit both but hit's on one of the goals I'll give him 2


GM Lucas

Mr Maker, While I got you on the line. Let's bring your client CB Boyd Black back in purple and gold. 5 years 8 Mil. I'll FG if he wants. Would this work.


We have 2 years at 9.5MM per season on the table from Dallas... is that your final offer?

GM Lucas

3 years at 11, FG. Does that work ?



Teach these tightwads how it's done... DONE.

GM Lucas

Mr. Maker, with that said, I want to keep handing out deals to keep us competitive and get your client in the playoffs and possibly a title. But if there is anyone I can lean on right now, it's you and only you because of the working relationships we've had over the years. I have always taken care of all players but especially your clients. I took John Young in, let him sit right in this chair and gave him a home and helped him turn it around to become Vancouver's favorite son. I gave your client Cooney a 4 year fully guaranteed contract at 29 and then with his blessing traded him be on a competitor when he deemed it ok to do so. I always care about paying players, but at times, to make sure guys get compensated appropriately it comes at the cost of making other roster moves. So hear it is, Listen, hear me out, hear what I have to say, when I'm done, if your answer is no, then fine, no hard feelings, no problems at all, I'll try and move some pieces, but if so, your client Creamer will be a paid man. Let's renegotiate his deal right now, right here. He's currently making 16 and 6. Let's renegotiate a four year deal, fully guaranteed. But here's what I need. He takes 8 and 2 this year...I know, I know it's asking him to take less than half his salary and less than half his bonus...But here's were it gets good. The next three years I will pay him 22 and 4 guaranteed. If he retires, he gets paid. If he wants to be traded, who ever trades for him has to pay him. He is secure for the next four years and will make a whopping 88 million guaranteed for him to stay with us in purple and gold. You already know how underwhelming these offers to your clients have been. You know these GM's got short arms and deep pockets. You know, No one pays like I pay. This deal will help me free up 10 million bucks and finish putting talent on this roster. It will give your client full economic security and keep him here for the long haul. What do you say....Hell, I'll even throw in a two year option where if he wants out after two years, I'll pay him his full salary for that year as he walks out the door. So, Can we do this?


The way I see it we have two options.  I hang up and we pretend this call never happened, OR... well I guess really we only have one option.

GM Lucas

No hard feelings, all business, never hurt to ask. This never happened. Hope to keep doing business, I'm sure we will as I need to fill my roster.