

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:18:11 PM

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GM Lucas

Glad you are in good spirits, I mean it. We gonna get you back in the action. We are a bit stagnant and we need to get more guys involved in our run game. Hope this news fueled your gas tank. I'm actually getting hyped for us right now. I'll let you head back, thank you for your time.



GM Lucas

Ms Hart can you get me Ronald Burke


Mr. Burke, I traded for you under the impression you was a DT, But GM Rebel noted you as RB. Do you play RB and FB also. I wasn't sure, maybe he knows something I don't?



man, I was the 11th overall pick in the S11 Draft as a defensive tackle.  Ain't no way my big 331 pound ass is running the football, haha.   All good man, I'm here to do my job.

GM Lucas

I saw you walk in and I was like, now right there would be the guy I could call tank. [Laughs] When GM Rebel added you the trade I was shocked. Had no idea he would make you available, So from my stand point having you on board along with T.A and Martinez makes me extremely happy. Can't wait to get all your 331 pounds on that field causing havok. I'll let you head out and get situated. Glad to have you on board.


Ms Hart please send in the man of the hour Alesana Tuilagi


Well well well, there he is... Shiiiiit,(Lucas looks up) I think they lied when they posted you at 6'1, someone messed up, ain't no way you only 6'1. (SMILES) Welcome Alesana Tuilagi, Welcome to the pack, welcome to VANCOUVER! it was a long flight so I know you had some time to think and before I ask let me tell you, your arrival has created a buzz. I don't know what Orlando was doing but know I still believe in you big man, if I didn't I wouldn't have made the deal. What has the last 24 hours been like, talk to me, get it off your chest and tell me what you thinking and what you want to accomplish here.


It's been a whirlwind uce.. I spent the off-season hearing how deep of a connection GM Rebel had to me, then 6 weeks into a new deal its a ticket to Vancouver and a not even a "thanks for breaking records in my uniform."  ...Its a cold world we play in.

You know my boys Rangi Afamasaga and Loto Lotomau  only signed with that team because of me..  Just, man..

But you know what.. I am a man who values Loyalty.  You got me here, you want to say you believe in me.  I'm giving you that chance.
I'm going to run through every son of a bitch who stands in my way Uce, I got my eyes on the end zone, and I am going to run though a wall for Vancouver.  Its a Wolfpack Kinda House!

GM Lucas

Tell you right now playbooks are being rearranged for you. The fans are ready here brotha. Vevesi,  Lotonuu,  faaaloalo! I believe that's Samoan for Hustle, Loyalty and Respect. Which I have always believed in since day 1. Let's go show them why they fucked up in trading you, now Let me stop wasting your time and let you get situated.

Luko fa'aputu i totonu o le fale



GM Lucas

Ms Hart can you get me Coach Action,


Coach, I'm about to lock in. We are going to change course a bit and gear our offense around using the run to open up the pass. Just need one bit of info. From your coach perspective Between our WR's can you tell me their strengths. I don't need a full analytical break down, just who has best hands, speed, possession, that stuff. Honestly we can keep it between MJ, Young, Green-Beckham, and Dover?



Strongest would be Omarion by far.  MJ most agile ahead of Young.   MJ is also smartest by far.

Young is the fastest, easily. Omarion has the best hands over MJ then everyone else. OGB and Young are the best run blockers.

GM Lucas

Now that is one hell of a report. That makes things easy now. Thank you coach.


QB1- J.D Corrales
QB2- Jon Mathias
QB2- Lance Thornburg
QB3- David Martinez

RB1- Alesana Tuilagi
RB1- Larry Villanueva
RB2- Giorgos Papadimitriou

FB1- Tonka Dozer
FB2- Edward Tyree

TE1- Xavier Phoenix
TE2- Michael Florez

WR1- Marcus Johnson
WR4- Rory Dover

WR2- Omarion Green-Beckham
WR5- Glenn Meredith

WR3-John Young

No changes on the O-Line
PR 1-Larry Villanueva
PR 2-Agyenim Amoah

KR 1- John Young
KR 2- Larry Villanueva
KR 3- George Settles



Attitude: Coaches Decision
Focus: Run
Tempo: Coaches Decision
Passing Focus: Coaches Decision
Pass To: Coaches Decision
Primary Receiver: Marcus Johnson
Third Down Back: Coaches Decision
Goal Line Back: Alesana Tuilagi
Running Focus:  Running
Running Backs Role: Running
Backfield by Committee?: Yes
Tight End Focus: Blocking
QB Tuck and Run: Coaches Decision

Run play out the 2 WR set

QB1-JD Corrales
QB2-Jon Mathias
QB3-Lance Thornburg
QB4-Mark Hernandez

RB1-Alesana Tuilagi
RB2-Larry Villanueva
RB3-Giorgos Papadimitriou

FB-Tonka Dozer

TE1-Xavier Phoenix
TE2-Michael Florez

WR1- Omarion Green Beckham
LWR4-Marcus Johnson

WR2- John Young
WR5- Marcus Johnson

No change on the O-line


GM Lucas

Hello everyone, we'll keep this short. We are on a mission and I think we are closer with our new additions. It's only one game but it was a hell of a game but let's temper our excitement. We have LB coming to town and we have to focus on them. Now, I know you want my thoughts on the PFL and HIFL Orlando situation, truth is this was bound to happen, PFL exist because of HIFL talent needing places to play and start. It's gonna happen, every player in PFL is trying to ball out to get to HIFL. We as GM's have to take care of our players so they don't see opportunity elsewhere.



If we get this win we might drive Long Beach's coach to drinking again, that never ends well for them.


Sir!! T David Estep, DT Charlie Swope, and Punter Jimmy Quinn have all received contract offers from PFL Clubs!

GM Lucas

Thank you Ms Hart, let's meet this head on. Let's get their agents on the phone and see if you can get me a sheet from each agent as to what these players are looking for?



Their agents are furious with the PFL, the PFL teams did not contact them, they made offers directly to players trying to lure them away.  This is between you and your players now.  Who do you want to talk to?

GM Lucas

That's not how we do things here, they have agents so get me their agents. I'd like to see where they are with all this when it's all said and done, the players will choose to undermine their agents and their contractual obligations to their teams but I won't. So please get me their agents? Let them know I'm not moving without talking them first. Thank you Ms Hart.



These. Deals. Have. Bypassed. The. Agents.

GM Lucas

I know. Just wanted to see how they wanted the GM's to approach this to back them up. But let's move on, send in Estep please.


Mr Estep, talk to me. You are starting on the team that drafted you. You are in the premiere league, on a team where I just made the moves to put us over the top. I get money is a huge factor, it seems like these PFL teams are throwing around lottery tickets. You take their money and go play in PFL then what? I've shown you loyalty, you've shown me hustle and we've shown each other respect, Is this really all about money?



The PFL can kiss my grits, Money isn't as important as loyalty to this country boy...

GM Lucas

Thank you Mr Estep for your vote of confidence. You have my word, when your time comes, you will receive the contract you deserve. I hope you set the example because right now you are a beacon of light through all this. I'll let you head back knowing we are one step closer from continuing our hunt for a title.


Ms Hart, can you send in Swope please


Mr Swope, I'm not going to insult you and blow smoke up your ass. I don't know what you were offered but you are on the last year of your contract and you have a chance to be part of something special here before that happens. Solomon Harter knew you were the future here and refused to sign an extension knowing that he was going to be asked to step back and now be a support system for you because your time was now. It is why he requested a trade instead of signing an extension. This front line belongs to you and Jaquizz. So I ask you, are you going to keep hunting or start negotiating because I promise you without a shadow of a doubt, that at the end of this season, you will be back in purple and gold with a brand new contract. Let's keep building the Swope legacy right here in the HIFL.



My family has made its name in the HIFL, I don't plan on leaving just yet.

GM Lucas

That makes me extremely happy to hear. I fully intend to assist you in continuing and furthering the Swope legacy drenched in Purple and Gold. Thank you for your loyalty, mark my words, it will not be forgotten. It's the loyalty between teammates, staff, administration, fans, it's all of it plus some, that makes championship teams. Thank you Mr. Swope. I'll let you head back, I'm sure the team will be fired up to know they can depend on their brothers in the trenches.


Ms. Hart, Bring me in Mr Quinn please, thank you


Mr. Quinn, I hear that your services are being recruited. I don't know where to start. You've been with us since expansion. Probably the unsung hero in most cases during games where the battle was won simply due to winning the war of field position. So, you have two years left, two years that our window is wide open and we probably have the best team we've had in Vancouver when we think about, skills, chemistry, balance and coaching. From starters to the 5th guy off the bench, everyone has bought in. Mr Estep and Mr Swope are all in with us. So, I can't tell you what to do but I truly hope you do what I think is the right thing to do for your team, coaches and fans. But then again, what I think is right doesn't matter. All that matters is what you think? So, What are you thinking? 



I'm thinkin' it's been real, and its been fun... but its about to be REAL FUN in Philly. 

GM Lucas

I'm a business man and I understand business. Some men choose glory, fame and legacy and some choose fun. Good luck Quinn. 


Ms Hart can you get me Agent Campanelli please


Mr. Campanelli, if my paperwork is correct it seems like I could sign your client Daniel Wayne to punt for the Wolfpack for the remainder of the season if he's available, Thinking, remainder of the season for1mil.


GM Lucas

Wonderful, thank you good sir. Seeing his S15 stats, hopefully we don't miss a beat. I got a good feeling about your client.


Ms Hart, I need a drink, how about you? after we lock in, wanna grab one?



Umm... yeah, sure.  I could use one too.

GM Lucas

Great, let me wrap this up with coach Action and we'll be on our way, send him in please, thank you.


Coach, I would say we dodged a silver bullet. We have some real loyal guys on this team. Both Estep and Swope put loyalty above all else to make this happen, wonderful example of team first. Hopefully this is the type of thing that sends a message next time PFL comes calling, Care to share your thoughts on everything that's transpired?



Its been a whirlwind... I just hope round two doesn't hit us hard.

GM Lucas

We can't control what they do but we can try and make the best situation possible so our guys know what's at stake and look beyond money, it starts with taking care of long beach. I think before I was always thinking about if we need to adjust depending on who we play and now I feel like that's our opponents job, let them worry about adjusting to us. Any issues are strategy you want to talk about, if not, I'm ready to lock in.



Na, lets lock in and avoid any other shit storms this week.  Lets focus on some damn football.

GM Lucas

Couldn't agree more. Thanks coach


Ms Hart you ready, Here you go, the lock in sheet for the week, I'll call an Uber.


Same as last week


GM Lucas

Discuss your game and the results this week.  What stood out?
Well, let's see. I think only scoring 11 points sticks out. I know long Beach has a tough defense but I believed we have the talent to counter and we didn't adjust enough. I mean 3 field goals and a safety. We got to high after last week, we've been on a roll. This week was a bit different, We had some attempts to poach are young stars who showed absolute trust in me, the coaches and absolute loyalty to their brothers on the team and the organization. I believe the coaches had these guys are ready as they can be, so this was just one of those games that we can look back on and see what we could have done better for next time we face a tough defense. I'm just glad our defense kept us in it the entire game. At any point a John Young home run, Omarion leaping grab or a Tuilagi beast mode run down the middle could have changed the tides so for that I commend our defense.

What is your take on the PFL/HIFL war?
In a war, two sides go to battle and everyone loses. I don't sit up here and pretend to care about any other GM or organization but I do care greatly about the unity and brotherhood of our GM group and I care even more about this league. Right now this isn't a war. Not sure of anyone has said it yet, but we ae being hammered. A few HIFL organizations grabbing a guy here or there isn't really the answer to franchises being set back and GM's being completely screwed out of players they got under contract. Let me make this clear, everyone who has ever come through any organization knows I pay players. I don't do to much back and fourth and I try my best never to insult any player with poor offers and that's because I know this is a business where men are out there literally putting their bodies though what probably feels like car crashes each week. BUT!,As GM's we are held fiscally responsible by binding contracts and personally responsible by our owners when all we did was sign players and try to put a winning franchise together. Look, for the players, I get it. Players want to get the bag and secure with two hands, nothing wrong with that, especially if you feel under paid and I say that with news coming out that PFL is actively courting one of my star players as we speak. So you know I'm being honest with you.

Where you pro-Gates treaty or anti-Gates treaty, and why?
Pro or Anti is neither here or there at the moment. 15 million was nothing. That literally was a little under 500k per team to pay out to avoid losing superstars players and millions all around. And I know there are teams that do not want to be penalized for the mistakes of one or two GM's but as a whole, we lost, we lost strength at the table, we lost power, we lost players and most importantly, we lost sight of what was important and let our EGO get in the way of progress. (LUCAS TAKES OUT PHONE AND IS DOING SOMEHTING) My calculator tells me that four hundred, sixty eight thousand, seven hundred and fifty is all we needed from each team to save our league from this madness. On top of that we had a GM fund for emergencies like this. (Shakes his head) I won't bad mouth Gates, he has been a solid GM rep for us, never had issues with anything he decided for us as a whole. I voted for him each time but his decision to bail on us when we needed him the most leaves me feeling extremely disappointed.

What was your opinion on the choices of GMs selected for the summit?
I was a bit taken back. I have been in my division the longest. Haven't hurt my tam. been competitive since the birth of our great Vancouver team. So I'll lie if I tell you I didn't feel a bit slated by Gates choice to take Wayne over myself. Nothing against Wayne, solid GM who I hear had some solid options and opinions at the table but he just got to the division and is in the middle of a retool or rebuild and I know that shouldn't matter but, just being honest. I've always had a good relationship with GM Gates, looking in my division I definitely thought I would be his choice but, it is what it is. I always seek the positive in any and all nonsense so now I get to say that I wasn't a part of that fiasco. I can't be blamed for how diner turned out, I wasn't in the kitchen.

What do you think of GM Pancho being voted in as interim GM Rep?
So, Those of you who know, myself and GM Pancho haven't always seemed eye to eye. We've have our thoughts and opinions about one another, but, time has passed. We've grown from our past mistakes and quarrels from when I was in the division. We are men, We move on. So, I'll say it. I backed him with a vote for GM Rep. I believe he has proven to be a solid representation for us at the table and as level headed as they come. With that said, I ask GM Pancho, please come with a game plan. I give you my blessings to do what is best and get this ship right, I put my faith with you the way I backed Gates. I believe you have our best interest at hand so you do not need my blessing brotha. I'm here if needed but I'm %100 confident you'll get us on track. I'm in the minority here when I say I don't think we need league wide discussions, league wide votes or ongoing tikky tack shuffling of chairs when negotiating A, B or C scenarios. We just need GM Pancho to take care of business and we'll hammer out the details after. When you offer to many solutions you actually have no none. Just get it done. Ms. Harpo says 15 million ends this. let's start there.

Discuss the news this week, anything that stood out, especially if it related to your team.
You know, kind of a busy week to really care to much about what is happening with other teams I'll be honest. Any other week I would talk about the miraculous recovery from Mr Haynes or how GM Doug left the poor Count alone at the altar because he couldn't formulate numbers from a calendar (LUCAS SMILES) All joking aside I'm more focused on talking to my guys, seeing where their heads are at with these PFL offers because right now that should be the main focus.

It is mid-season, who has been your teams MVP?  Who needs to step up and show you more in the final half of the season?
Tough, our team really has done well changing speeds. We used to be a down field, spread offense team and in the course of a few weeks we became a grinding, hard nose run the ball team and I give credit to my players for being able to adjust and to my coaching staff who was able to put a playbook together a few weeks in to get us right. For us, I think the as a unit we have done a fantastic job with what they've been asked to do but I won't skirt the question. I believe the Team MVP has Leland Creamer. The absolute anchor of our front seven. He was asked to go from playing a 4-3 style the last few season to a 3-4 and he hasn't missed a beat. I want to give honorable mention to Boyd Black and Daniel Bannister for locking down the backfield but Leland has been our defensive anchor and pace setter. As far as who needs to step up, well this one I'll skirt a bit because like I just mentioned, I asked these men to change offensive philosophies in a matter of weeks and though we didn't quite show up this week, they have done an incredible job learning new plays, new schemes on the fly. So I'm not ready to throw anyone under the bus.

The trade deadline is fast approaching, what should fans expect from your office?
Well, depends who decides that PFL is a better option. I think we have the team to compete, I really don't see any holes. Coach said our greatest need was a stable backfield and I bought in the Samoan Steamroller, if that isn't an upgrade I don't know what is. So I don't believe we need much of anything but again. Let's see who sticks around

Discuss this upcoming week
I think this is a great time for our Bye week to come. 5-3 on top the division. A week to study our playbook, get our guys healthy and talk to some guys about their future.



It's been a helluva first 8 weeks. I'm looking forward to a break.

GM Lucas

Tell me about it. How are the guys coming along adjusting to the new run schemes. Do you think they need to use this bye week working on plays or is everyone ready for a bit of rest and recuperation? 


I think a mental re-set is needed.  We give them some playbook homework but they need to rest up.

GM Lucas

Sounds good, I'm gonna let you start your break a bit early. I have to talk to Omarion. Rest up coach, the real hunt begins after the break.


Ms Hart, Omarion please


Omarion, I got word that you were made an offer. I won't lie, I'm not surprised. Any and all clients of BBB wanna get paid, hell that's why you sign with him, but, believe me when I tell you, you have found a home here. So, Before I assume anything I would like to know where you are with all this.



I'm not going to lie bruh, It starts and ends with the pay check for me.   I'm making $2MM right now, I'm getting offered $12MM to leave and go to the PFL.   What you got for me?

GM Lucas

I can't give you 12 now but I can tear up your current contract and give you that 12, tell me how many years you want it for but it has to start next season. I'm a man of my word. You can talk to guys here. John young can tell you that I am a man of my word. Go talk to Leland, I paid that man a bonus when he fell short of meeting the statically criteria that his bonus relied on, I still paid him because regardless if he met his stipulation that man puts in the work. He is worth it. I pay players who I think are worth it so understand, if I am standing here and telling you I'll pay, then I think you are worth it. Now I'll say it, I was lucky that 31 other teams didn't see what I saw in you and that's why you are here. That's why I don't want to let you walk away. I'll give you the money you seek, hell, the money you are worth but you have to give me the chance. Let me restructure your deal and keep you in purple and gold starting next season.



Word, I'm listening, what offer you thinkin' ??

GM Lucas

I can give you a 3 year 10 million fully guaranteed starting next season or a 2 year 12 million dollar deal starting next season. Which ever you choose I'll sign but it has to start next season.



2 years, $12MM, starting next year... I need a sweetener if I'm not getting the bag today.  Lets say, a $3MM roster bonus paid on draft day, like straight from the off-season bonus fund?

GM Lucas

............one sec,

---(Presses a button on the phone sitting on his desk)

Ms Hart, I haven't bothered you about things like finance in a very long time. I bother you now simply because of the pressing matter at hand. Can you tell me what we have left in our BP. Thank you....

(Looks at OGB)

Let's see if we can...



Currently we sit at 4.29MM in bonus.  Your $1MM salary will kick in for the off-season, and then on draft day off-season bonus money ends and we start using Season 17 bonus money.

GM Lucas

Thank you Ms Hart,


See that Omarion, she's awesome. Ok so you heard, I'm transparent and I wanted you to hear, We will have the money come draft day. So on draft day you will receive your 3 mil bonus. I have adhered to all your request now I have one of my own, GO OUT THERE! AND! BALL.THE.FUCK.OUT!



Money talks.  LETS GO!!!!!   Good doin' business with you my man.

GM Lucas

Now that you realize what you mean to this tam, head back to practice, after we leave the facilities today I'm giving the team the bye week off.


Ms Hart can you get me OC Derek Lampert


Mr Lampert, good to see you. With our bye week ahead of us I wanted to pick your brain. We have moved from a spread offense down the field type team to a more grind run team with the ability to open up offensively through the air of needed. But now that we have the capabilities to do both is there any one part of the offense you think can use an upgrade to assure that our Samoan Steam roller finds consistency in his attack or am I looking in the wrong place?



If we are trying to win now, we need upgrades on the offensive line. We have talent on hte roster, but its young and developing.  If we want more consistency in our offense in any phase, we need better guard and tackle play.