

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:18:11 PM

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GM Lucas

Seeing we can do both run and pass, I just want to be clear. If I could make some moves, would we be looking to upgrade our pass protection or run blocking in those areas? Obviously I know the purpose of each one and the direction we are going but which of those two areas are we struggling in most?



Considering we want to do both, I'd say both.  Esteps has potential but he's missed 22 blocks.  He is okay in pass protection and below average in run blocking; neither outstanding for a starter on a contender.

At Guard, Seal is solid in pass pro but a liability in the run game, then Ponce and Foncesca are both raw, and maybe average-ish in run blocking but completely weak in pass protection.

GM Lucas

Great stuff, I say we can do both because I want the staff to know that being flexible suits our abilities on offense, but I want us running more considering JD still hasn't found his groove this season. But this was a ton of good info. Everyone out there probably all needs the same things, I mean that never stopped me before but does any 1 or 2 players catch your eye, rather on a team or free agency that you would like me to kick the tires on.


Free agency is pretty bare bones thanks to the PFL, but we have to look outside the division meaning no Anthony Smith, Josh Odom, or Scott Beatty, I'd go with Acuna in Lincoln, Johnson in KC, or maybe even Melvin Savage or Matthew Borders in Lincoln too. James Luong in Myrtle Beach would be nice too.

GM Lucas

Sounds good. alot to work with. I'll let you start getting ready to head out for a few days


Ms Hart can you get me WR MJ


MJ, before we head out I wanted to touch base with you. I know you've been trying to work through the struggles this year but I wanted to know where your head was at. I know we went from spread offense passing attack to a more balanced run approach. And I know JD is in the same boat, trying to find his groove this season which is a direct correlation with any struggles WR's may be having so it's all sort of symbiotic. Our O-line is struggling which makes JD have to release the ball quicker which leads to either overthrowing or under throwing, or leads to him having to release it on his first or second read. Our pass protection is connected to why I opted to go more run heavy and take some pressure off our Qb and receivers. But I have an idea, tell me what you think, What do you think about moving to the tight end position. You would give linebackers headaches coming out the TE spot, you would be a solid check down for JD and help open that middle up more for Young. I can talk to coaches about implementing a two TE set. What do you think, is it worth a try? You could still play in the WR spot when ever we do go spread but this way we have more options on the field at once and you wouldn't be put in any plays where you have to do any heavy blocking?


I'd rather be traded or sign with the PFL before moving to tight end. I believe in my skill set.

GM Lucas

I believe in your ability also, it's why I invested so much into you. You got another year with us and I'm going to do my best to make sure you get to show your abilities and be the player I know you can be. I'm going to work things out and I promise you, out the bye week you will see that ball more. I believe in you, I need you to trust me.


Real talk.  I got no reason not to right now, fam. Lets get this bread.

GM Lucas

Excellent, everyone got the bye week off. Rest up, clear your head, spend time with loved ones because when we get back we are marching to a title and you are going to be a huge part of that.


Ms Hart, get me JD


JD, great to see you again. With the bye week I wanted to just take a physical and mental health check with some of the team. I always make it a priority to speak to you. I always come to you to see how I can make your life better. I know our O-line is struggling which is in part due to why I decided to change things and go more run focused until we can get some guys in here who can give you more time. But other then that, how are you handling the change in the program to more run oriented and going forward what would you like to see?


I was feeling better before the internet started buzzing about me being on the trade block, but honestly like coach says, we block out all that noise and focus on what we can control.

GM Lucas

Well, to be transparent, there was a team that came kicking the tires seeing if you were available, they thought maybe we might be in the market since we were starting to focus on the run more. Honestly, even if there was any truth to that nonsense, I don't think 31 other teams has what it takes to pry you away from us. As far as the Wolfpack are concerned, you have my word we are fully committed to you and making sure you retire in purple and gold. You know if I tell you, you have my word you can be damn sure I mean it. As far as what goes in the field is concerned, myself and coach are gonna work in tweaking some things n the O-Line see if we can patch it up or do something via trade or free agency. We got a bye coming up, we have one focus. I trust the players on this team and the coaching staff. If we all put trust in one another I have no doubt we be successful.


GM Lucas

Rest up


Ms Hart. we are nearly done here. get me coach Action please.


Coach, I've got some thing in the works. hoping to flesh it out more as we go into our bye week. When we get back I want to tweak our O-line a bit. I noticed once we started running more Estep has been a tale of two Tackles. He'll give us like 7 pancakes and 8 missed blocks, in all my time as a GM I have never seen any player who has suited up for me miss 8 blocks. It's obviously an experience issue so I've taken it on myself to throw some fliers out there and kick some tires. At worst we go with what we got, I believe in the kid, he just needs a bit more time. We might have throw him out there a bit to soon. At best, we bring a bit more experience to that spot when we run the ball. We'll all sit and put our heads together. Now is there anything I should be aware of, anything you would like to address or like me to address or are should we just head out?


Nothing I know of what we need to address.

GM Lucas

With that said, let's lock in for the bye week


GM Lucas

How's everyone doing, We had a bye week where we got to rest up for the long run. We are getting ready for Dallas. A lot of focus is on Ace profits and Gm Pancho and what will come of there talks. I think we can all agree that everyone in the room gets the message, the fact that both men are willing to talk says a lot for how far PFL and HIFL have come since the first hammer was dropped. Let's hope it all gets cleared up sooner rather than later. At the moment I don't feel it's necessary to address anything else. There's a lot of movement happening and right now I would just like to focus on the Wolfpack


Is it true you are shopping JD Corrales?

How do you feel about LaVar Jackson's outrage over you tampering with his clients?  Do you fear he will push the league office to charge you with Tampering?

GM Lucas

First question, I was contacted by a few teams on Matthias availability. Obviously there are teams looking for some QB relief. During discussion JD's name was brought up. Our coaches love JD and they are also high on Matthias. Ideas were going back and forth, went as far as me tell a few teams if they want JD they're gonna have to bring the draft bank, top players and give me cap relief, obviously knowing no one had those assets because realistically I don't plan on trading JD.

As for Lavar, any player entertaining PFL contracts have already made the decision to remove their agents from the discussion. I mean it was blasted in every sports outlet that players are dissolving relationships and contracts for PFL money and discussing their own value. I'm in the business of signing contracts and building the Wolfpack. Beckham chose to deal directly and not involve Lavar, I was in a particular position and had to make an executive decision. This purge happening on both ends leaves a huge gap in the now grey area that is negotiations and contracts, agents, GM's. Beckham told me what he was offered and what he wanted, I gave him his money. I apologize that Lavar feels slighted but their was no imitation on my part. HOFL agents know that I am loyal, upfront and always willing to sign contracts and I respect their business. At the end of the day, there was a ton of miscommunication on all parties and I will admit I should have probably reached out in good faith but I clearly misread the situation and was focused on the business of the Wolfpack. I'm always open and available for discussion if Lavar wants to sit and work things out.



Hey!!  You want to go behind my back just because the PFL was doin' that shit?  That's WHACK.  I brought these boys from the gutters to the pros, and then you two conspire to cut me out of the deal?   HELL. TO. THE. NAW.

I wanted to file tampering charges, but Omarion's ungrateful ass dropped me as an agent this weekend.  So to hell with him.   But my other boys on your roster, I want them out of here by the trade deadline or we are going to walk away to the PFL or holdout out-right... either way, you have some serious bridge repair to do.

Xavier Phoenix. Jaquizz Shack.   Get them out of this frozen hell before I got to go buck wild.

GM Lucas

Sounds like you don't have their best interest at hand. Why don't we let them choose because if I trade them, it will most likely be to a team not competing, Is that having their best interest. The truth is, I own not contacting you but if it was solidarity you were looking for I didn't know you were suddenly in the business of doing favors for people. Players threatening to rip up their contract and going over their agents head already told us as GM's that they were dropping their agents. My belief was, he came in here already with aspirations to cutting ties because if I didn't keep him he would have gone to PFL and cut ties with you regardless. So your anger is misdirected Lavar. Your entire career is built on rocking the boat and doing things different. PFL did just that, they used your clients to get back at the GM's hurting your business, that's where the anger should be placed. You are all about business and making money and I'm all about building a team. We are in a fucked up business but if we get emotional no one wins. My pride can't get in the way of having agents come in my office or call me in the phone already pulling out their dicks to go into a pissing contests. I don't allow my emotions take over, if I did, no agents would deal with me and I would be out of a job. So, emotion aside, what is best for your players? Phoenix, I gave him his shot and we have close ties, nearly family dating back to when his dad was around. Shack cut his teeth in Vancouver. Let them decide, unless you think they won't choose you. If they tell me they want out, I'll trade them, not for you but for them because I try my best always to look out for players. So are we gonna let cooler heads prevail or are we gonna ask the players who I sign checks for who then sign your checks what they want. Hell, I'll make it easy. I'll call them in and ask myself if that's where we are.





I'm standing with my agent.  Mr. Jackson has never steered me wrong.

Yeah, Big Ballers Don't Bounce.  Its a brotherhood..

Alright GM Lucas, you played yourself...  Now if you want to make things right you can trade my boys OR you can make it right by getting me the money I was screwed out of when you re-upped Omarion's punk ass out from under my nose.

I want X's deal raised up to 6MM salary and 1MM bonus per season and I want Quiz's deal upped to 16MM per year with 2 more years added on. 

GM Lucas

Fair enough gentlemen. Lavar, again, there are no hard feelings and I understand business. I can see you want to build a professional bridge once again  and I appreciate that. You'll have my answer before I lock in for the week. Let me ask you, I can possibly give these raises starting next season. If we go the route of extension and raises can we restructure starting next season. Right now it's impossible, I'm strapped. But you propose a fair deal despite what you've had to deal with these past weeks. So again, if we go this route, can I start their pay next season?



starting next season is fine, but I'll be expecting nothing but your best from here on out.

GM Lucas

Glad we could move forward and put this behind us. I'll get started on the paper work.


Alright, a lot of noise going on, lets cut that shit out. We need to get back on a winning streak and do some damage against a weak Dallas team.

GM Lucas

Ok coach, but have some things to take care off, once I'm done I'll get back with you and discuss things moving forward so this way We can set it and let ride with you and your staff.


Ms Hart, can you get me agent Drew L, please thank you


Good afternoon, looking to sign your client OT Don Hawk on a two year deal,  for the remainder of this season I can give him 500k, the start of next season I can give him 3m.



Sorry pal, that would be below the veteran minimum of $750K, no can do.

GM Lucas

Apologies Drew, I just realized we had a bit extra since our Punter skipped town. We can give him the vet minimum 750k and still give him the 3 next season.



Well, nobody else has called, so yeah we'll take that.

GM Lucas

Awesome, deal will get sent ASAP.

GM Lucas

Ms Hart, can you get me coach Action


Coach, a few things if we can, I want to talk schemes. I figure we get this out the way for the stretch and let things play out as we move forward. What pass plays and runs play do we run and what are the ratios we run them. Don't need exact but an overall look. See, I want to get Don Hawk in on run plays to help our missing blocks issues we started to have with Estep once we focused on the run. I also want to get Johnson in on more plays, would we be able to slot in in the TE spot from time to time when we play two WR sets to create mismatches or do we have to play him solely in the WR spot?


First, MJ has no interest in playing TE, I think he told you that already, so doing so would just piss him off.  We can get him on the field in some packages and sub him in, but if we put him at TE you're just going to mess up the teams chemistry.

As far as you first question, I don't really follow what you want to know but check this list I guess?

Exported data

Off. Formation   Play   Def. Formation   Count   Avg Gain   TD   Int
I-Formation   RB Post   4-3 Defense   9   4.67   0   0
I-Formation   RB Post   5-2 Defense   5   0.60   0   0
I-Formation   WR ComeBacks   3-4 Defense   3   6.33   0   0
I-Formation   WR ComeBacks   4-3 Defense   15   4.00   0   1
I-Formation   WR Slants   3-4 Defense   2   2.50   0   0
I-Formation   WR Slants   4-3 Defense   8   3.00   0   0
I-Formation   WR Slants   5-2 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
I-Formation   WR Streaks   3-4 Defense   2   3.00   0   0
I-Formation   WR Streaks   4-3 Defense   12   11.92   3   2
I-Formation   WR Streaks   5-2 Defense   1   -7.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Dive Right   3-4 Defense   5   1.40   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Dive Right   4-3 Defense   21   5.76   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Dive Right   5-2 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Jumbo Power Slam Left   Dime Defense   3   0.33   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Jumbo Power Slam Left   Nickel Defense   6   5.50   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Misdirection Slam Left   3-4 Defense   3   21.33   1   0
Two TE Jumbo   Misdirection Slam Left   4-3 Defense   19   6.95   3   0
Two TE Jumbo   Misdirection Slam Left   5-2 Defense   3   2.67   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   PA Roll   Dime Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   PA Roll   Nickel Defense   7   4.14   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Play Action Max Protect Fade   3-3-5 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Play Action Max Protect Fade   Dime Defense   5   2.40   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Play Action Max Protect Fade   Nickel Defense   9   1.56   0   1
Pro-Set   Slam Right   3-4 Defense   2   14.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Slam Right   4-3 Defense   15   3.07   3   0
Pro-Set   Slam Right   5-2 Defense   3   3.67   0   0
Pro-Set   WR Out   3-4 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Pro-Set   WR Out   4-3 Defense   13   3.54   1   1
Shotgun   Counter Left   3-3-5 Defense   1   2.00   0   0
Shotgun   Counter Left   Dime Defense   2   1.00   0   0
Shotgun   Counter Left   Nickel Defense   4   1.25   0   0
Shotgun   Dive Right   3-3-5 Defense   1   4.00   0   0
Shotgun   Dive Right   Dime Defense   1   1.00   0   0
Shotgun   Dive Right   Nickel Defense   5   0.20   0   0
Shotgun   OffTackle Right   3-3-5 Defense   2   1.50   0   0
Shotgun   OffTackle Right   Dime Defense   2   3.00   1   0
Shotgun   OffTackle Right   Nickel Defense   4   6.50   0   0
Shotgun   PA Hooks Out   5-2 Defense   1   5.00   0   0
Shotgun   PA Hooks Out   Dime Defense   3   2.33   0   0
Shotgun   PA Hooks Out   Nickel Defense   4   4.75   0   0
Shotgun   RB Under   Dime Defense   1   -11.00   0   0
Shotgun   RB Under   Nickel Defense   7   -3.71   0   0
Shotgun   WR Streak   Dime Defense   2   15.00   0   0
Shotgun   WR Streak   Nickel Defense   4   3.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Dive Right   3-3-5 Defense   1   1.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Dive Right   Dime Defense   5   0.80   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Dive Right   Nickel Defense   17   2.18   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Left Cross Right Split   3-3-5 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Left Cross Right Split   Dime Defense   7   2.43   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Left Cross Right Split   Nickel Defense   7   -1.86   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Levels Left   Dime Defense   2   11.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Levels Left   Nickel Defense   6   8.50   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Quick Slants   Dime Defense   2   3.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Quick Slants   Nickel Defense   7   0.43   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Quick Slants   Quarter Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   RB Post   Dime Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   RB Post   Nickel Defense   3   0.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Read/Option Middle-Right   Dime Defense   3   1.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Read/Option Middle-Right   Nickel Defense   4   6.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   WR Posts   Dime Defense   3   4.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   WR Posts   Nickel Defense   5   2.80   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   WR Read   Dime Defense   1   16.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   WR Read   Nickel Defense   8   9.63   1   0
Spread   Counter Left   Dime Defense   2   2.00   0   0
Spread   Counter Left   Nickel Defense   10   12.10   1   0
Spread   Pitch Right   3-3-5 Defense   1   -1.00   0   0
Spread   Pitch Right   Dime Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Spread   Pitch Right   Nickel Defense   5   3.60   0   0
Spread   Quick Slants   3-3-5 Defense   2   -2.50   0   0
Spread   Quick Slants   Dime Defense   3   0.00   0   0
Spread   Quick Slants   Nickel Defense   20   10.55   1   0
Spread   Sprint Right   Dime Defense   2   2.50   0   0
Spread   Sprint Right   Nickel Defense   6   1.33   2   0
Spread   TE Quick Out   3-3-5 Defense   1   6.00   0   0
Spread   TE Quick Out   Dime Defense   11   6.18   0   0
Spread   TE Quick Out   Nickel Defense   17   1.59   0   0
Spread   TE Quick Out   Quarter Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Spread   WR ComeBacks   3-3-5 Defense   1   -6.00   0   0
Spread   WR ComeBacks   Dime Defense   8   6.75   0   0
Spread   WR ComeBacks   Nickel Defense   16   7.69   0   1
Spread   WR Read   3-3-5 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Spread   WR Read   Dime Defense   4   7.25   2   0
Spread   WR Read   Nickel Defense   11   7.73   0   0
Two TE   Corners   4-3 Defense   4   12.50   0   0
Two TE   Counter Right   4-3 Defense   8   11.38   1   0
Two TE   Counter Right   5-2 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE   Misdirection Slam Left   3-4 Defense   1   15.00   0   0
Two TE   Misdirection Slam Left   4-3 Defense   7   2.14   0   0
Two TE   Misdirection Slam Left   5-2 Defense   1   8.00   0   0
Two TE   Misdirection Slam Right   3-4 Defense   2   0.50   0   0
Two TE   Misdirection Slam Right   4-3 Defense   7   1.14   0   0
Two TE   Misdirection Slam Right   5-2 Defense   2   0.00   0   0
Two TE   OffTackle Right   4-3 Defense   4   2.75   0   0
Two TE   Sweep Right   4-3 Defense   4   6.50   0   0
Two TE   Sweep Right   5-2 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE   TE Ins   3-4 Defense   4   11.25   0   0
Two TE   TE Ins   4-3 Defense   2   11.50   0   0
Two TE   TE Ins   5-2 Defense   2   5.00   0   0
Two TE   TE Short Outs   3-4 Defense   3   3.67   0   0
Two TE   TE Short Outs   4-3 Defense   4   12.00   0   0
Two TE   TE Short Outs   5-2 Defense   3   16.00   0   0
Two TE   WR Skinny Post   4-3 Defense   6   9.17   1   0

GM Lucas

Good stuff, a lot to digest but I think the important numbers stand out on both the positive and negative side.

What do you think about Hawk coming in for Estep on all run plays? Figured he won't miss eight blocks in a game.

And what do you think about Making Johnson the #1, OGB #2, Young the slot and Dover the #4 on all 4 shotgun spreads when passing?



Im good with all that boss, works for me.

GM Lucas

Great, we are just about ready. Let me just get a few more things done on this end.


Ms Hart can you get me JTC please


Mr Crain, wanted to touch base with you so it doesn't become a distraction or media focal point as we move towards the end of the season and potentially the playoffs. I want to keep Morris Jackson on board, He's a huge part of our LB core. It's his last year and he's currently making 5.75. I want to bring him back for 3 years at 9 starting next season. Can we get that done?


Not in the ballpark right now. we're looking for a monster pay day.

GM Lucas

What's your number, we want to keep him here if the price is fair. You know I'm fair when it comes to paying players but I don't want to be put over a barrel.



We're looking at a $100MM deal across 5 years, so $20MM per season.

GM Lucas

Can we alter the number a bit if I FG his contract. Think about it and I'll get back to you. I have to do some math.


Ms Hart, get me Mr Maker


Mr Maker, time to talk extension for Leland. You know he's Wolfpack. I think I've done all I can to show him him the respect and loyalty of this organization. Vancouver loved him, the coaches and players respect him. I'm ready to hand him another FG contract. I would like to bring him back another three years 17M per FG.


I'm thinking more in the ball park of $27MM per season fully guaranteed.

GM Lucas

I could FG 5 years and make him a Wolfpack for life. I built this defense around Leland, it's why I made LB the focal point of our defense. So anyway home town gets a discount ? I think I've proven my absolute loyalty to your client.


That gap is far too far apart, we can try again in the off-season.  Leland didn't give Music City a hometown discount after starting his career there, its not his M.O.

GM Lucas

I'm the right GM for your client to work for, Vancouver is the right city for your client to work in. I think this is the perfect time to bring this up, while your client may not be willing to give hometown discounts that he at least take into account the relationships he has made both personally and professionally. I also think it's a good time to refresh your clients memory and remind him that no other GM would have given him a bonus when he fell short of the hitting his bonus mark. But I did, not because I was kissing anyone's ass but because he deserved it regardless. He earned it! I was actually asked and told by people in this business "Why was I being stupid paying a bonus I didn't have to pay" and "Please do not set a precedent paying when you don't need to" But none of that mattered because at the end of the day I always try and do what's right for the player and the organization. So, with that said, I hope we can come to a resolution. To note, I'd be willing to add stipulations that can get him to 27 million and you know I'm good for it. I'll let you head out now. We still have a ton of season left please speak with Leland and consider everything we have build and the loyalty I have shown to him. Thank you.


Ms Hart, can you get me our new starting QB Jon Mathias


Jon, From being drafted to sit behind Merv Patton thinking, probably thinking, you would sit and be called upon eventually. Then watching Merv get traded early on last season for one Ryan Hallquist, and having to watch another QB get an opportunity while you sat and watched, well, I'm sure that didn't sit well. I can only imagine after you voiced your frustration that you may get traded for an opportunity but only to then be traded to a team who already had an established QB probably made you want to flip some tables, to say the least. But Mr. Mathias, this is where I come in. See, there is always a method to my madness. See, While other GM's would never think to trade away their talented young starting QB who already won a playoff game mid season and hand off their playoff push to for what they think is an unproven QB, I think different. See Mr Mathias, I thought it was time to part ways with JD and give him the opportunity to start fresh somewhere else because I already have what I believe to be the next starting QB on this team. While others may think I jeopardized the season I think quite the opposite, I think, NO I believe the Mathias Era, HAS.JUST.BEGUN!. This is it brotha, your Time to Shine. Your 8 game interview. We are playoff bound with a hungry team in a division that is up for grabs. You are surrounded by talent that's starts with an amazing WR core led by now #1 receiver Colt Soriano and Offensive player of the year, the Samoan Steamroller Alesana Tuilagi. I strengthened the O-line and we have a great coaching staff ready to work with you. So I have one question, Are you ready to make me look like a genius, are you ready to be the leader of the pack? Are you ready to be the future of this franchise?


Crazy times man... From Louisville, to Vancouver, to the trade block, to Starter... I'm here to prove I can be the Alpha dog this team needs.

For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack, man.   I got that tattooed across my shoulders last night.  I'm all in.

GM Lucas

Time to prove why you should have always been a starter. Let's rock and roll brotha. I'll let you head out, the coaches and your team are waiting.


Ms Hart, about to lock this baby up. Can you confirm I have a full and legal roster.


GM Lucas

Ms Hart, let's get Amber Molina on the phone, thank you


Ms Molina, I would like to make this Soriano's home for the foreseeable future. He's currently making 19 mil. How would 2 year extension starting next season for a clean 20M per sound. I could FG it for 3 years if we come down a bit, let say to about 17. Which way we thinking?


GM Lucas, Colt signed an extension earlier this season. After this year he is going into a 3 year deal worth 19MM in salary and 3MM in bonus.

GM Lucas

Sorry, didn't receive all his paper work from Michigan, apologies. glad to have him taken care of. Since you are here I would like to speak about your client , G Pounce. Signed the kid out of FA, he's currently making 350k, he's taken really well to our system and coaching staff. I would like to make him a long term starter, thinking 5 years a 3 mil per FG starting next season.