

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:18:11 PM

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De qué estás hablando

GM Lucas

Maybe I'm off, but I thought you represented Guard, Felix Ponce. If you do represent him I'd like to sign him long term and give him 5 years at 3mil per. If he isn't your client, my apologies, my team sheet has you marked as his agent.



OH Felix Ponce, I thought you said G-Pounce, the Canadian hip hop star.

Sure, Felix will sign for 5/3.

GM Lucas


Hilarious, great news. I'll send it in


GM Lucas

Awesome. See ya around


WR Depth Chart
WR 1 Soriano
WR 2 Young
WR 3 Johnson
WR 4 Dover

I formation WR set
WR 1 Soriano
WR 2 Young

Shotgun Formation WR set
WR 1 Soriano
WR 2 Johnson
WR 3(slot) Young

PRO SET Formation WR Set
WR 1 Soriano
WR 2 Young

WR 1 Young
WR 2 Johnson
WR 3 (slot) Soriano
WR 4 Dover

O-Line Depth Chart
Coaches Decision


Attitude: Coaches Decision
Focus: Run
Tempo: Coaches Decision
Passing Focus: Coaches Decision
Pass To: Coaches Decision
Primary Receiver: Colt Soriano
Third Down Back: Coaches Decision
Goal Line Back: Alesana Tuilagi
Running Focus:  Running
Running Backs Role: Running
Backfield by Committee?: Yes
Tight End Focus: Blocking
QB Tuck and Run: Coaches Decision

Run play out the 2 WR set

QB1-Jon Mathias
QB2-Lance Thornburg
QB3-Ross Baker
QB4-Mark Hernandez

RB1-Alesana Tuilagi
RB2-Larry Villanueva
RB3-Giorgos Papadimitriou

FB-Tonka Dozer

TE1-Xavier Phoenix
TE2-Michael Florez

WR1- Colt Soriano
LWR3-Marcus Johnson

WR2 (Slot)- John Young
WR4- Rory Dover

Run Formations O Line Set
RT Don Hawk/Cain Rose
RG Felix Ponce/Charles Fonseca
C Thahn Luckette/George Roberts
LG Charles Seal
RT Michael Zook

All other decisions done by coaches.


GM Lucas

How's everyone doing, first let me say, when ever you control the clock, control the run game and the defense steps up you or more likely to walk away with a win, and a win is what we got. We set out to do what we intended. Trade deadline came and I was able to add some contributing pieces to our O-line and it paid off with over 270 yards on the ground. Mathias and Soriano both got their first TD's in a game we controlled from start to finish. The defense stepped up and we only had 3 penalties. All in all when you come out the bye week and make significant moves to lead your team in a new direction this is the result you hope to get. NOW, I'm not going to sit here and pretend that Dallas was some force of nature to be reckoned with. We know they are a team of guys playing hard but interviewing for future teams in the off season. But, you play who is on the schedule and take care of the teams you are supposed to take care of. As for Mathias wanting more pass attempts, of course he does. He's a baller. I would be worried if he didn't want more pass attempts, but I'll say it here, more passes will come. We wanted to get him situated, get him comfortable with his new role in a new scheme surrounded by new players. Timing is everything and we want to make sure we bring him along productively. We now also have Young dealing with an injury which hampers our pass game so now more than ever we are going to have to play smart, time controlling ball. Now, Let me say, I am devastated at the news of Corrales going down for the season. That kid is tough as nails and it breaks my heart to know he is done. When I finally pulled the trigger to trade him, I did so in order to give him a new start. He had given his all the last three years to this team but we started moving in a new direction and I felt it was important to try and give in a fresh new start and acquire assets and talent while doing so. At the deadline I felt it was a win win, Michigan is getting a hard nose and talented young man, we got to solidify our offense on the receiver and O-line end. It was good for everyone, and I still believe Michigan has a hell of talent on their hands but I wish JD a speedy recovery and hope to see him out on the field start of next season. So, with that said....Any questions?


GM Lucas, I have to say that I didn't come into this season expecting to see us trade away JD Corrales, in fact I just named my newborn daughter Jennifer Dillion James, so when she asks me one day why we called her JD growing up it's going to be a little bit of an awkward conversation... all that aside, we have a two game lead in the division, we have a firm grip on the 4-seed in the west, and our offense and defense are both ranked in the top 10. 

It's been a strong season, my only concern is that our coaching staff was built for a style of offense we aren't playing, so if we are going to commit to this run-first ball control offense, you need to make sure in the off-season we retool the offensive coaching staff.

GM Lucas

First off, congratulations on the birth of your daughter. Second, I am completely in agreement with retooling our offensive coaching staff, matter of I'm already making a list. Ohh, And when your daughter does ask, tell her he was a tough, tenacious and talented young man who helped put Vancouver on the map. Thank you Mr. James, we are ready to continue the Hunt.



Yeah, wolfpack kinda' house.   Lets win some games.

GM Lucas

Ms Hart, get me coach Action please, thanks


Coach, with young sidelined for the forceable future, this is a chance for Dover to step in. I know last year Dover had a real good year in PFL, how do you assess him. Can he be a slot, possession or deep receiver and can he block?


He can play in the slot but that's about it. Looks like Young's rehab has gone well and he's down to 2-weeks on his recovery time.

GM Lucas

Excellent, on both ends. 2 questions Coach

How do you want to attack Charolette, it seemed obvious with young out to keep on trucking but with the news Rover can get it done in the slot do you want to balance it out with more passing or stay paced to run them over?

Second, do you like where we are with our pressure and blitz ratio, does any changes need to be made in that area for Charolette?



They have the #2 run defense and the #26 pass defense, but do you want to put too much on our new QB?  I don't know for sure yet.

Defensively, we should be fine.

GM Lucas

Well, if there was any time to see what we have in the kid it would be up against a bad passing defense. But lets hedge our bets and call it a 50/50 pass run, how do you feel about that or do you think that's still to risky and we should stick to how this team is currently built and go 70/30 run/pass?



I'm just saying, we need to figure an identity and fortify it. Pick a path and let these dogs hunt.

GM Lucas

Last question, what percentage ratio have we been running versus passing since we acquired Tuiliagi and focused on the run?


Here is our passing percentage currently.

First and 10 - 20%
First and Short - 10%
First and Medium - 30%
First and Long - 50%

Second and Short - 50%
Second and Medium - 35%
Second and Long - 30%

Third and Short - 20%
Third and Medium - 70%
Third and Long - 99%

Fourth and Short - 50%
Fourth and Medium - 80%
Fourth and Long - 100%

Goal Line - 15%

Final 2 mins of half (w/ lead) - 25%
Final 2 mins of half (trailing) - 85%

GM Lucas

Ok, let's tweak the pass percentages a bit. See if we could take advantage of Charlottes pass defense while still staying true to the run


First and 10 - 20%
First and Short - 10%
First and Medium - 30%
First and Long - 40%

Second and Short - 50%
Second and Medium - 40%
Second and Long - 60%

Third and Short - 20%
Third and Medium - 70%
Third and Long - 99%

Fourth and Short - 30%
Fourth and Medium - 80%
Fourth and Long - 100%

Goal Line - 15%

Final 2 mins of half (w/ lead) - 25%
Final 2 mins of half (trailing) - 85%

WR 1 Soriano
WR 2 Johnson
WR 3 (Slot) Dover

Everything Else is Coaches Decision


GM Lucas

Good afternoon everyone, let's get this out the way. it was a tough match up. For some reason, dating back to my time with ATl, Charlette has always been a thorn in my side. Rather they were good or winless, something about that team has always manage to get the upper hand on me. There or no good losses and there are no bad wins. GM kirk is doing something overt here and it shows. We managed to put up 145 yards against a top run defense so that's solid effort. Our defense held out as long as it could an it gave up the game winner to one of the games top guys. Our new shot caller did some good things to earn our confidence but also showed that he is learning on the fly with expectations to win, not an easy task but I think he'll be fine. I loved how he spread the ball around. We heard some name we haven't heard all year and that's always good when our shot caller can gain confidence in guys who aren't the usual suspects. This week we face Salt lake, A team who has had some turnover now has a GM, I know they are hungry but so are we. So we'll go back to doing what we set out to do, create some more distance and see what we can do down the stretch.


Coach, not a bad showing. I see Mathias was %58, from what I saw I wasn't sure if the incompletions were due to his own misfiring or were guys  dropping the ball. from your view on the field, What's your take on what was happening?



So here is the breakdown of his incompletions:

2 - Drops
6 - Pass Disruptions
1 - Interceptions
1 - Throw Away
1 - Spike
2 - General Incompletions

He was hurried 3 times and knocked down 3 other times, so take from that what you will.

GM Lucas

Not bad, kid got a lot to go but those are good signs. Check it. We gonna roll like we were rolling. We gave him his shot. I don't put the loss in any particular place. We gonna go back to what we were doing and push forward. I'm leaving all run options to you I'm putting it back to where we were. Maybe when John young comes back and is fully healthy we tinker but right now, this is the direction we are headed so we gonna roll with it, thoughts? Suggestions? Ideas?


GM Lucas

Ok, then right now, that's how we will roll. Let's lock this in and go give Salt Lake this ass whooping.

First and 10 - 20%
First and Short - 10%
First and Medium - 30%
First and Long - 50%

Second and Short - 50%
Second and Medium - 35%
Second and Long - 30%

Third and Short - 20%
Third and Medium - 70%
Third and Long - 99%

Fourth and Short - 50%
Fourth and Medium - 80%
Fourth and Long - 100%

Goal Line - 15%

Final 2 mins of half (w/ lead) - 25%
Final 2 mins of half (trailing) - 85%

Coaches make all decisions


GM Lucas

Good evening, always better to have these after a big win. We did what we had to do against a team we had to do it against. Good showing all around. Defense really stepped up this game for us. Made some big plays when we needed it. Our run attacked produced over 200 yards and averaged more than 5 yards per carry. Mathais did a great job managing the game and not letting it get away. We got a few key drops and bounces our way on the offensive side of the ball but that's how the game goes. Big props to Morris Jackson. I mean when he made the first hit in the backfield and had the motor to keep going and nail the RB in the endzone for what turned out to be a game winning safety, those are plays you can look back on and pin point when the tide turned and propelled your season forward so now we look ahead as we visit Lincoln, a team that has a ton of talent and at any moment can figure it out for one week and really ruin your day so I expect us to be ready for everything they have to throw at us.


Coach, great execution with our game plan. You really had them ready to go. Let me ask you, do you think splitting carries and creating a thunder and lightning situation best suits us or do you feel having Tui be the bell cow and Larry come in with fresh legs when Tui wears down would be a better approach?



Doing what we're doing now, rotating them in as the game goes, is my preference.

GM Lucas

Got it, coach, it's getting easier to just make sure things are running up to your preference and standards so to make things even easier I don't see a reason to make any more changes unless we suffer a major setback somewhere. So, unless you want to make any changes, moving forward we can get right into how we fair and match up against our opponents for now on. With that said, is there any player you would like to see get more playing time or any player that after 11 games isn't where they should be and maybe his back up should get a shot?



Not really.  You give us full control basically, so we're running what we want to run.

GM Lucas

One last piece, coach, is Mathias the best QB we are trotting out, i know it's what we have but I know we also picked up that kid from Michigan in the trade either way how do you feel about it and I know it's a small sample size of 3 games, but any positives or negatives to talk about so far concerning Mathias?



I don't know that he's our future, but he's the best we have right now.

GM Lucas

Coach, I've been thinking about the future of our LB corps. Both Creamer and Jackson are gang busters. Both want 20m or over if the off-season and though I don't see money as an obstacle are they close in what they are able to do or is Creamer just that much of a beast that he's priority. Again, I don't mind signing both but I'm also thinking I want to sure up our oline and if we need to look elsewhere for a Qb, then maybe paying close to 50 mil for two LB's may not be smart. Thoughts?



Wooof, that's a tricky question.  Personally as an offense-first coach, I think spending that much on two linebackers is reckless, because I've seen teams build solid LB corps with one dominator and two quality roleplayers; but thankfully I'm not the one who has to make that choice because Creamer is a top tier linebacker in my book and Jackson has had back to back 120+ tackle seasons and contributes in all phases of the game; both deserve the money.

GM Lucas

A lot to think about, we still have sometimes before I make the final call. but let's not waist anymore time. Let's try and get another streak on the backs of a spiraling Lincoln.

WR Depth Chart.
WR 1 Soriano, Johnson
WR 2 Johnson, Young
WR 3 Young (Slot), Dover



GM Lucas

Good evening, I'll make this short, I need to right this ship. Sorry guys, I know you want more but I have to speak to my coach.


Coach, this year is all in me. You get the credit I'll take the blame willingly. We put in a foundation that worked with our talent, then I decided to pivot, brought in different talent and expected the foundation I put in place to work equal or better and that wasn't fair. I don't want to hedge my bets. It's not fair to expect us to somehow be proficient in the run when I built this team to pass. It's also unfair to try and decide if Mathias is the QB of the future when we focus solely on the run. I want to see what Mathias can do under your original system. I want to see what he can do with the passing system we originally had in place. Let's see if he can shine with our WR core as we use the run to set up pass. We are going to see how he does with your full focus on him the way we ran it with JD.

Reset offensive play calling and schemes to Coaches Decision
Attitude: Coaches Decision
Focus: coaches Decision
Tempo: Coaches Decision
Passing Focus: Coaches Decision
Pass To: Coaches Decision
Primary Receiver: Coaches Decision
Third Down Back: Coaches Decision
Goal Line Back: Coaches Decision
Running Focus:  Coaches Decision
Running Backs Role: Coaches Decision
Backfield by Committee?: Coaches Decision
Tight End Focus: Coaches Decision
QB Tuck and Run: Coaches Decision

All Ratios and percentages reset to coaches decision.

Offensive play caller: Coach Action


GM Lucas


What was the best moment for you this season, and what was the worst?
I think our best moment was watching Leland Creamer break the single game tackle record. I loved watching his team cheering him on and everyone applauding that performance as it was a great one. The worst moment, the worst moment was when I picked up the phone and started making moves maybe I didn't have too, to try and put this team in the best position possible. I made a moves to improve our running game and it absolutely was improved. We had two RB's with over a thousand yards, but it came at a cost. That first move started a snowball effect that just kept going. I thought we needed to move in a different direction, and I never consulted the coaching staff and kept picking up the phone and it turned into an 8-8 season and a ticket to watch the TV at home. For that I take full responsibility with how this season turned out. This season does not fall on the shoulders of the coaches or players it all falls on me. The players and the coaches were the MVP of this team. They played through all the changes week in and week out and with so many moves, it meant a lot guys didn't have time to make adjustments to the changes before the plan was changed again. I apologize to the fans, this division was gift wrapped for us and I thought it was such a cake walk that we could change our teams dynamic and went and traded away our franchise QB. My arrogance took for granted what other teams in the division were doing and it cost us the division title, easily. We should be in the playoffs right now, not Portland but that's what smarter football gets you, an invite to the dance so I applaud them and GM Josh for sticking with their plan, something I was unable to do. I also apologize to our owner who has been great through it all, Mr BC James. I hope to have conversation with him and I hope I can come back and put this team where they belong.

How does it feel to be done playing football while other teams advance to the playoffs?
Sick to my stomach. I feel awful, when I look back, this team was better than last year's team and I thought it needed to get better, to not only just make the playoffs but win it all and I ruined what could have been a great season. I hope when it's all said and done coach Action and I can sit down and really talk about this season because he was great.

Who was your teams MVP this season?
Coach Action, as a new coach he went 8-8 and could have had a winning season. He not only dealt with new players, but he had to deal with implementing new schemes on week in and week out basis. I can only imagine how he must have been not knowing who else he would be coaching every week. I can only imagine the gut punch when he lost his franchise QB. He really made lemonade with the lemons I kept tossing him.

How would you evaluate your coaches performance this season?

How would you evaluate your own performance this season?
I would bury myself under an F- for how a manage this team. All I wanted was for the Wolfpack dominate in all facets of the game. The way Vegas, Winnipeg, Tuscon and Sydney were managing to do. I became obsessed with the next move to make us better and made us worst, not by the talent acquired because all the guys we got in trades were ballers and very talented players but in bringing in talented players that maybe didn't fit the system we had in place. And every failure led to another move which led to another failure. So yeah. I'll bury myself under an F-

Do you expect to be back next season, with this club?
Not gonna lie, the way I'm feeling right now, I would fire me. I expect to find a box with all my belongings sitting in front of my office when I go back but, I hope Mr BC James allows me to have a conversation with him and I hope it doesn't come to that because Vancouver is my team. I can't see myself being a GM anywhere else. At the end of the day, I hope what I've been able to build here means something and I can keep the dream of winning an impact bowl alive here in Vancouver.

What is your biggest take away from this season?
I messed up. I ignored the most important thing about running a team and that was the one thing I preach the most, effective communication with the coaching staff.

What was this team missing?
A better preforming GM.

Again, as I watch the clock ticked down in our last game I started thinking if I liked the weather in Dallas better or Michigan, two teams that have GM Vacancy's. I started wondering if there would be vacancies on other teams and if my performance this year would even land me another job. At the end of the day, I don't see myself anywhere else. I love everything about this city, the fans and this team. Vancouver is my home and I hope when it's all said and done I keep calling it my home.



...a rough end to the season. Hopefully we have a chance to run it back and right some wrongs.

GM Lucas

I apologize coach, I got into my head and became obsessed. I tell you I trust you but my actions said differently and it got out of control and sabotaged your first season. I hope to right those wrong and I hope I'm able to sit with you and get a list of everything you want and need going into next season. If Mr James keeps me around you will get a better version of me.



I believe it boss, no need to convince me, just prove it with actions when the time comes.  I been around this game for a whole lifetime so I've seen a lot.

You want to go over anything while I'm still at the facility?

GM Lucas

Let's hammer this out. We are going to ahve cap space, we got other teams calling about trading for guys who have big salaries but beofre I can make any of that happen I want to hear from you, SO!

First, we have some free agents which are the top three you would like to see return; Leland, Morris, DT Charles Swope, WR Dover,  C George Roberts. G Felix Ponce, G Charles Seal

Next, I'm going to build this team in your vision so which positions should I look to concentrate on in FA and the draft.

QB is a given so no need to start there but what type of QB would you like, a gun slinger, a real smart player that spreads the ball, maybe someone a bit mobile?

And finally, all our coaches are free agents, so we are going to put a bit more money there, but I want to hire coaches that fit what you want to do, so what type of coaches should I be focused on offense and defense wise.




GM Lucas

Sorry, reading out loud what I wrote down here. Let's go one at a time. As far as my first question, which FA's would you like to see return?


I love all my guys, thankfully its not my job to make those types of decisions.  I'd rather just talk about players and their skills than trying to decide people's fates.

GM Lucas

Fair. I'm going to get a qb, great thing there will be plenty of guys available with different skill sets. So you get to have a say and hand pick who leads this pack. What type of skills are looking for in a qb that you want to run your system. A gunslinger, a high IQ guy with zip, a surgeon, a dink and dunk guy, a guy who can take off down the field? 



I've coached Jamie Ortega, I've coached Keenan Dailey, hell I was an assistant staffer at one point during Patrick Owen's early run.  I want a baller.  Attitude, Competitive fire, and a strong arm.   

Running is great, but if they can get the ball down field, that's what I'm about. 

GM Lucas

Solid, how do you want to handle the running game? Preferred style running back? strong up the middle steam roller type or someone who can hit the outside, catch a few passes, make a few guys miss?



I mean, we've got Tui and Larry, they are a great combo.

GM Lucas

Got it, Now tell me what positions do we need to get better in to fit what you want to do. Start with offense.



We got a lot of okay but not great tackles, I'd love a legit bookend tackle to be on the left and Zook on the right.

And we need a quarterback.  The team was legit, we just didnt have a QB once we went to Mathias.

Depth at corner is always important.  DT could use help, and maybe a more speedy edge opposite Shack, but man we got the team already.

GM Lucas

Perfect. now the big one. You picked the coaches last year you wanted by your side based on the budget I gave you. They are all free agents now. What type of budget would you be looking for, to get the guys you need in here?



The more the better. if we are trying to win right now, make a run for the Impact Bowl, then we need all hands on deck.