

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:18:11 PM

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GM Lucas

And finally, coach, I wanted to see what a 3-4 defense would look like with Creamer and Morris. Do you think 3-4 is sustainable if not able to bring both back. What's your preference in that area.


I'm not a big fan of the 3-4 personally, but if you want me to go get a 3-4 coordinator, I mean, we can.

GM Lucas

I wasn't either, I felt like we had the horses to see it through effectively but it's time to get this ship right and implement a 4-3 coach. Oh one thing coach and apologies, I totally forgot when we were talking offense, Xavier Phoenix, how do you assess him, does he fit what you want in a TE?



A tight end is a tight end is a tight end.  Don't over pay.  Don't bring in trash UDFA, but TE isn't going to make or break my offense.   That being said, X is a fiery competitor who works hard and has good speed.   He's not someone we need to upgrade over.

GM Lucas

Maybe I'm just hesitant to have the conversation with Mr James but after this question you can walk out because I'll keep you here all day and I know that much needed vacation is calling your name. Any particular player don't fit your system and might do well in another system. This way I can seek the right fit for him?



Honestly, its a case of looking at the stats and making that decision for yourself. I think we've got a great team, we just hurt ourselves moving JD out of town.

GM Lucas

Ok coach, enjoy your much needed vacation. You did a great job and I look forward to seeing what staff you put together and what we are able to do next season


Ms Hart, I'm ready for Mr James


Well Lucas, that was a fucking kick in the balls without any cuddling.

...and I like the cuddling.

What the hell happened?

GM Lucas

Sir, I fucked up. I just felt like we were going backwards at the start of the season and didn't want to go through another rollercoaster season fighting to get in the playoffs in our weak division. Decided to pivot and change course, and like I said in my presser, like a snowball down a hill, the trades kept getting bigger and more dangerous and it got so out of control it couldn't be stopped. I saw a ton of potential in Mathias and thought for what I wanted to do in the run game, he fit. Hell our run game did not fail, I did. This falls on my shoulders and my shoulders alone. I became obsessed with wanting to be better than just a good team, I wanted to be dominant. I figured becoming a running monster could do that. And in all honestly, I felt like as good as JD was, he hit his ceiling, I felt like if we kept him we would always go as far as his talent except it didn't seem like his talent was no longer rising. I could be wrong, but I don't think I am. Anyway, I couldn't pass up a chance to recover some first round picks and a talent like Colt for the next QB I bring in. I had a long take with coach, and he believes what I believe, we are right there, that close, we are a QB away and I intend to make a big splash for that QB who will put us over.

(Lucas Looks out the window and smiles as he takes a big breath)

Mr James, I want an extension. I have proved to you that all I want to do is win and each year since you hired me all I have done was make this team better. You ow this team, it's yours in all the ways it can never be mine, but this is MY Team. This is my team and I want to see this through, and I see myself being a GM anywhere else and I can't fathom going into the off season as a lame duck coach being limited in what I can do in the trade and free agency market. I don't care what you pay me, it's not about the money for me, it never was. But I want a long-term deal to see this through. This season was a disaster and I own that, I created it. But you should have no reason to doubt my loyalty to this team, to you and this city. You have no reason to question my commitment, NO! My obsession to wanting to win. Let me finish what I started. We got as many impact bowls as Vegas, and that GM got like 10 years at the highest price point. I want five at your price because at the end of the day, winning a title means more to me than my net worth.



Ahh... whoo, okay, wow...   Wait just one gosh darn minute there Princess.. Lets set some things straight you muffin snuggling pirate puncher.

I don't know if you hit the saucy sauce early after your press conference or if you really believe you can stand here and say you've made the team better when my Franchise Quarterback is sitting in Michigan? 

Why are the Portland FREAKING Brewers still playing football while whats left of my team is cleaning out their lockers?

I'm an easy going guy, right up until someone tries to feed me a big spoonful of baby shit expecting me to eat it up like mashed sweet carrots.    Then BC goes B.C.  Eye for and Eye, all that jazz.

I came in with the expectation that I would give you a little warning for next year and let things playout, but holy fat lady on a unicycle Lucas, this is YOUR team?  You expect an extension? 

This is a what have you done for me lately league.   You failed 4 of 5 expectations and barely clawed by on the .500 or better at home task..

You don't want to be a lame duck GM?  Then do something that shows me you are too valuable to let hit the market, because right now I'm not going to Not look at the free agents and see if there is someone else who could do the job better; I owe it to the people of British Columbia.

GM Lucas

Last year I hit all five of my targets and won a playoff game. The year before that I hit four of my targets. This year I admit I made some poor choices and still came a game away from the playoffs and as the dust settles we have a pro bowl RB and future hall of fame WR on our lap with two first round picks to boot. You are sitting here reducing what I have accomplished with this franchise to this one year where after all the ups and downs this team was in it until the very last game. Of course it's not what I imagined when I did the moves but I took a swing and missed. I took a chance, the same chance you took when you first started making movies. They call taking a chance because sometimes it doesn't work but my record shows that my risk taking has had more success than failure, So yeah, I think I deserve your trust but instead I'm hearing that you are going to openly look for my replacement while at the same time telling me to prove myself. I wouldn't quite call that a vote of confidence. How do you expect someone to prove themselves when all they are thinking about is being replaced. Show me some trust, show me some loyalty. It's all I ask. It's not like you can't fire me when ever you please but give me that 5 year deal and allow me the freedom to do what I need to do.


Here's the thing. I'll say it slower so you hear me.

You're saying the right things, but you're doing the wrong things. 

Trust. Loyalty. Security.  Three things you mentioned and then what do you do when you promise those same things to our players? 

It's a two way street sweetheart.

I heard from a few people that you told JD he wasn't even being shopped to trade.  Then you tell Mathias he is the future at the position.

You're going to lose this team if you keep telling people one thing and doing another.

I'm not that guy. I don't sugarcoat or pander.  I'm telling your right now that if this season isn't a good one then you're on the street looking for a new job.

I'll make you a deal.  You want security, you want loyalty.  Then prove you can be the GM I hired to build a winner.  Get us back to the playoffs and you've got a 4 year deal worth 4MM per season waiting for you, but here's the kicker.  I'm not extending you any extra benefits. I don't want a big fat tax bill, I don't want to see all of my future draft picks traded away.  Build a team, keep the tax bill under $1MM; and dont trade my first round pick next year.   Do that, get to the playoffs and avoid pissing anyone off with your double-talk and we'll sign that 4 year deal. 


GM Lucas

.......I know I deserve a long term deal, but to prove that I want to be here and that this is my team, I'm going to accept your challenge because why not, I've been having to prove myself since I first sat behind a desk in Atlanta, this is no different. I accept your terms, I don't like them, but I'll accept them because at the end, I will have a four year deal waiting for me. Thanks for this meeting. Now I got work to do. There's some FA I have to lock up.



Alright then, bye bye now.

ANNA!  Call and set up a massage, I'm feeling tense.

GM Lucas

(..........................Long Fucking Sigh)

Hey Ms Hart, lets start thinking long term. Get me agent Molina please.


Ms Molina, I would like to bring back your client G Felix Ponce on a 3 year 2 million dollars per deal.



  Well this is really freakin' awkward...

Are you asking that we throw away the 5 year extension at $3MM per season we already signed, Pendejo?

GM Lucas

No. sorry. riding a bit of an emotional train after this season. I had your client as the first one I wanted to address and never crossed off the fact that I addressed him already. Forgive me.


GM Lucas

Ms Hart, get me Agent Maker,


"Mr maker, here we are, you said wait until the end of the season and boy is it the end of the season. I'm wondering if at this time we were able to negotiate Leland Creamers deal. So, with all due respect, I love Leland as player, and I want to build a monster defense, but it may be a bit hard to do committing nearly 30 million any spot.  If we can work out a deal where Leland gets the money he wants in a more structured way. I need the breathing room for this season. He wants 135 million over the life of his contract. I can give him 18 now and 25 the next 5 years making it a six year deal which comes out to 143 million and has him making 25 million when he turns 33. This is a win for everyone"



  Like I said before, we're not in the business of a discount.  We want $31MM per season, starting next season. That's the price right now.

GM Lucas

You told me to wait until end of season, I assumed it was to negotiate, why the sudden pivot?. I'm the guy who gave your client a bonus when he fell short of hitting his mark because of the respect and loyalty I have for him, now I asked to work with you to try and negotiate a contract structure to bring him back possibly for the rest of his career and you high ball me? I waited liked you asked, and I get penalized for wanting to find a way to bring your client in and continue to build a winner?



You're offering $18MM next year and that's not what he wants. You're literally low balling me and then getting mad when I give a higher number?   

Yesterday's price is not today's price.    League leader in tackles. One of only 9 Linebackers with double digit sacks. 9 forced fumbles. Double digit PDs.  He is as well rounded as they come and he's worth $31MM.

Lets come back to center before I blow my top.  $27MM with $4MM in bonus.  3 year deal.  What do you say?

GM Lucas

I respect your stance and how you conduct business, always have. But I too must condone business. So the price today may not be the price tomorrow. I wanted to avoid talking franchise tag but we are we both business men and must protect our best interest. Thank you, we'll talk again during UFA period.


GM Lucas

Ms Hart, can you get me Agent Crain


Mr Crain, last we spoke, your client Morris Jackson wanted five years at 20 per. Is there room for negotiation if I can make it a fully guaranteed deal and give MJ the security he needs. I would love to be part of him creating a legacy here in Vancouver as we look forward to the future of this organization. I didn't even offer anyone else this off season a FG deal so I hope that speaks volumes for what I think of keeping your client in purple and gold.



  We would sign a 5 year deal worth $20MM salary and $3MM bonus.

GM Lucas

I know you would Mr Crain, I know you would. Check it, I respect you not wanting to compromise for an FG deal, understood. Let's start over. I'd gladly accept your first offer of 5 years 20 mil. Hell, look at how I'm willing to work with you, I want to give him 15 the first, now hold on, hear me out, 15 the first year then 22 the next four, that's 103 over the span of five. I'm giving an extra 3 from the original deal just for making this happen. hell, That's exactly what you are asking for now come to think of it, it just looks different. Give him more than originally asked for and it helps me now, WIN WIN!



  I understand what you want, but it's not what he wants.  I told you before we're looking for a monster deal.  The landscapes change and the prices of yesteryear are not the prices of the future.  You should have taken my 5/20 deal when we last spoke, but since then Morris feels his value increased and he wants what he wants, and he wants it up front, not pushed back into the future.

GM Lucas

I guess are times are changing Mr Crain. Always love doing business with you, but at this time I need to really do some hard thinking and real math before I start handing out long term deals with 9 digits attached. We will talk again in UFA. Thank you.


GM Lucas

Ms Hart, it's been real but I'm sure like me and everyone else here, you are ready to move this along.




  Welcome to Vancouver GM Dazz!  Here is our budget and roster outlook going into the off-season including what I have down for our draft picks.  Please contact me if you see anything out of place.




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hmm... that is interesting.












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GM Dazz

Ms Hart... or may I call you Anna? Can I see Coach Action please?

Coach, it's good to meet you. First, I wanted to reassure you that I have no plans to sack you. You're not normally the style of HC I tend to hire but perhaps a change in approach would help improve my record in the playoffs. That said, I have a way I like to set up my teams and I've learned not to compromise on that. It's been pretty successful so far and I plan to continue to succeed here. We'll be playing a 4-3 defence, which I think differs from last season, and a run first offence... which I understand isn't your system. The way I see it, before you can start slinging the ball around you have to earn the right to do it by establishing a ground game that forces the opposition to bring extra players into the box to counter it. That's when the space opens up behind and we get to take advantage of the kind of passing game my notes say you prefer. Looking at the players we have here we've got some fantastic talent at RB and some great WRs... and an expensive FB who would never see the field in a spread offence. I'm open to playing a more expansive, deep passing style when we do go to the air and that's where I think your abilities would be a real asset. I'm perfectly happy to keep you on as HC as long as you're willing to adapt to my way of playing. If you aren't, I absolutely respect that and I'll accept your resignation with no hard feelings. The first real question I have for you is this: do you think you can work with me, an adapt to my style, to create sustainable success here in Vancouver?


Hello GM Dazz, I'm excited to work with you.  I love a 4-3 defense and I love the idea of running to set up shots down field, I'm fine with all of that.  I'm a flexible coach and I've seen that you can win in this league with a variety of styles.  We ran a 3-4 last year because we didn't get the chance to hire the right coaches in the staff, that can easily be remedied so I am all in.

GM Dazz

Excellent. I look forward to working with you. Glad to have you buying into what I'm planning. We'll catch up again shortly when it's time to discuss coaching. I'm going to see if I can get a tour of the facilities in the meantime.



Hello sir, I'll give you that tour and make sure you're familiar with the facilities.  Just follow me.

GM Dazz

Thank you Anna. The tour has been very informative. Could you ask Coach Action to see me again please?

Coach, I'm just filling in the sheet for the coaching budget and I've been intrigued by the idea of a pro-style hybrid offence. I could try and guess what that is... and my imagination is probably running wild with ideas... but I thought it better if I just ask. What makes an offensive scheme a hybrid scheme?



Not quite as sexy as it may sound... think of it this way.

In a traditional strategy its kinda like this:

West Coast
Formations: Mixed
Plays: Short Passes and outside runs

Formations: Iform, proset, twoTE + little shotgun
Plays: Lots of running - mixed passing

Pro Style
Formations: Mixed

Formations: Mixed
Plays: Long/medium passes + Inside runs

Formations: Spread, Shotgun, TwoTE
Plays: Lots of passing, mainly outside runs + lots of QB runs

A hybrid of any of those means it has more elements that it would not usually have, so power hybrid would mix in a little more outside running or passing.  A Spread-Hybrid would throw in some extra power or pro style. 

The Prostyle Hybrid would throw it a little extra spread or vertical that you might not expect from a more traditional set up, that's all, its more about the make up of the playbook than anything else.

GM Dazz

Thanks for the explanation. So the way we talked about playing feels like a pro-style. Would you agree or is there a different style that fits more closely?



I think Pro Style gives us a wide range of ways to play, it lets us mix bits of all styles into a balanced overall approach.  Its a good place to start and if we needed to modify we could explore that later on.

GM Dazz

Thanks Coach. I'll get the budget sent through shortly.



Received with your instructions.  I'll get on it right away


Hi there!

With the free for all starting now, here is what I have on our team sheet.  Please note this does not factor any signings we may or may not have made and failed to league office, so if we have signed a player recently but not yet sent his deal to the league office, I do not count that.   

Currently I have us with:

17 Open Roster spots.

29.8MM Remaining Salary.

12.75MM Remaining Bonus.

3.5MM Remaining Off-Season Bonus.

2MM Remaining International Bonus.

This will be our only roster/budget update for the rest of the off-season, so if you have a discrepancy we need to speak in private and compare sheets and comb the league office to make sure we are on the same page.

GM Dazz

Hi Anna. I hope you enjoyed your break. Thanks for the info. It all aligns perfectly to my own. Pretty easy to make sure I league office all of the UFA deals when only 1 of them took the offer. Could you please put me in touch with Drew Leventhal?

Mr Leventhal, I hope you're having a productive free agency period. I need to add some experience to my LB group so I'd like to talk to you about bringing Hiro Nakamura to Vancouver. I'd like to have him here for 3 years and I'm offering $5MM salary with $2MM bonus per season.


Consider it done, Thanks Dazz.

GM Dazz

Always a pleasure.

Anna, could I speak to James T. Crain please?

Mr Crain, I was surprised to see your client Albert Cheatham get amnestied earlier this off-season after what was a decent year. I'm looking for a CB who can challenge Bannister and Black for a starting spot and I think Mr Cheatham would fit in nicely with this group of players. He's expecting to earn, and will earn, $10MM this year from LB so I'll offer a 2 year deal at $4MM salary and $1MM bonus so that he's making an average of $10MM per year for the next 2 years.

Just to clarify, that's an offer of 2 years at $4MM salary and $1MM bonus.



What Albert is being paid by another team is none of your concern.  We're seeking $10MM per season from our next club.

GM Dazz

That's too expensive for me but I wish you luck.

Anna, could you get me Scott Forest please?

Mr Forest, I'm interested in bringing Paul Hussey to Vancouver to challenge for a starting CB spot. Would he sign a 3 year deal at $4MM salary and $1MM bonus per season?



We're looking for $6MM for this season, we'd do 4+2MM for this year only.