

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:30:56 PM

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Hey there GM Dario;

So I currently have us with $8.5MM in available salary cap and $21.75MM in Bonus funds for S16.  Our bonus may flex depending on how you decide to handle our coaching staff.

I have us with 13 open roster positions at this time. 

I have our s16 draft picks as follows:

2nd - LIN
4th - STP
4th - KC
5th - KC
5th - LV
6th - KC
6th - LIN
6th - DC

We have all of our own draft picks for S17 ; and we have all of our own picks for S18.

We currently do owe any taxes!

Our available off-season bonus money currently is: $2.5MM ($2MM from your GM Contract + $500K from your S15 budget rollover).

I have our off-season team sheet copy here. Feel free to edit/use it if you would like.  If you have questions or disagree with my notes please let me know and we will get to the bottom of it!

GM Dario

Shay, Appreciate ya comin' back for another round of the Dario Program.
All of the numbers look good to me. So I think we're good to go for now.

Let's bring in Coach Graham if we can for a Confab.


Coach, We've got a clean slate to work with. 
No other coordinators are under contract, and nothin' to pay out, so we can work out how we wanna go with this.

We have some key parts on the roster so I think it's just gonna be about Coachin' our guys up to that Next Level.
What's the Framework on the digits to get there?


Hey dude; here are our real options:

1 - Economy
We go cheap and young.  I shop in the young and up and coming coaching pools to fill all the jobs including coordinators; in the end we look at spending $3MM on offense and $3MM on defense.

2. Intermediate
We go strong at the coordinators but pretty young everywhere else (for the most part)  this package gets more experience in the bigger seats but costs more; so we'd be looking at $5MM on each side of the ball.

3. Top of the Line
We go after all the big fish we can land.  Whether we have to raid college, the PFL, whatever...  In the end though we just try to max out what we've got and put the best on the field to get the best out of our guys.. For us that's looking at $9MM on offense, $8MM on defense.

GM Dario

Last year of my deal for now
Last year of your deal for now.

Let's go all in for the Top of the Line and see if we can't make some noise this year.


Alright; league office it and I'll get to work.

GM Dario

The Ball's in your capable hands, Coach.

GM Dario

Lotsa good things happenin' in SkyBear Country, Shay.

Coach Graham's built a solid staff. So now it's my turn.

Shay, see if you can get me with 'The Mongolian' William Wentz please.


William, thank you for takin' time out of your offseason to take my call.
We talked durin' the year but you wanted to wait 'til now to chat, and I respect that.

I'd also like to show my respect for your good work by offerin' you a 2 year deal at 1.25M per season to keep Puntin' for the SkyBear's team.


I'm Back, Baby! The Skybear calls me to ring the gong when called upon!

GM Dario

William, Thank you. I'll see ya at Trainin' Camp.

Shay, I'd like ya to send a message to Drew Leventhal that we've decide to Amnesty Julius, makin' him a Free Agent.
And after that, I think we're just gonna sit back for now.

Anythin' on ya mind, Shay?


Just thinking about the debate online I was reading about George Carlson and Michael Hodge's HOF cases; amazing how polarizing those debates can be.

GM Dario

I completely agree with ya. It's sorta like you're judgin' how good they would be now, instead of bein' in the HIFL 10 to 15 years ago. The game has changed a lot and ya have to understand those differences.

A player with X amount of catches back then may have been Top 3 but now they're Top 20 at best. Just shows how the game has changed.

If you had a vote, would you put any of the Five in?



I think Michael May would be even better in todays HIFL and Michael Hodge if he stayed clean, could have been the GOAT at the position. Height, Weight, Speed and the ability to go up and win the fight for the football, but I assume is off-field issues are one of the reasons he had to rely on the Committee to re-nominate him.

GM Dario

The age old question- does the off field stuff have more merit over the on field production?  There's no concrete answer either, which makes it harder to judge.  With Hodge, it's like.....

Dario pauses for a minute, searches through his papers fore a copy of the Coaching Staff, then finds it...

Shay,  where would I find a copy of the Turpin Report?


Hmm... let me hit the HIFLwiki


GM Dario

Since when is there a HIFLWiki? Why was I not notified of this?

Shay, you're a genius!!

I got a little light readin' to do now. But before I get to that,  let's make one run on this, Shay, let me talk with Anthony Campanelli please.


Mr. C!! It's ya guy, TD, baby!!

So ya got my RFA Jamar Driver on your sheet.  He's a class act on the field and off the field as well. And that's the kind of guy I want stayin' on my team if we can do this.   I'd like to bring him back for 1 more year at 2.25M. Can we do the thing?


Hey Paisan!   Jamar is looking for 6-7MM per year right now, but we can circle back during UFA if he doesnt find that deal.

GM Dario

I gotcha, Mr. C!! I can't fault him for wantin' a payday.

I plan to tag him with a 5th round tender so that'll give ya my top end range. We can circle back like ya said in a bit.

'Ppreciate it .


Shay, other than Taggin' Jamar, I think we're done with RFA- I'll make note if that with the Office.

Gotta Question for ya- the Turpin Report was before my time on HIFL, there were Two lists of people associated with Eubanks and Seau. The second list your people primarily retired or already out of the HIFL. But the first list had active players. What was the general tone for team and GMs of doin' business with the people on that list? Or was there anythin' that you can remember about it



I didn't even work in the league back then; so I think it's so long ago it's all water under the bridge at this point.

GM Dario

I'm guessin' that was the previous Shay back then.

It's probably just me tryin' to make sure we aren't lookin' shady or something'

I didn't think much about who was on the list until you talked about Hodge and Carlson, then I saw Coach Oliver and Coach Gonzales were on the lists as well. Guessin' Coach Graham did due diligence on them. Like ya said, it's probably nothin'.

So now we're just waitin' on the Draft Combine and any trade calls, right?



The league will let us know whats next, when the time comes.

GM Dario

Shay, can we get in touch with the "Big Balla" Lavar Jackson and see if he wants to run the ComBBBine in KC again this year?



Hello GM Dario,   I am Thomas Reese, the investigator looking into the recent allegations made against your boss.  Do you have a few minutes to answer a few questions?

GM Dario

I've got the time. What can I help ya with?


Well first and foremost, has Mr. Danzer ever spoke to you about financial issues not involving the salary cap?

GM Dario

Nothin' has ever come up in the few instances that we have talked.


How about when your players went to protest in Atlanta, did he pay for their travel?

GM Dario

If he did, no mention was made of it to me. And as for the players in question, neither didn't mention it to me either.



Do you mind if I reach out to them this week, some time?

GM Dario

It's the off-season, so I wouldn't know where they're at, but I've asked everyone on the team to be available. It's on the person if they don't. But I don't have any problem with ya reachin' out to anyone.



Thank you for your time.  Take care.



Hi there, I've got us with $8.25MM and $4.75MM in bonus heading into UFA.

GM Dario

I'm showin' us at 14.25 on Salary- the bonus checks out at 4.75 though

Did I miss a bump on a contract maybe, Shay?

GM Dario

Shay, good to have ya back. Let's see if Francisco Bien is available.


Mr. Bien ! It's ya amigo, TD, baby!!

I'd like to add your client, Leonard Schofield, to the SkyBear's team. He'd be a great addition to the Secondary as a player and a mentor.

I'd like to get 2 years, 6M Salary plus 3M Bonus, fully guaranteed for both years as well.

Is this bueƱo ?

GM Dario

Mr. Bien,  Lo Siento.. I had my old list.

While I have ya,  let's talk CB Willian Gray instead...

1 year for 1M to bring him to kC, por favor ?

GM Dario

Mr. Bien,  Lo Siento.. Sorry for bothering you.

Have a nice day

Shay, remind me not to call agents without knowing who's available.

I'll call someone else shortly after I clear off my lists.

GM Dario

Shay, let's try this again, shall we? Mike Maker, please

Mr. Money!  ! It's TD, baby!!

I'd like to add your client, William Dalton, to the SkyBear's team. He's been here before for a cup o' coffee, but bringin' him back would be a great addition to the Defense as a player and a mentor for some of these younger players..

I'd like to get 1 year, 2M Salary plus 1M Bonus, please.


Will really hates the idea of the PFL, so even thought I could get him a lot of money there, we'll sign your deal.

GM Dario

Signed Sealed and Delivered Mr. Money!


Shay, Lets try Bobby Shapiro please.

Bobby Baby!!!  It's Dario in Skybear Country

We signed your client, WR Lloyd Doyle, mid-way through last season and I like how the kid works on and off the field.

I'd like to get 1 year at 750k Salary. Can we do this, Bobby?


So, it didnt make the news, but he signed a 4 year deal with New Orleans worth about $2.5MM per season.   Apparently he moonlighted with them last year ala Nick Cannon and had 1,000+ yards receiving for them and 6 TDs.  Go figure.

GM Dario

I told ya I thought the kid was good.. Makes sense on why he was always last one at practice and first one gone though.

Ok Bobby, catch ya on the flip


Shay, Need to talk to the Big Balla himself


Hey Lavar! Yo ! It's TD in KC Baby!!!

I need another corner and ya boy Marquise Jackson is a good fit for our scheme in the secondary.

I'd like to get 2 years at 1.75M Salary plus 750k Bonus.

Roll the dice with me, Big Balla!


GM Dario

Imma take that as a "probably not" then.. we'll catch up later


Shay, I think that's enough Late Night HIFL for tonight, Imma do some research and try again tomorrow.

GM Dario

Shay, let's see if Steve Rosenhaus is available.


Hey Hey! It's Dario!

I drafted Jacob Owens a couple years back and I'd like to bring him back in to the SkyBear secondary again

I'd like to get 2 years at 2M Salary if we can...


GM Dario

Good to go!!  Thanks


Shay, is Amber Molina free?


Amber, hi there. It's TD.

I'm lookin' to add Rookie RB Charlie Nieves outta Florida Atlantic to the Bruins' backfield to mix in with RW and Jacob.

Can we get a 1 year UDFA deal at 350k for Charlie?


GM Dario

Very nice, Amber. Always a pleasure.


Shay, open hailing frequencies for James..... T...... Crain. Please.


Mr. Crain, it's Tylen Dario from the KC Bruins.

I drafted Gavin Wilcox a couple years back and I'd like to bring him back in to our receiver corp.

I'd like to get 2 years at 1.25M Salary & 500 Bonus if we can...
