

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:49:06 PM

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GM Bennett, because you've always handled our negotiations with professionalism and charm, I'm going to let you throw an offer out, but Christian is highly motivated to play elsewhere next season, he feels like this corner room is crowded and that he'd rather pursue other options, unless its the perfect offer.

GM Bennett

Thanks Ambz, I appreciate that.

We have been blessed and fortunate enough to have a good group of corners this season. But Christian has been our top corner and I'd like for him to remain here to be that if at all possible. If he chooses this deal isn't good enough to keep him here, then that is perfectly fine no hard feelings we are proud to have been able to have him here in Atlanta.

That being said, he's gonna be 32 years old next season and there's no telling how long he may want to play. I'd like to offer him a 3 Year deal worth $21MM to potentially end his career here in Atlanta. I'd love for him to possibly do a more team friendlier deal if not remain on his current deal but I remember our last conversation bout his contract and well I rather see if that's something he'd even entertain all while making this offer if he isn't interested in going that route.

Like I said, if he rather take his chances in free agency because how deep our corner room is then no hard feelings.



I'm sorry GM Bennett, but without an offer that at least moves him into the top 10 for cornerbacks, we're not going to entertain an offer at this point.

GM Bennett


Next player I'd like to discuss is John Rosado. Before I make an offer is he too looking to play elsewhere or is he open to a possible offer?



3 years, $14MM and we're back.

GM Bennett

Shiiiiiiiitttt that's a damn deal, Ambz!

I'll get the paperwork faxed over to your offices as soon as possible.

Ambz, always a pleasure. Dinner on me next time you're in the city.


Xena, I know the league is probably sitting around waiting for us to lock in but they can get off our dicks and let us do what we gotta do.

Can you call down to the locker room to get Coach Fedora on the phone? He doesn't need to come up to the office I just want to ask him a quick question.

Thanks Xena.




Talk to me Goose.

GM Bennett

Coach, I'm sorry to hit you up while you and your staff are prepping for these next few weeks. I wanted to ask a question cause I have a touch decision to make...

David Ly. He's shown he's capable of being a player that can play both safety positions and step in if need be. Basically with that in mind what do you see his ceiling being? Could you see him being a prominent starter in this league at the Strong Safety position such as John Jordan is now if not better than?




I don't think he'll ever be at the level of Jordan.

GM Bennett

That's all I needed to know, Coach. I appreciate you always and forver. I'll let you get back to prepping for these games. Thanks Coach.


Xena, last call of the night. Let's give a call to my man Eli Harris about John Jordan.


GM Bennett

I'm gonna keep this brief, my man.

5 Years $10MM.



We're going to stand on business and say $14MM or we try again in free agency.

GM Bennett

Any chance we can bust that down to $12MM instead?



...after I said "standing on business?" ...well shit.  Sure.

GM Bennett

My man, shooters gotta shoot!

I appreciated it, OG. I'll get the paper work drawn up and faxed over.


Xena, gimme some time I'll get us locked in for the remainder of the season.

GM Bennett

Remainder Of Season

Player Rotations:
Mostly Back Ups
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Balanced Offense

beware of the....



1. This season did not go as expected, what do you think was the leading contributor to this, was it the injuries that plagued you all season long, or was it something esle?

2. Coach Fedora has been a focus of scrutiny all season long, is he coming back next season or is it time for a fresh start?

3. How close is this team to competing for a division title?


GM Bennett


1. This season did not go as expected, what do you think was the leading contributor to this, was it the injuries that plagued you all season long, or was it something else?

It was definitely not the season we expected. I try not to be too hard on myself but I have a bad habit of doing that because I feel as though no one else is going to be tough on me and push me to be the best I can at whatever it is I'm doing but me...I don't like to let people around me down. Especially those who care about or depend on me, ya know? I know coming into this season, this was truly my first season here. First season where I take the reigns and start to mold this team into what I feel the team should be to be able to win. I knew it was gonna be tough but didn't imagine we'd go through the trials and tribulations that we have this season.

Injuries were definitely an immediate cause to our demise, yes. I don't understand why we had so many injuries this season but it sucked. We started the season having Orion go gun blazing, haha. He was our MVP this season and I believe he can truly lead this team to a championship. We just have to do a better job protecting him. We didn't give our line much of a break from pass blocking to achieve that though. We didn't have the production from the running back core we ideally wanted at the start of the season but we made adjustments I feel helped balance everything out...A little too late and it still lead to Orion getting banged up.

I think even though we tried our best out there we let ourselves down and the city. We had some cool moments and we have a team that shows promise for the future. But this isn't the future...We aren't there yet.

Back to me being hard on myself...I had to sit back these last few weeks and realize something I knew coming to this team when I first got traded here. I'm here to build a winning team. And in order to do that I have to rebuild. I want to stay competitive but I know somethings will have to change to ensure our future comes into fruition.

2. Coach Fedora has been a focus of scrutiny all season long, is he coming back next season or is it time for a fresh start?
Coach Fedora is a great coach. An awesome offensive mind no less. He definitely had a rough go of it this season and part of that were the injuries. I will always have Coach Fedora's back and have love for that man. Unfortunately I think it may be time for us to look elsewhere when it comes to our head coaching position. Like I said we are in the middle of a rebuild and even with that I want to try to be as competitive as possible. I believe Coach Fedora is a great coach and can be a head coach anywhere, I'll back him on that but I'm not sure if Atlanta is the right team for him be the head coach of at this time.

3. How close is this team to competing for a division title?
I think we're pretty close. We're in a tough division but just about all the teams in our division had their respective struggles.



Hey GM Bennett, I know your contract is up and you're a free agent, but I'm wanting to offer you a two year deal to stay in the ATL and bring in a new coach and show me that he's the problem and not you.   

Here's the offer.   2 years, $3MM. If we make the playoffs in either season, you add on a 3rd year GM option at $5MM

GM Bennett

That's a fair and honest offer, my man. I accept.

GM Bennett

Xena, it looks like you're stuck with me for another 2 (possibly 3) seasons. Before we close shop and go on vacation can you give Drew Leventhal another call for Oliver Giles please? Thanks.


GM Bennett

Mr. Leventhal, just calling to pick back up our conversation regarding Oliver.

3 Years $12MM like previously discussed. Any chance this decision has changed or will he be testing free agency this off-season my man? No hard feelings if he chooses to do so, I understand it's just business if so.



We'd be open to keep your offer on the table if you reach out during free agency, but at a flat $12MM I'd rather at least let him see what is out there.  A lot of movement means a lot of teams wanting to add their own talent.

GM Bennett

Completely understandable Mr. Leventhal. Thanks for taking my call you guys enjoy the off-season.


Alright Xena one more call, can we get Steve Rosenhaus on the phone to talk Clarence Martin again and possibly Lynn Skipper? Thanks.


GM Bennett

My man, I just wanna revisit our talks about Clarence. I'm willing to go up from my original offer to $13MM but for 3 years. It's not the $16MM you guys are looking for but its an improvement. Look I'm tryna make sure we have the funds available to us to build these next two seasons if there's a way we can make this work I'd like that. If not we can move on to talking about Lynn.



What's the offer on Lynn, baby?

GM Bennett

3 Years $6.5MM. That's sizeable increase compared to his last contract.



Deal.  Happy to get that one done, baby.

GM Bennett

My man!

I'll have that paperwork done and sent over as soon as I can.

I hate that we can't get a deal done for Clarence but I get it. I appreciate your time Steve.



Clarence wants to be here, so lets try again during the open market.   Later baby.

GM Bennett

Alright Xena, I don't have anymore calls to make. I know I spoke to Mr. Lewis earlier when he extended my time here, but do I need to have that exit talk with him so we can lock in for the season?




Hey,  Here is our team off-season primer.  It shows our current roster (including expired players and coaches but without their contract values) our current draft picks for the next 3 seasons, and our budget.


GM Bennett,  I appreciate the call to interview in person on day one.   What do you need to know?

GM Bennett

Coach Diaz, my man! No problem, I thought it was only right to give you an interview first seeing as though you were the teams DC when I first got traded here. I hated having to lose you the following season but here we are now.

Naturally you'd be the guy controlling but do you have vision as how you'd like to see the offense be ran by your OC if hired?



I don't care about the scheme particulars, but I want an OC who isnt afraid to put his balls on the damn table and go all in.   Aggressive attitude is what I want to see.  Straight up BALLERS.  Hear me??

GM Bennett



Sorry bout that, Coach just got a bit riled up there.

I do agree I like to see some aggressive but I'd like to see some balance in the offense as well. I don't wanna see too many turnovers as well as costly turnovers.

So Coach at the end of the season I mentioned that we were going to be in a bit of a rebuild here in Atlanta while also doing our best to be competitive as possible. With that in mind would you be comfortable with that sort of responsibility as a Head Coach having to balance both veterans and young talent?


The honest truth of my game, I'm not an expert at developing young players, I'm not a guy who preaches discipline on the field, I'm a motivator.   Im a leader!   I INSPIRE!   

If you want a guy who will motivate people to work their asses off, I'm the guy.   But to be great I have to have very high end development coaches, I need guys to help players with their football IQ, I need someone on my staff who is going to take charge in all the play calling bull shit.  I'm here to MO.TI.VATE.     


GM Bennett


Ahem...Um...My bad again, Coach.

Coach I believe you're a top candidate for the job here in Atlanta. I do have two other coaches to speak to before I make my final decision thought. I enjoyed this talk my man.


Xeina, I'm ready for our next interview.



Hello GM Bennett, thanks for having me in.

GM Bennett

No problem my man, I appreciate you taking the time come into town and accepting our invite.

Coach I just have a few questions for you, I don't want to take up too much of your time.

First things first, I know a strength of yours physical training. That my man is a definite plus, considering what we dealt with last season. We were hit with the injury bug so bad I put myself on IR at the end of the season. Gotta protect ya mentals.

That being said, I know you can't predict how next season would be but with this being part of your expertise, how do you see yourself as the head coach preventing us from that sort of situation again?



I believe that mental and physical health is important.  The best ability is availability so giving guys the rest they need during the week while making sure they still get the work they need to improve and be prepared is the key.   I've grown up in coaching, my family tree is stronger than any coaching tree out there and I've learned over all these years that you don't run your stars into the ground.  You take care of your players and make sure they are ready to go on Sundays.

GM Bennett

They are something that goes hand in hand. Very important.

Yeah, that's good to hear Coach. I don't know exactly what it was last season but it derailed any and all progress we've made or could've made throughout the season. It was mentally draining for myself and the guys & girls in the locker room.

I can appreciate a long line of coaching history and experience. Which is why I made it a point to bring in a Coach who has experience coaching in this league. In the past I enjoyed bringing in hidden gems possibly from the college level or rookie HC's all together. This season I wanted to switch that up.

Coach, I owe this city a lot for personal and professional reason so I'd love to be able to bring a championship here. It's really championship or in my case pertaining to my time here playoffs or bust. Though those are the stakes for me being here I have to be honest with myself and those around me, that's how I operate Coach so I don't mind sharing how I feel with anybody. At the end of the season I pointed out how I want to be competitive but I realize that we are a team that needs a bit of a rebuild in order achieve that ultimate goal. I'm the kind of GM that likes to see players develop whether it be veterans or young players.

With that kind of path we are on Coach, is that something that you'd be comfortable with if hired?



I get knocked for not developing young talent as well as a college coach, but honestly that rap is a little weak.  I am very strong at a lot of things, and my "youth development" is considered a weakness because of how strong my other skills are.   I am confident I can coach and develop young talent just as well as experienced talent, just don't expect me to turn a bum into a superstar.   If the player has talent, I'll get his best out of him.

GM Bennett

I love the sound of that, Coach. It does make my final decision harder in the long run but I love that.

I know you're more of a defensive minded, Coach so I won't bother to ask how you'd hand the offense because I'd rather our OC handle that aspect.

So, with how our defense is presently constructed what are some things you'd think you can capitalize on in terms of our strengths and what weaknesses do you believe you'd be able to strengthen?



I see this defense as pretty plug and play.  You need defensive ends obviously and having some powerful edge rushers one bull rusher and one speed rusher on either side would round it out, and maybe an upgrade at DT2 but the rest is ready to go.  I love the corner dpeth, the linebackers are great 1 thru 3, Fabulous and Ly are raw at safety but I think I can tap some potential there.  I am big on boosting players IQ, so everyone would get that kind of bump from being in my system.