

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:49:06 PM

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No worries, boss.  We're good!

GM Bennett

So, we had us a week off. The guys are feeling good and rested for this week. I was elated to see our man Orion and the O-Line go out and give me to the city. That's the kind some stuff I love to see man, truly.

I see stuff with this HIFL vs. PFL isn't dying down soon...Shocker. It'd be great if the two parties can just come to a compromise and move on from this. Cause it's a headache, truly is. PFL has nothing to lose, they've been pretty vocal and have shown evidence of just that. It's a mess man. Really is.

If I could give any advice to my man Peerless though...I'd tell em it might be better if he stays where's hes at. He's doing numbers where's he's at now. The city of Nashville loves him which I'm sure anywhere he goes people will love him. That kid is a star, I love em. You all know this, it's been pretty evident just how support we both are of each other on and off the field. I want him to get his but it might be better to step back and look at the situation. It's petty szn out here. Now Eddie Stands left here to go to PFL to get more playing time. He wasn't getting that here, and I don't fault him a bit. If you can go elsewhere and it's a better situation for you. Sure, do that. I have been vocal on what I think about all this. I have said and stand on this point...Players should honor their contract with the ball club they are signed to. Once they are free agents, it's free game. But in Eddie's cause I can't fault him. Peerless is a star WR in this league and the best reciever on his team right now. He's getting those looks and shining baby. This is a contract year for my man so I'd personally just play out this contract and then see what happens in free agency. There's a lot of stuff going on you don't really know what could happen.

That's just me.

Beyond that, I have to fill Eddie's roster spot this week I didn't get a chance to last week. But we do have a game this week as we are facing another team coming off a bye week Myrtle Beach. They have been struggling this week and sorry not sorry, I hope to add onto those struggles and to pick us up a win this week. With our game being at home I hope to treat our fans with a dub.


Alright Coach, I hope your time off went well. I wasn't able to set out to do what I intended to do cause of all this mess going on. Agents are being a bit dicey with what they wanna do with all this uncertainty going on. Nevertheless I do need to go out and grab us a player to fill the roster for the rest of the season.

How are you feeling about us going into this weeks game?



It wasn't a bad week, nice break, good game prep for an important stretch of games.  Myrtle, Music City, Seattle, Milwaukee, Vancouver, Salt Lake, Charlotte, and Myrtle again...5 of those SHOULD be wins, if we can win one of the 50/50 toss ups with Music City and Charlotte we're looking at 9 wins, if we can win out, that's 10 wins and that SHOULD be a lock for the division and playoffs..  We can do this, we just have to stay tight.

GM Bennett

I love that passion and enthusiasm Coach. Let's get these wins and fight for this division!

Ahem, in the meantime I think I'm gonna try to add some depth to our O-Line. Good luck this week coach I'm rooting for you



Damn right!  Lets get it!  See ya round!

GM Bennett

Xeina, can you call Bobby Shapiro for me real quick? I wanna talk to him about his client Benjamin Jacks.


GM Bennett

Bobby, my man! Hey I got a roster spot open cause of....this bullshit. But I wanna use that roster spot to bolster the O Line a bit and add some depth to the center position.

I got $1MM for the remainder of the season for your man Benjamin Jacks if he's interested in coming to Atlanta.


GM Bennett

Happy as always to do business with you Bobby.


Xeina I'll get us locked in at some point. My phone has been a bit busy today.


GM Bennett

Game Nine vs. Myrtle Beach Mastodons

Player Rotations:
Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Balanced Offense

beware of the....

GM Bennett

Welcome back to Atlanta. It was a good week for our ball club this week. It was a well balanced attack from us on offense and on the defense. Couldn't be happier for out guys. You know with us going for a more balanced attack on offense, it has really shown how fluid and efficent of an offense we have here. I'm looking forward to help build this team more but just knowing how balanced of a team we have right now I'm pretty happy to say the least.

I wish the PFL stuff wasn't going on and all this drama wasn't happening that causing agents to be a hesitant in extension talks. There's a few guys on the roster I'd love to start talking extensions for but it's been a real headache going on that's preventing us from even doing that.

I absolutely hate seeing this QB's get hurt. It's scares me really I don't wanna see anyone get hurt, especially to the point their career is in question.

We'll be hosting the Kings this week. After my man Peerless got an extension he rightfully deserves, I'm looking forward to us having a fun exciting game that I hope we walk out with the dub for our fans that are coming to root us on.

Capo John I don't think we'll be able to suit up this week but I know he'll be on the sideline giving our boys the best support for everyone to do their best.


Coach, great job this week. Loved what I seen out there.



Lookin' like a pulled pork sandwich with extra sauce.  Delicious!

GM Bennett

We should definitely go get us some BBQ...Oh wait yeaaahhhh!!! Was looking real real good out there Coach. You and staff cooked up one helluva gamelan.



Let. Daddy. Cook! 


GM Bennett

You think we'll be able to edge out another victory against the Kings this week here at home? And is there any adjustments we need to make heading into this week to ensure we put our best feet forward?


The key is to contain Peerless Adams, you know him well. We want to focus on him defensively, and offensively we just need to see everyone contributing..  Its a division game and motivation is high, so I am sure the boys are focused.

GM Bennett

Yeah I think it would be good to keep a man on em at all times. Make sure whoever is lined up against em has safety help so he doesn't get deep on us.

I completely agree we need all hands on deck. It'll be tough and I don't think they'll wanna lose to us a second time.

I don't wanna keep ya too long Coach so I'll let you get back to preparing our boys for this game. Good luck this week, Coach.


GM Bennett

Game Ten vs. Music City Kings

Player Rotations:
Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Balanced Offense

beware of the....

GM Bennett

Hello everyone. Tough outing for us against Music City this week. Orion got beat up a bit out there, hate to see that happen. It was a good game considering, but just couldn't get the job done out there.

Like a proud father, I'm proud to see Peerless doing so well. Despite not being his GM anymore I'm always gonna cheer for his success like I do for any other player I've had the pleasure to work with in the past (depending on how that working relationship went/ended). I just hate he had to do that on us haha.

We'll hopefully be able to bounce back this week against the newly bought Seattle Lumberjacks. I have to say I am excited to see what the new owner brings up there and I hope that my man GM Stark is treated good up there. I know it's been a little uh...Trying for em.


Coach, not the result we wanted my man. We beat them before so we know it just wasn't our day this week.



You built a good squad over there, we know its a fight every time we line up.

GM Bennett

My success continues to haunt me...Don't you worry though Coach. Gimme some time I'll have our ball club just where we want them to be and hopefully be a legitimate contender for that trophy.

Ahem anyways, I think we should lock in for the season. There's not a whole lot left for us to do than play hard each game and look forward to our future.

And if we somehow luck our way into the wild card, I'll see you then. That sound good, Coach?



Sounds good partner. Lets roll.

GM Bennett


GM Bennett

1. What was the best moment for you this season, and what was the worst?
This....This is a difficult question to answer. We all know why. Though time has passed I still feel a certain way about this season. Pissed off is an understatement as well as words like hurt or betrayed. I'm holding a lot of resentment and I don't know when that feeling will cease to exist in my heart but it's not going away any time soon, I know that much.

I am thankful for welcoming warmth and love I have received since arriving. Or just the simply understanding of how I felt. I'm thankful to the staff, ownership, players and of course the fans.

I just hope I can use this hate and brokenness I have inside of me to help build this team into a championship caliber team like I have done prior.

2. How does it feel to be done playing football while other teams advance to the playoffs?
When I arrived I didn't quite know what I had here in Atlanta. I needed to figure out who this team was, the culture and what not. I see a lot of guys who like me have a bit of a chip on their shoulder but despite being doubted, they keep their heads up. They have faith in one another and they strive to be great. It has reassured me watching them that there's something here. There's something I can work with to build this team into that championship caliber team.

We had a legit chance to at least be a wild card presently constructed. I agree with Orion to a certain extent the trade that led me here did take away some pieces that could've got us there into the championship. I understand that to pull of some trades there has to be some sacrifice. If I do my job correctly this offseason though I believe we will find ourselves in the playoffs next season. I'm not guaranteeing anything right at this moment but I have faith in my abilities as a General Manager, the coaching staff and our players. Especially when we have a leader in Orion Harris.

3. Who was your teams MVP this season?
Orion Harris.

4. How would you evaluate your coaches performance this season?
It's been a ruckus season for all of us, I understand that the coaches did the best they could do with what they had. We also had some key injuries so it wasn't easy for them. I can't really give them a grade or anything like that. Maybe when I've been with them for a full season I can but as of right now, no I can't do that. It wouldn't be fair for myself to do that nor fair to them.

5. How would you evaluate your own performance this season?
This has been the worst season I've experienced being an executive in this league. I felt disrespected when not offered a contract that reflected my worth. I departed from Nashville and headed up north to St. Paul in hopes of winning a championship...only to have been dealt a pile of--

Ahem sorry...I tried my best to fix a situation that I thought could've been fixed. I was lied to by St. Paul ownership that said they'd have my back no matter what before I even signed the dotted line. If not being paid my worth in Music City was a slap in the face, what happened in St. Paul was a spit in the face followed by some GM's dog piling for their chance to screw me over and laugh at my suffering.

I did the best I could up there and woke up the GM here in Atlanta. I don't know how I can evaluate myself here really. I didn't do much truly, I did manage to upgrade the free safety position when we traded for Isaac so that's a plus. I still have a lot of work to do here in Atlanta and I think I'd be better to grade once I get through this offseason and next season.

I'd leave that up to you guys to converse and figure out what grade you guys probably think I've earned.

6. What is your biggest take away from this season?
Trust and loyalty is a rarity that should be treasured when you receive it.

7. What was this team missing?
I need to make improvements on the roster on both sides of the ball to ensure this team is ready to bring a championship to this fine city.

Any questions?



Well said.  Time for a heart to heart.  You and me.   We have a mutual option on my deal to decide on.  Do you have any questions about how I coach or my philosophy?

We won't officially make a decision on that option yet, but while Im here, we can talk if you'd like.

GM Bennett

Coach, I think it'd be best if you stay on as the Head Coach. Let us get a full season under our belts together. I meant what I said, it's not fair for me to give my assessment of you or your staff. We haven't been together a full season and we're still getting to know each other. I don't wanna be that guy who just comes in and flips everything on it's head. I want to build, and if you want to stay, be here for that progress then I'm asking that you do.

I do want to keep Coach Diaz as our Defensive Coordinator since your focus is more on offense, that'd be my only request for this season. If we can't I'd want to bring in someone who is just as good to help us have a strong defense.

What would you like to see from me in the future? In terms of roster construction or what improvements can I help with on the coaching staff? What can I do to better build towards your strengths?


The more budget for the coaching staff the better. I'd love to build a rockstar staff of coaches to maximize our ability to develop our players.

If you want a younger team, then my budget would go to talent cultivators, if you wanted to build a more seasoned roster, then we go with more technical/strategy based coaches on the staff..  Either way, I think I build the best staff with a big budget and an idea of what direction you want to build the team, boss.

GM Bennett

If I can get you that funding to do just that Coach I definitely will. I think it'd be best to have a coaching staff that can help develop our players every step of the way. I think we'll have us a mixed bag of young players and vets. Mostly young players that we believe has an upside but if we can help those players be the best they can be, that's a win in my book. Has been ever since I start this GM gig.

Develop our players and reach that goal of getting to the playoffs...We can do this, Coach. I believe in us.



You've got me buying in!  I'll be officially opting in as soon as the off-season begins! LETS GO!

GM Bennett


I'm happy to hear that, Coach. I look forward to us working together and building a championship caliber team and developing some elite talent.

With that out of the way, is there anything else I can help you with before you leave for vacation with your family?



No sir, you do your thing and we'll reunite at the combine and identify our next great players!

GM Bennett

Sounds good Coach I'm looking forward to it.


Xeina, does the boss man wanna speak to me before or after I talk to some agents to try and get some early extensions before we move on to the offseason?


GM Bennett

Alright cool cool, can you get Amber Molina on the phone? I wanna talk to her about her man Robert Marquis.


$9MM per season for 3 seasons.

GM Bennett

Ambz you gotta deal!

Before I let you go would your man Julio Greenfield be interested in coming back for 2 more seasons for $2MM?



Hey boss, uhh... Kate from the league office is on the line, sounds important.

Hello GM Bennett, I regret to inform you that your contract for Robert Marquis that went into effect immediately, has put your club over the 235MM salary cap by $2.4MM

As a result, Atlanta is being fined $5MM from the salary cap for this season and for next.   With the season over, you will not be forced to vacate a roster spot.

In order to move forward, you must clear $7.4MM in salary from your books. You must use your S16/17 off-season amnesty to clear that cap space in order to comply.

GM Bennett

Understood, apologies for the mix up.



For a $1MM paycut, I'll have to pass until later in the free agency process.

GM Bennett

We could run it back with the $3MM but we can circle back in free agency if you guys rather do that. It's all love either way.



We can do $3MM again. Sure.

GM Bennett

Sounds good Ambz, I'll have that paperwork submitted (correctly) here shortly. Appreciate you always.


Xeina can you give me an estimate of what the S17 cap is looking like for us since that minor fuck up real quick before we make this next call?


we will have the $5MM penalty next year but the next GM rep will negotiate the actual salary cap, we don't know what it will be right now it could be the same as now, it could go up.

GM Bennett

Alright...We're gonna be working a bit blind but I'll do what I can to make sure we in the green.

Let's get our man LaVar back on the phones. I think we can revisit our last conversation about a couple things now.


GM Bennett

MY MAN!!!!

What's up brother, wanted to give you a call back to talk about what we were talking bout earlier in the season when I first got here.

If you need me to refresh ya memory real quick I can do that. It's a two-fer.

First, I want to see if we can extend Junior Jones contract all while stretching the money. I'd be willing to add some incentives so he can possibly make more money through out the contract. Is that something we can negotiate at this time? If not I get it. He has 1 year left on that contract and he can play it out and see what happens next off season or we can try to do this and have him employed for a few more seasons.



He likes the deal he is on right now my man, but I hear you I hear you.  Junior would also be willing to restructure his deal and make a move back to Lincoln if they want to work a trade.   I think he wants to reunite with Jerry Jarvis, so you talk to GM Evans and see if he wants him back, if so in the off-season make a deal and we're all gravy, baby.