

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:49:06 PM

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GM Bennett

James my man, good to see you.

You know when we talked before you even signed that I said you can play any damn where on the field. Left. Right. Middle. And even lining up at the DE position on either side. I can certainly make this happen and see how it works out. I believe you have the elite athleticism that allows you to adapt anywhere you are.

We'll start this next week. We'll see how it goes for the two games and if we all feel this is the best course for the defense then it will remain permanent.

Sound good?




For sure.  Thanks boss.


GM Bennett

My man.

Now go and enjoy ya time with the family. See ya next week, James.


Xena, is there anyone or anything else to see me or address before we lock in and enjoy this must needed week off?


GM Bennett



GM Bennett


Hello everyone, it's good to be back home here in Atlanta. I think all of us needed a bit of a break from everything HIFL. I can speak for myself personally, it was much needed. It was good to get away and bring my mind back at ease. It's been a frustrating season, not gonna sit up here and lie to you. We've seen a lot of up and downs this season when I know our team is much more than what has been shown. It's a tough league but I have the upmost confidence in our team, it just hurts to see us not come out with a victory.

This week in news we've seen a lot of trade request from numerous players across the league including our very own Bradley Rivera. I did get txt from my good friend and his agent Amber Molina with his request. I can say to him now and our fanbase, I will do what I can to try and figure out a way to keep him here in the Underground. As it stands he does have a rookie option that if he does elect to stay, I plan on opting into. But if he does wish to still be traded going forward I will do my best to honor his request while doing what is best for our ball club.

For our first game back, we're taking on a tough Miami team who is coming off an impressive victory over my former home Music City. We plan delivering our fans a victory here at home for our first game back since the bye week. I know the guys are well rested and we should have a full roster despite some guys being listed questionable. It's a tough game to come back to but hey we're always up to a challenge and I know we're gonna give it our all out there.

Before I head back to take care of the day-to-day, are there any questions going into this week?




Miami's struggled offensively, it'd be nice to see our defense keep that going and help us get right coming out of the break.

GM Bennett

Certainly, Coach.

Speaking of defense, James Blodgett came in after you left and came up with a suggestion. He would like to be playing LOLB when in the nickel formation. I think with his athleticism and his ability to play just about anywhere I think it'd be a good idea to get him out there in that situation. I think we'll try to do this for the next two weeks to assess how it goes.

If we feel like it doesn't truly benefit us in the long run we'll resume what we have done so far. I'm quite interested to see how much of a difference that may bring.




A lot more productive for us than guys asking to be traded.  I like Blodgett.   Good kid.

GM Bennett

Yeah...puts a real wrench into things. I still plan on talking to the team before doing anything with Bradley. If we can manage to change his mind then that'd be great.

Before we go off that deepend, other than the adjustments we spoke about today and last week before we all took our much needed vacation is there anything else should talk about heading into this week's game?




Nothing comes to mind.

GM Bennett

Alright, let's head down to the locker room shall we?


Ladies and gentlemen, it's good to see you all. I hope you all enjoyed the week off I know a lot of us needed it.

I'm not gonna sit up here and sugarcoat it, cause I clearly haven't during my press conferences. You already know who I am and what I've been about. Especially what I've been about this season. I haven't shied away from singing you guys' praises...And I haven't shied away from calling out our faults either. Despite what some piece of shit outside of this organization may say with his fake smug compliments, you know where I'm coming from when I speak.

I stand on what I say and I say what I feel needs to be said. I'm not apologizing for that. Because I know all of you know where my heart is. You know that I care about each and every one of you. I want the best for you. I want the best for your families. I want the best for our team...I want the best for our fans and this city. It is my mission, and it should be all of our missions to make sure we give it our all for not just them. But for ourselves as well.

Ladies and gentlemen, we shouldn't have to come out of games where we go and look in the mirror and doubt ourselves. I don't doubt you. I don't doubt any of you. I know the talent we have in this locker room. I know the passion we all have for this sport. I know how much you guys want it but I want it for you guys even more. I'm passionate. Yeah, I'm a passionate man and I put those emotions out there. The good and the bad, I don't hesitate to share with you how I feel.

I look at this team and I see a playoff caliber team. I see a team that can be a threat to any damn team in this league. I believe that. I feel that. So I know that level of disappointment hurts so bad when I see us fail to get that W.

I know that some of you have been frustrated these past few weeks because of the losses we have had. It's not just that we lost but it has been how we lost, right? I get it. I've felt that same frustration and you all have heard me share that frustration. But even with that...I have not lost hope. I have not lost faith in any of you. Like I said earlier, I don't doubt any of you and I certainly do not doubt the amount of talent we have.

We are losing time and I'm gonna be frank with you guys, winning and losing every other game ain't it. We are better than what we have displayed in the loses we have taken this season.

We have one of the best defenses in the league. We have one of the most electrifying offenses in the league, but we can for damn sure improve. That falls on a collective of people. Falls on me and the coaching staff to make sure we are putting our best feet forward and giving you guys the best gameplan possible to be able to do your thing out there. But it also falls on you the players as well.

I know, yeah I know. I've been giving the O-Line a lot of shit this season. But it's because of how much I want to see you guys at your best. Our offense can't produce without you guys. The better we protect the QB the better we will be in the long run...Run...Running is something we haven't done a whole lot of and I know that has put more pressure on you guys. Me and Coach Fedora have spoken about this and we hope to make more of a balanced attack so we can give Orion a break as well as give you guys a break as well. And to give our rushing attack a legitimate chance.

I'm not gonna stop being me, but I'm also not gonna stop believing in you all. We are The Underground. Every time we face a team, it should be a dog fight every time for our opponents no matter who it is. I want the opposition fighting for their fucking lives when they face off against us. Cause if they ain't in a Atlanta jersey, it's fuck them!


I think I talked your ears off enough I'll let you guys get out there to practice. I just wanted to talk to you all before we get our season started back up.

Let's start wracking up these W's and proving to everyone we are a team be feared in this league but most importantly...Let's prove it to ourselves.



GM Bennett

Bradley Rivera, can you join me in my office for a minute please? Come up when you're ready.




Hey man... look, I'm sorry to blindside you with a trade request, I've just been frustrated and feel like my play looks bad on paper because the entire line has struggled and I'm taking on more than my fair share of blocks at one time, you know?

GM Bennett

I completely understand that sentiment. It has been a difficult season so far in terms of the O-Line. I don't think it's a bad reflection on you individually, Bradley. Improvements on the line certainly need to happen and it's not something that's gonna happen overnight.

I accept your apology for how this has come about, but I too bare a bit of responsibility in the matter.

Perhaps I've been a bit too ambitious with our offense. Not enough balance as there should be when it comes to the pass and rushing ratio. I believe that is part of our issue this season. Part of that is due to my frustrations on how the rushing attack has been this season. That's on me and not on you and the others on the line.

Like I said down in the locker room we hope to change that going forward as we will make sure there is a balance there so you don't have to deal with that elevated pressure as we have been doing a lot more passing this season than anything else. I believe this will help relieve some of the struggles with the line and we hope to build up you guys' confidence with this change.

But that's me talking about the line as a whole. This is about you right now, Bradley. I understand the frustration. You already know how frustrated I've been when it comes to how the line has looked. I don't blame you. And I certainly do not look at you any different because of what a stat sheet might say. Context. Context is everything there and we both know what that context is. You're doing more than what is asked of you and in some instances it has gotten the best of you. No matter what though, Bradley. This doesn't diminish your work ethic nor the flourishing talent you possess.

I honestly wish to keep you here in Atlanta, just as I've said earlier in the press conference. I understand if even after this talk you still wish to be traded, no hard feelings there. I respect your decision and even more so for you sharing your reasoning. It's a valid reason, and your feelings also. I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't try to my best to keep one of the best Guards in the league. But even with that, I want to do what is best for you and the team. No matter which way the coin flips.



Honestly, hearing you talking to us and not at us through the media, I get the message and I like what I'm hearing man. I appreciate your respect and your love you have for us.

I'm gonna tell you like this, for now at least, I'm going to say hold up and don't worry about that trade request, lets finish this season out and see where we stand.

GM Bennett

My man!

That's all I can ask for is that chance. And if you don't mind, I'll like to make sure that option is picked up in your rookie contract so we make sure you get that money no matter what the decision may be at the end of the season. Sound good?




Sounds good boss.

GM Bennett

Great, I'll be sure to get that paperwork done before I lock in for the week.

I'm glad we had this talk Bradley, good luck out there this week.


Xeina I'll have us locked in a short while after I take care of a few things.

GM Bennett

Game Eight vs. Miami Killer Whales

Player Rotations:
Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Balanced Offense

Depth Chart Changes
CB2: Ronnie Mazza
CB3: Michael Montero
CB4: Brian Wong
CB5: Antonio Patterson
CB6: Seymore Burton

LT1: Clarence Martin
LT2: Robert Lindsey
LT3: Nia Uso

MLB3: Alexis Johnson

Nickle Formation (Against the Pass) Depth Chart Change
LOLB1: James Blodgett
LOLB1: Albert Biddle
LOLB2: Earl Sturdivant
LOLB3: Robert Stuckey

Passing Preference

Play Calling Ratios
1st & 10 Pass% = 60%
1st & Long Pass% = 65%
1st & Medium Pass% = 60%
2nd & Medium Pass% = 65%
2nd & Long Pass% = 67%
3rd & Medium Pass% = 66%

beware of the....

GM Bennett


Hey, how's everyone doing? If you're wondering how I'm doing after that game...Despite it ending in a draw I'm quite pleased.

We came back from break and played one helluva game. We took on one helluva Miami Whales team in a good game I'm sure our fans at home were stuck to the screeen in anticpation just like how me and the other fans who were in attendence were. We had a balanced attack on offense that I think helped out our line tremondously. Was able to give our backs a chance to do their thing when able. Our defense per usual held strong giving our offense a chance to win. I can't ask for more than that, I'm quite happy about what I saw out there.

We came into this week fresh and focused. I had a conversation with the team laying everything out in terms on how I felt and the changes that needed to be made from top to bottom. Whether that be with them, the coaching staff and myself. The team took to this and played a great game. We didn't get a victory, but we didn't quite lose either.

I'd say the only disappointment to come out of this week was that Lawrence Call missed his first field goal attempt of the season, haha.

Now, as we move on to this next week against Kansas City Bruins on the road we will assess what worked for us this week and what other changes should be made if need be. The Bruins have had a tough go of it this season so they may be desperate for a win. It's been said that if you have a creature backed into a corner, that's when their the most deadliest. Their desperate to survive and unpredictable. That's something our team should be weary of going into next weeks match up. With that in mind, we hope to come out of Kansas City with a dub.

Now let's move on to some questions, anyone?

1. At the mid point of the season, discuss your division and your placement in the standings: are you where you want to be and what is the biggest surprise for you so far this season?
Hmm...Well to be honest with you no I'm not happy about where we are at. I knew it was going to be a fight to win the division, but it's been a real b---ahem it's been difficult. We couldn't have foreseen some of the injuries or anything else that has transpired this season for our ball club. I wonder how it would have been if we focused on a more balanced attack in the beginning of the season, where would have been since then. I'm glad that we are at least second in the division behind Myrtle Beach. But our record compared to Charlotte & Music City, we aren't exactly sitting pretty or comfortable. While Myrtle Beach is 2-3 games ahead of all of us, it's gonna be tough to catch up to them let alone uncrown them. That's just me being honest with myself, and to the players in the locker room. It's gonna be tough to achieve but I have faith in our team that we can still win the division. We just have to start wracking up some wins and not let each other down when the going's get tough.

What I'm surprised about this season are the lessons learned this season through the struggles we have faced. In all my years in the league I believe this season has helped us all grow a little closer and build some character to this team. Though I was traded here in the middle of last season, I am still treating this season as my first season here in Atlanta. It's been interesting. In Music City I got my start. I was able to build a team that had some expectations going into each season, or at least expectations from myself. Even in St. Paul, there were already built in expectations but me going there just added to them along with what I did in the offseason. So coming here it's been kinda like I was starting a bit from scratch. I'm now trying to build a organization to have those same kind of expectations. We have the building blocks now but the more we improve, the better we should be all around. It just surprises me really on how this journey in Atlanta continues to deliver lessons that need to be learned.

That may have not been the answer you wanted, but that's the one you're gonna get haha.

Any other questions?

Who is your MVP at mid-season and why?
My MVP right now? You'd expect me to say Orion. He's our QB and he's played FANTASTIC this season. Out of his damn mind at some points, haha. But honestly no, no...I'm not gonna give him that crown right now. I'm gonna give it to our entire defense. Look, everywhere I've been I've made it a point that we need a strong defense. Just as strong as the offense. But defense? Defense wins championships. We've taken some L's for sure but I don't blame our defense for those L's more than I do our offense. Our offense has struggled. And you can point the finger to a lot of people for that including me. But our defense has not wavered. We have a championship caliber defense and that's thanks to our coaching staff on the defensive side of the ball. That's thanks to the immense amount of talent we have on defense. Those guys are my MVP(s) at this point of the season.

One more question then I have to go.

How would you grade your head coach after your first 8 (or 9) games of the year?
Uh, I think I'd give Coach Fedora a solid B-. There's been some up's and down's this season some of them being out of his control. Fans have given my man some s**t this season for some stuff that's completely out of anyone's control. He is an offensive coach, and we have had some electrifying moments this season. This past game with the changes that we made showed that we can still have some great moments with a more balanced attack with a focus on short passes rather than going for the long ball. We just don't have the luxury of doing what the Coach and I may want. But even with that I think we both needed to rail ourselves in and do a better job of giving our O-Line a break. We were asking way too much of them and that's on us. We came into the season wanting to be explosive through the air, and we were but haha we ignored our limitations and put a lot of pressure on the line all while not giving our running backs the chance they needed to flourish. This grade isn't just a reflection on Coach Fedora, it's a reflection on me as well.

I think we could be a lot better and I think our record should be a lot better. I understand what has went into that so I can't be completely judgmental or harsh when it comes to handing out that mid-season grade. If we were first in the division and weren't having these struggles, yeah it'd be a better grade. But we just aren't there yet. Hopefully we see that improve as we go into this second half.

GM Bennett

Oh and if you haven't checked social media the fans are going crazy with their "Donk Drop" celebrations. If someone were to break out that kind of celebration that Tiff did, what better place than Atlanta!

Tiff's been having a great rookie season and she's only gonna get better. Thought I mention that before I headed out.




We wanted the win, but the tie keeps us from being in a three way tie with those other divisional clowns behind us.  With this KC game, its our only real chance to get a get-right type game before a tough ass slate of games.

After seeing KC get crushed in back to back weeks, anything less than a 3 score win will be a disappointment.

GM Bennett

I agree, Coach. Let's not jinx ourselves though.

With the changes we've made how are we feeling about our chances of making the playoffs?




We still dug ourselves a whole early in the season, so we've got to keep winning obviously, but we need other to lose to make up ground.  I'm not 100% on this math but I think we're sitting behind 6 teams for the 3 wild card spots, so right now we have to jump at least 4 of them to get in, we've got plenty of time though.

GM Bennett

Understood...Let's keep the faith. No matter what let's finish the season strong and learn from our mistakes.

I'll let you get to practice and start prepping for those Bruins. Next week we'll follow up about the change on the nickel package.


Xeina, I don't believe have anything to address on my end before lock in. Is there anyone scheduled for me to speak to this week before I lock in?



No sir. Nothing scheduled.

GM Bennett

Game Nine vs. Kansas City Bruins

Player Rotations:
Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Balanced Offense

beware of the....

GM Bennett

Welp...Unfortunately after a hard fought game against the Bruins we were a victim of one of the most clutch moments in HIFL history. Gotta give GM Dario his props there for that kick but it sure does sting watching all that hard work our team did go straight down the damn drain.

On top of that we're gonna be without Clarence for a week or two. A lot of players got banged up this game actually and it sucks. Something has to give in terms of injuries. For some reason we can't go a damn week without one of our players going down. I'm not sure what exactly is part of the source of this but it's something that needs to be addressed. I'm sick of seeing it and I'm damn sure our fanbase is too.

Before I say anything else I wanna give JVD his props this past week. Don't matter what team ya on I'll always support my players and their careers.

Anyways, this week we have the pleasure of taking on Lincoln at Home. Hopefully we are able to bounce back. The Pride is having an awesome season so I know it's gonna be a damn fight for us to be able to get this victory. It's gonna be tough but we've been playing pretty good since we got back from break despite the draw and despite this loss.

Any questions?



Man I'm needin' a win like its a night with Stiffler's momma after senior prom.

GM Bennett

Oh? Very...Very specific there, Coach. And I felt that.


Yes I agree. I think we all freaking do. First thing is first, what's up with all these injuries man? At this point it can't just be a coincidence right?




I'm going to try to shift some of our physical training into film study and see if it helps, but I dont know partner, it could just be coincidence, but I want to make sure we're giving guys enough rest if they can't handle my normal routine.

GM Bennett

That's a good idea, Coach. Let's see if that helps out the roster in the long run.

We don't have to address what went wrong in the game. We seen it. We seen what happened, let's try to move on pass it. We shoulda won, quite frankly shouldn't have been in that position. But it is, what it is.

Let's talk about the change with the nickle package. How are we feeling about it? Have we seen a positive change with the move and how has Albert handled rotating shifts with James?



I think its been a good change.  Bittle has been fine sharing the responsibility, Blodgett is playing motivated football, one thing we could/should consider is if a team needs LB help, we have Diego Brown who wants to play more and can't with our group, so he's a solid choice to tangle at the deadline.

GM Bennett

That's great to hear. With that in mind I believe this may be something we keep permanent going forward. We have both of them signed on for the long haul so that's a definite positive for us.

I've had conversations with a team a couple weeks ago about Diego but they unfortunately weren't a team looking for a LB. It's gonna be tricky heading into the deadline. It'd be nice to send him to a team in need so he can get that PT but I'd also want to get fair compensation. I've seen some GM's too often be taken advantage of during my tenure in this league and I just don't want to be part of that particular statistic.

Either way, I've let all the GM's know we're listening to offers until the deadline.

We got a tough match up coming up against Lincoln. It's gonna be a whole bitch but we're gonna have to chin up and get the job done. We've played great since the bye week. We haven't won but I see how much our roster is putting into their play. I love it. I love the passion and effort we are getting out of them. As long as we are getting that kind of performance from them I'm happy, honestly. We want to win but as long as I know they are giving their all, who am I to shit on them?

David is in concussion protocol...What are the chances we are without him this weekend?




I'd say he probably plays, like 75% chance of playing.

GM Bennett

That's better than I hoped for, honestly.

Are there any adjustments that should be made before we lock in for the week?




With Clarence down, I guess the big deal is we need to make sure Lindsey starts.

GM Bennett

Sounds about right.

Alright Coach, I'll let you get to practice and make the proper adjustments in the week that you need to that might help us reduce our injury curse. I'll be sure to make the proper roster adjustments on my end.

If you can do me a favor and have Blodgett join me in my office for a quick bit? Thanks Coach.


GM Bennett

My man!

Hey, I'm not gonna keep you here for long. I just wanted to say I appreciate you coming up here and showing initiative and suggesting the change at nickel. Me and Coach feel that the change benefitted the team and Albert is A-Okay with rotating with you so that's another plus. That being said we are making this change permanent for the rest of the season. I just wanted to give you your flowers as well as let you know what the decision was, as promised.


GM Bennett

Haha, alright my man I'll let you get back to practice. Good seeing you, good luck this week.


Xeina, I'll have us locked in shortly.

GM Bennett

Game Ten vs. Lincoln Pride

Player Rotations:
Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Balanced Offense

OT Clarence Martin

Depth Chart Changes
LT1: Robert Lindsey
LT2: Nia Uso
LT3: Clarence Martin [INJ]

beware of the....

GM Bennett

Well...That was a tough one. Tough loss. Just not an ideal sort of game for us. We got out played and got absolutely demolished in the run game. It's unacceptable to say the least.

There's honestly not all much I can say. I know we tried our best out there and we had our chances to take that lead and possibly win. We just didn't have it...

This week is the trade deadline and I plan on listening to offers. I've had a couple inquires already but they some were the kind of asks that just didn't make sense or teams just in their vulture mod trying pick at a corpse and take the biggest chunk they could get. There was one that was an offer for a injured player of all things, I'm pretty sure the Players Association is against that sort of thing so that didn't just...It was just dumb. Wouldn't make that trade even if he was healthy.

Anyways, we will be listening to offers no matter how egregious. And if I get that sort of offer, I just hope whoever is on the end of that phone call is prepared for a no. Haha, I'm willing to do business with whoever, well...Y'all already know that's not true. But I'll for sure listen to offers. I can't say a deal will be done this week but if there's a deal out there that makes sense for our ball club. I tend to try to do deals (if I make one) that benefit both parties. If I don't feel that it does then well...No business.

Beyond that this week we'll be on the road down in Orlando. I know our squad will do everything they can to pick up the dub so we can get back on the right side of things. I got faith in them all when it comes to that.


Coach, how we doing?




I'm down bad, my man..  I'm down bad.

GM Bennett

Me too...me freaking too. Games like that are truly deflating.

I hate that we got destroyed in the run defense department. That had to be the worst Run D we've had all season.

With this week being the trade deadline there's a lot of decisions that need to be made. We have a few players on expiring contracts some of which I want to try to extend if I can. I may try to reach out to agents this week to see what we can do.




I trust you to make the right moves, but with us obviously not being where we want to be, don't be afraid to make decisions to make changes.   I know you're job is safe right now, but Mr. Lewis might not love the idea of keeping the HC and most of the roster if we don't do well; that song he did "Status Quo" made it clear he won't settle for mediocrity for long.

GM Bennett

Yeah, look if a deal is out there tha makes sense I'll entertain it. But I have no interest in doing a trade with some people who only have the intent of bending the person they are attempting to do business with over.

We'll see what happens.

Anyways, how are we feeling heading into this week with the roster currently as js?