

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:49:06 PM

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GM Adam Wrong

I'm thinking we go balls out and go Fast. If we go down we go down swinging.

Can we focus defence on defending the run?



Hell yeah, we definitely can.

GM Adam Wrong

Let's try and break some hearts and upset the form book just like last year against Miami.

Is there anything else you can think might be worth considering a tweak?



We're going Aggressive; We're leaving it all on the table!

GM Adam Wrong

All or nothing.

All changes as discussed, let's talk to the boys.


Lads, that last result was gritty enough to warrant the tie to take us back to the dance.

What you have before us now is Alabama. The team fuelled by a human cheat code. A team who nobody is betting against going onwards and upwards. A team for whom this game is an inconvenience no doubt.

A team we have a lot of history with as a franchise. From a time before many of us were here. Dark days and those scars still run deep. We have not deserved to stand toe to toe with them until now.

Most people won't believe it but if we take this game to them, we can beat them. If we play to our maximum potential then we can upset the bookies, we can defy the odds and we can control our own destiny.

I want to to play hard, fair and fast and I want to take one step closer to the promised land where each and every one of us belong.

One question for each and every one of you...

Are you ready for immortality?

Underground on 3!!!


GM Adam Wrong



1. Talk about your wildcard game, how does it feel to advance to the Divisional round?

it's unbelievable to be honest. We had a knock down dragout war with an amazing Alabama team and we walked out the Victor. I honestly feel like I'm dreaming to be sat here celebrating. The boys are there and are knackered but know they have earned their place there.

2. What is the key to advancing to the Conference Championship?

To get there we have to take on a team who arguably are the favourites to win the Impact Bowl. They put Alabama to the sword in week 17 and we will have a challenge against Tuilagi and company. The boys are resilient and we will do what we can to keep this Fairy tale going


We continue our playoff Magic for a second year!  LETS GO!!

GM Adam Wrong

Every bloody year now.

AMC is hanging out of his arse it looks. Offensively, do we tweak it to push it onwards or do we tweak it to capitalise on Orlando weaknesses



We're giving AMC the week off in practice to get rested; we should be okay, lets just avoid double or triple overtime!

GM Adam Wrong

I was going to ask if we have any funds left to give the boys a spa break or a relaxation retreat . Miss Watson would have to confirm though.

Based on Orlando's defence,  should we continue to run heavy?



No time for pampering; we have to stay focused on the finish line.  We run heavy, we push them, and we continue this ride to the next stop!

GM Adam Wrong

And defensively. We keep the pressure on their run and try to stamp out their dominating factor?

Follow up, keep that Tempo fast?


GM Adam Wrong

Let's do it.

Focus on the run
Tempo high

And for the love of all that's holy, take Desimone off of kicking if he misses 7/8...


Boys, you took down the mighty oak that was Alabama. Proving everyone wrong is what you do best, coming alive in the playoffs is second nature to you.

All or nothing!

Are you ready for immortality?

Underground on 3!!!


GM Adam Wrong



1. How does it feel to be moving on? Talk about your game.
GM Wrong smiles, rubs his face and shakes his head in disbelief.

I bet that's a question you didn't think you'd be asking me today is it?

We knew the threat Orlando and Tuilagi posed to us. We knew how talented Jean-Luc has been and we used what we knew to... not negate those threats because of how good they are but to certainly try and blunt them whilst playing to our own strengths. We played our game, our way and got the win that we wanted.

Big credit to GM Rebel for putting together an amazing team.

2. Finish this sentence: We aren't here if not for _______.

... the collective efforts of this bloody good team. I know it won't be what you want to hear but its true. Tommy was throwing exocet missiles, AMC powered through his fatigue to deliver, Gris and Chandler were amazing, the O-Line and the D-Line were Heroes and Seymore Bloody Burton... that kid just went down in Atlanta folklore for that Interception. What an amazing performance all overseen by an outstanding coaching setup.

3. What is the key to advancing to the Impact Bowl?

Beating Miami! The guys did it last year in the playoffs and GM Gates will no doubt want to give me and the boys a receipt from last year. We will do what I tell the boys to do every week. Play their game, their way and do their very best.


GM Adam Wrong

Holy shit balls we're here again! I wonder how many fans are "mildly concerned" now?

So Miami are more of a dual threat as far as I see it. In your coaching experience done need to balance up the defence this time? With mo injuries what should we switch up?



Balanced is the right call with them; they lack that deep speed threat, but they are well rounded and have three RBs who can hurt us, but we know we can beat them too.

GM Adam Wrong

We know we can but with their QB, it'll be dangerous to focus entirely on the run so in your coaching expert opinion, would you say move to a balanced defence or focus on the run and negate crews and have faith in the Corners to deliver?



Balanced is the right call with them, like I said.

GM Adam Wrong

And we will keep that Tempo high to really keep the pressure on.

Ulysses is back so that's positive offensively. Do we keep the run game high and unleash Playoff Mazza at will?


I think so! I think clearly Tommy is working best when he can sling it without having to carry the load all on his own.  The run game opens up his passing lanes.

GM Adam Wrong

Right, let's chat to the boys...

Boys, it's time. For many of you, you were here last year, you know the sting of losing here and how it feels.

One time being here is a fluke... 2 in a row and people have to start sitting up and taking notice.

We have fought for our right to be here, we've beaten 2 of the best in the East... let's make it 3 I'm a row.

We know how good Gm Gates and his Miami maulers are but we also know what we can and will do out on that field.

Do it for yourselves. You have earned the right to step up to the Impact Bowl and have your names etched in the history books.

Offence, throw, run and block like you have done this playoffs and we'll be golden.

Defence, be a sacking, tackling, Interception hungry, Pass disrupting, Qb pressuring like I know you can be.

All or nothing!

Are you ready for immortality?

Underground on 3!!!


Defence Focus: Balanced
Tempo: Fast

Lock in

GM Adam Wrong


1. Talk about the game this week.  What went right and what ultimately went wrong?

GM Wrong sits dejected as he ponders his first response.

Well, we had a nightmare start and essentially gave Miami a headstart into the game. When you play on the backfoot it's never easy to grind a win. Giving up 100yards of penalties especially when you have just made a play into the red zone is never going to see you through. We showed heart to keep it tight and kept plugging away. Credit to GM Gates though for making the Impact Bowl again

2. When you look back on this season, where do you think you missed the move that sends you to the Conference championship game?

I don't think anything building up to this game would have been able to change the result tonight.

3. Who was your best player this season?

Offensively I'd say AMC has forged an amazing partnership and I'd be keen to keep him partnering with Brown. Defensively Richard Mattheiu has had a low profile but has delivered when need be. Ronnie Mazza has also made key plays at critical times.

4. Grade the job you did this season as well as that of your coaching staff.

I achieved all goals set by Mr Lewis and I took this team back to the Conference final when many insinuated it was a fluke or a fortuitous schedule. My coaching staff have worked well and communicated with me. So some might disappoint but I'm about to go and eat my feelings with a tub of Hagen Dazs so sod it, we all get an A.

5. What is next for you and this club?

I have a 3 year contract here in Atlanta. I would like to take it beyond where we have it but everything will boil down to what Mr Lewis and how he feels about my tenure. Especially when other talented GMs are available and actively seeking employment


GM Adam Wrong

One play... one opportunity. One stupid fucking penalty by Vega... so damn close. Credit to you for another great season. Look at the positives...



We proved that you just have to make it to the playoffs to be a threat; its not about being 15-1, it's about winning the ones that matter.  We'll get there, but we are a legit title contender.

GM Adam Wrong

Exactly. I know there's some changes afoot with Coaches on the horizon so I thank the coordinator team as well but I will start work on bringing back certain talent as soon as the Impact Bowl is done with.

You've been a joy to work with again. Onwards and upwards.


Miss Watson, I think it's time to see the boss



My man!  ....I know you're feeling the loss but I am feeling the ENERGY!! A-TOWN IS A LIVE AND THRIVING FOR THIS CLUB! 

I CAN FEEL IT!  The people can feel it!  The streets are full of Underground uniforms, hats, shirts, bags... This team is what this city is living for right now!   Be proud of that man; I know the fans got a little impatient, but you proved them wrong and showed exactly why you are the man for this team..

Lead us to a championship my dude..  We believe in you.

GM Adam Wrong

Cheers Mr Lewis. The fans are impatient and I hope that they have a little patience next season.

Speaking of next season, while we don't have a first or second round pick, it would be great to go to the Combine with my not so secret weapon to look for those studs that will slip through the cracks. As I complete all of your targets set for me, would you consider paying for my attendance to allow me to work with Gary to improve the coaching with that funding?



Na man, that's why you have a bonus budget and a salary for off-season bonus money..  us owners aren't supposed to be coming out of pocket anymore.  ROLL OUT!

GM Adam Wrong

Ah fair enough. It was worth asking.

Enjoy the impact bowl, hopefully we are there next year



Hi there GM Wrong, welcome back to the Underground!

I currently have us with $105.05MM in available salary cap and $13.75MM in Bonus funds for S16.  Our bonus may flex depending on how you decide to handle our coaching staff.

I have us with 21 open roster positions at this time. 

I have our S16 draft picks as follows:

3rd - NJ
5th - ATL
6th - ATL
6th - ORL
7th - ATL
7th - VAN
7th - SEA

We have all of our own draft picks for S17 minus our first round pick; and all of our own picks for S18.

We currently owe $950K in taxes payable from our off-season bonus fund or deferable until S16's bonus fund.

Our available off-season bonus money currently is: $5.25MM ($4.5MM from your GM Contract + $750K from your S15 budget rollover).

I have our off-season team sheet copy here. Feel free to edit/use it if you would like.  If you have questions or disagree with my notes please let me know and we will get to the bottom of it!



We are suddenly searching for a new General Manager... here is our information for the upcoming off-season.

I currently have us with $105.05MM in available salary cap and $13.75MM in Bonus funds for S16.  Our bonus may flex depending on how you decide to handle our coaching staff.

I have us with 21 open roster positions at this time. 

I have our S16 draft picks as follows:

2nd - MC
3rd - NJ
5th - ATL
6th - ATL
6th - ORL
7th - ATL
7th - VAN
7th - SEA

We have all of our own draft picks for S17 minus our first round pick; and all of our own picks for S18.

We currently owe $950K in taxes payable from our off-season bonus fund or deferable until S16's bonus fund.

Our available off-season bonus money currently is: $5.25MM ($4.5MM from our last GM's Contract + $750K from your S15 budget rollover).

I have our off-season team sheet copy here. Feel free to edit/use it if you would like.  If you have questions or disagree with my notes please let me know and we will get to the bottom of it!



Time to go Triple Platinum... or something!


Welcome to Atlanta, GM Bennett!

The media is waiting with a special set of questions, they are as follows!

1. Did you expect to be traded just five weeks into your first year in St. Paul?

2. Do you believe you are to blame for any of what happened in St. Paul?

3. Do you think you can win the division with this Atlanta club?

4. What do you think of being in the same division as your old team over in Music City?

5. What do you have to say to your old team, the players, coaches, anyone...?

6. Where do you get started here in Atlanta?

GM Bennett


First things first...As you can probably tell I'm not in the best of moods. I'm usually in a good and inviting mood but...Nah. I can't give too much of a fuck about anything or anyone right now if I'm going to be quite honest. I will answer your questions as best I can and I will give you one hundred percent honesty as I always do along with not holding back my feelings.

If any of that makes you feel uncomfortable. I suggest you leave now or if you are listening to this broadcast or reading the transcript turn it off or stop reading.

1. Did you expect to be traded just five weeks into your first year in St. Paul?
No. I did not. I did not expect to get fucked over by someone who told me before I signed on the dotted line that they had my back. No I did not expect for an agent to influence his clients to sit out because I didn't quite bend the knee to a divas request. I didn't expect to wake up yesterday morning with a txt from GM Adam Wrong asking me playfully or seriously I can't quite give a shit right now to not "hurt" his Atlanta in which followed by him informing me that I was being traded to Atlanta. No I did not expect that at all. I did not expect for even more stress in my life to be added by waking up to that bit of news. I did not expect to hear this from another GM in this league and not the owner, a league official or anyone involved for thet matter in this cluster fucker of a sham cause it seems more like to be that I was fucked on by the league as well as other GM's whole involved themselves in this.

No, I did not expect it.

2. Do you believe you are to blame for any of what happened in St. Paul?
I share some of the blame sure. I could of handled it better from the start, sure. There's no denying that. But what I did was so minimal compared to what has transpired.

I handed out a justified suspension to Aaron Kitchen. I spoke to both Willis McNasty and Kitchen with the Coach in the room as well as Jerry Worthington who is a fellow captain who was initially brought in to keep the peace between Willis and Kitchen after blowing up on Twitter. Who both are Jay C clients might I add. Kitchen provoked Jerry and ended up being laid out in front of my desk. The punch was justified and in hindsight probably should've warranted its own suspension but in my eyes it was self defense. Kitchen then followed to leave the state which further justified a no pay suspension. To try and repair the situation I wanted Kitchen to come back after he cooled down to have a face to face. Instead of doing this I spoke with Jay C who in turn informed me with that Kitchen himself wanted a public apology from myself for what? Disciplining him for his actiosns as well behavior and defending the people St. Paul as well as the organization? A public apology I was prepared to make as I seen the error of how both I myself and Kitchen handled the situation. The other half of that request was to suspend Worthington for a game because of the punch. As I said before it probably warranted one but considering the situation I did not think so. I voiced this to Jerry Worthington who had every right to be upset with the notion that he should be suspended. I agreed with how he felt as I already felt that especially with him saying that he'd request a trade if I were to even do it which I wasn't inclined of doing it the first place.

Maybe this is what gave the greenlight for what happened afterwards...When I told Kitchen I would leave it up to the players to work it out like men themselves. I'm not here to babysit children as a GM I am there to do what is right for the team in terms of the organization and the players. I did not "flip flop" a fucking thing. I made a decision for my own mental health to take that stress off myself and the coaching staff. It was now a situation that should've been resolved between two grown ass men.

What should I have done differently? Maybe I shouldn't have involved Jerry at all. Maybe I shouldn't have even tried to resolve the situation with both Kitchen and McNasty to begin with. Maybe I shouldn't have trusted a damn soul to be genuine with in this league from the get go. Who knows? I just know I feel as if I've just been delivered with a big fuck you from the league and I would love nothing more than to return that favor.

3. Do you think you can win the division with this Atlanta club?
I don't know. Stopped watching games from this division or paying all that much attention to everything in the league with what I was dealing with in St. Paul and what I was trying to achieve there but instead I was fucked out that situation without a heads up or anything so...Now I am here and I don't know a thing about the team, it's staff or what is all available. But gee some GM's around the league sure do with how much they want to call my phone asking for a trade from a team I'm not even familiar with.

Haha, on top of what I'm dealing with and how I'm feeling...it's fuck me, make this or that trade.

Crazy. And I'm supposed to sit up here with a fucking smile on my face?

4. What do you think of being in the same division as your old team over in Music City?
I don't feel any other way.

I miss the people I worked with in Nashville. The staff, players and the community. A lot of good people there.

That said I don't regret my decision of leaving because i still do feel as if the extension offer was a slap in the face but this bullshit doesn't even compare. Feels like I got my ass kicked and left for dead, and they probably should've just finished the damn job if this was gonna be the result of a shit situation.

I probably wouldn't be as mad if this shit was communicated with me before hand and i didn't find out about it as soon as I woke up from the former GM of the team I was traded to but here we are and here's how I'm feeling.

5. What do you have to say to your old team, the players, coaches, anyone...?
I'd apologize to the coaches and the players who actually supported me and I wish them the best of luck. Elsa, it's always love. I know things could've been handled differently from my end but it's fuck me either way right?

6. Where do you get started here in Atlanta?
Good question...Cause I don't even know if it's even going to.

GM Carlson reached out to me last night to check to see how I was, and how I was feeling bout to ordeal. I voiced to him which I have also told three other GM's around the league which includes GM Wrong that I was and still am considering locking in for the season.

Why? Why would you do this? It's simple...I've voiced how I felt about this situation as well as dealing with the problems in my own personal life along with it...Have this feeling of the world and everything one in it is against you. Maybe I should fuck off and jump off that cliff. Maybe I should just fly down the Cancun and stare into that ocean and hope a tsunami wave comes and takes me with it.

You can take that however you want I don't much care...But being traded into a brand new situation you have no idea about or the moving parts that came with it with the trade...That's a lot.

I had my focus and plans for St. Paul. I had the same drive I had as I was in Music City. I was here ready to go to war and have fun. Now...I don't know so much.

I'm still considering it but we'll see. GM Eli tried his best to talk me out of doing it, made some valid points but....With that drive and passion kind of being pressed out of me like I was was a orange being crushed, with all that juice being squeezed out...I don't know how to think or feel.

Also before I leave, Love ya Peerless I'd love to have you anywhere I go my man.

Anyways that's all I have to say...I'm sure this whole bit is gonna be joked about and I'm probably a joke to some people around the league already. That's fine. I know where I stand.




Xenia, looks like I'll be handling things this week.  I've got my application for interim GM ready so please type this up and make it look fancy for Mr. Lewis.   

Thanks honey.

GM Bennett




Ahem, apologies. Xenia, Coach Fedora my name is Wesley Bennett you guys can just call me Wes though. I'm sorry I wasn't able to introduce myself last week or well even tried to. I'm also sorry for leaving you guys in a bit of limbo for the last week.

Coach, we can try to go over things after this weeks game once I'm more familiar with our ball cub, the organization and just try to get my head back on straight. I want to let you go ahead and do what you feel is necessary coaching wise so I'll get us locked in as soon as possible so you can focus on coaching this team rather than picking up my broken pieces as a GM.

Xenia, all I ask of you in the mean time is that you provide me with an updated team sheet so I know what all we have on the roster, our financials, coaching staff and draft assets. International money as well and if we have a current partnership a country already. I want to be able to study up and feel as comfortable as I can while I'm here and set some personal goals for myself here so I can do the best I can for this team, the organization and this city.

I know the two of you may have many questions but please, let's just get locked in for this week and take care of everything first before we delve into any of that or where the hell I've been for the past week.

Also if at all possible Xenia, I'd like to schedule a meeting with Mr. Lewis next week as well.

Alright, good luck this week Coach.




Of course Wes!  Here is our updated team sheet will all updated finances.  We do not currently have an INTL partnership.




GM Bennett

Hello, I apologize for how out of the norm I behaved during my initial press conference here in Atlanta last week. For obvious reasons I wasn't in the right state of mind. If you all are wondering I'm a bit better but still working through some things. Regardless of what is happening with or without my control I shouldn't have acted in such a way so I do apologize to you all.

Now, let's actually address what I seen out there on the field. In the past week I have been able to well do my best to familiarize myself with the team on paper, both practice and game film. I have not spoken to any of the players and I do not know when I will. I'm open to talking with anyone but for now I just want to do my best to get adjusted here for the time being.

Anyways, last week's game was a close and completive game. It was honestly a game I think we could've very well won in fact.

I see that we have the building blocks of a team that I believe that can compete. If I am to be honest, though I believe we the talent, it will take us time to nurture and build that talent to be what I believe this roster has the potential to be. I wasn't here to help build this team or it coaching staff so I can't be one hundred percent sure of anything. I do know that there will be choices to be made in the coming weeks as well in the offseason. I'm not in a rush to make any brash decisions as of right now but as I continue to learn this team and the organization a little better then I can start to try and form an identity with this team. Help add or build a winning culture. Set my own personal goals that I want to see for the future of this organization and to make the people of this city proud.

Ironically enough the first game I will be present for is a game back in my old stomping grounds in Nashville. After having already being back there with St. Paul this seems like a bit of a quick turn around, haha. No matter what, nothing will ever change how I feel about that organization, it's players, staff, the fans and the city as a whole. I look forward to having a good time there. Might be good for me in more ways than one, ya know?

That said, I hope to see us come out with a win. It will be tough. The defense is monstrous and we will need to be explosive on offense. I'm looking forward to this being a tough game in Thee Kingdom.

Before I leave, is there any questions that any of you might have for me?


GM Bennett!   First off, let me say I am glad you decided to come back and give this thing a chance.   Look man, I've been a fan of how you built the Kings from afar for a long time, and when St. Paul started hinting there was trouble, I had to make my play.

So here is how it is.  Consider this team your canvas to paint however you'd like.   Wes, this is your chance to prove a lot of people wrong and we do it together.  Hotlanta is itching for a winner, the fan base is passionate, and you're working for an owner now who will have your back.  All I ask is you don't entertain leaving for another job while you're under contract.  You do that and you're going to see this thing out. I'm investing in you if you invest in us. 

Do that and we're going to be rollin' out with an Impact Bowl before too long.

What do you say?

GM Bennett

Mr. Lewis, sir thank you for seeing me. I wasn't sure you'd actually want to meet up with me after last week. I'm glad you agreed to meet with me I appreciate it.

Sir, no matter what I intended to honor my contract. I know during my stint in Music City, teams would reach out to get me to jump ship but I plan on honoring my contract to the end just like I did there. You have nothing to worry about there.

I appreciate you telling me that you have my back. You're gonna have to understand that I may be a bit hesitant to believing how true that may be after being told that by Barbara Snow. But, with you telling me you've had an eye on me for as long as you have and like the way I work I can feel a bit more at ease knowing that. I hope that we can build us a great business relationship here as well as a possible friendship the more we work together. If we can build that trust, be open and transparent with one another I don't see this turning into a disaster like my experience in St. Paul turned out to be.

Atlanta being the place I normally live as well as where me and business partners have headquartered our marketing firm, I feel that it's a bit fitting to be here. I wouldn't love nothing more than to give back to this city and it's fans. Also I want to make sure you profit from you investment in me. I will do all that I can try build this into a championship team for the future because despite everything I'm still hungry to win a ring.



That's what I like to hear, hey.. look.  I'm pretty young in the ownership game in the league but  I hear the other owners talk. Snow is a cold cold lady, likes to get her hands in the mix and call the shots.. Me?  I got people for that. You're my people. I hire you, you hire coaches, they coach the players, I write the checks and handle my business.

I'm putting this franchise in your hands, so you do you, make the team how you want it, do your thing.  My big ask is that we don't go piling up luxury tax unless its to make a deep push in the playoffs.  We've got a lot of money tied up in this almost new stadium after the big earthquake before I took over, the last owner left me with a lot of debt to fix, all that mess, so if you can build a winner and only go into the tax in years we at least make it to the conference title game or win the division, I'm cool.

Make sense?

GM Bennett

I see...I wish I would've known sooner. I wish a lot of things. But thanks for giving me that heads up.

You won't have to worry about that, I'm not a big fan of having that sort of a headache. I want us to be able to have funds to spend in the offseason when it comes to attending the rookie combine, the BBB Combine and the ability to possibly scout some international guys to see if it's worth dabbling in.

I want us to be able to actually build a quality team without that hassle and to have that sort of flexibility to do some stuff. Right now as presently constructed there are some guys I'm either gonna let walk in free agency, possibly trade before deadline or if I really want to try and keep them I will start contacting some agents to try and get them extended. If I can't do that I they'll just fall into that first option, regrettably.

Speaking of agents...I'm sorry you had to deal with childishness of the Jay C ordeal. I want to one day try to fix that but as of right now I have no interest in doing just that. I believe he's doing some of his talent a disservice by not allowing them to play for a team that I just happen to manage because of a single client who is literally a man child. I apologize for you having to do all that you had to do.



Hey, between you and me, screw that clown.  He got into the agent game because hot up and comers like me came into the rap game and ran him out. 

We got this.

GM Bennett

Haha, that's fair enough for me; for the time being anyways. If there's a player out there that I think we should go after I'll do what I gotta do to try and work something out with em.

Beyond that...We got this.


Alright, I gotta roll out.  I'll let you get back to it!