

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:49:06 PM

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Only thing we can do is coach them up and hope they bring their best.

When everyone plays at their best, we can beat anyone.

GM Bennett

Ain't that the damn truth...Welp alright Coach I'll let you get back to prepping for the week and I'll see if anything happens by deadline.

Good luck this week, Coach.


GM Bennett

Xena, I've been behind on keeping my books up to date until now. Been a little distracted and just not feeling all that up to opening up the books. But I made the proper updates now I just need to make sure our books are the same.

I have our remaining salary at $1.25MM while or bonus has went unchanged at $1MM. Can you confirm I have this correct?



I have us with $1.75MM and 1MM in bonus, but I could be missing something.

GM Bennett


There we go. Better we do that before making any possible moves by the deadline. Thanks, Xena. I won't be locking in until after the deadline.

GM Bennett

Alright Xena, I don't think we're gonna be making anymore moves. If you can, I'm not sure if Sheldon has arrived in town yet but if so can you have him join me in my office for a quick set?



Hey man. happy to be here. lets go to work.

GM Bennett

Sheldon, welcome to Atlanta. I'm glad we were able to make the trade for you. Hopefully we can help each out here. I know you haven't been able to do a lot out in Oakland as we are in need of help in our rushing game.

I also understand that this is a contract year for you so you are probably hoping to be able to showcase your skills as much as possible to help rise your stock this free agency. If all works out I wouldn't mind working with your agent to get you an extension here in Atlanta but for now welcome my man I hope to see you make the most of it.




I'm lookin' at the rest of this year as an audition to prove to everyone I'm worth that scratch.  Thanks man.

GM Bennett

As you should my man. As you should.

Alright I'll let you get to practice and meet ya new team. Good seeing you Sheldon.


Xena, I'll get us locked in after I look over a few things and make the needed updates to our roster.

GM Bennett

Game Eleven vs. Orlando Stampede

Player Rotations:
Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Balanced Offense

OT Clarence Martin

Depth Chart Changes
RB1: Sheldon Thomson
RB2: Francisco Johnson
RB3: Herman Soares
RB4: Cinnamon Snaps

beware of the....

GM Bennett

Hello everyone, I don't wanna keep you guys out here for long so I'll try my best to make this as quick as possible.

We picked up a much needed victory against Orlando. Mazza made a clutch pick and our newly acquired RB Sheldon made his presence felt in his Underground debut.

It was a tough decision to let go of LeRoy Brown. We hoped to have not have even let him go but unfortuntely that was the casuality we had when making the deal. I know he'll make the most out of any opportunity that comes his way whether that be in Oakland or elsewhere in the future.

We don't have any news to to go over this week but hot damn there's some drama going down in the league before I walked out here. None of my business but that's crazy.

Anyways we're gonna have a tough as f---A tough game against the Artic Foxes coming up on the road so we're gonna try to do our best to try and pick up another dub against this championship caliber ball club.

If there aren't any questions, thank you guys for coming see you next week.




A win we needed and a kick in the pants going into a tough one against the best team in the whole dagum league.   This one won't be easy, but hot dayum if Im not ready to have my heart broken because these boys make me believe in them!

GM Bennett

Yeah it's a whole wide bitch having to win like that then have to face a behemoth like Winnipeg...Just our luck right, Coach?

Here's what we got to look forward to though. Clarence will be back in the line up so that should help the line. Also Sheldon showed a lot of promise his first time being out there. I wouldn't mine our rushing attack going solely through him for the majority of the season rather than running the committee. Just a thought but I like what I seen from the kid out there.




I like it, lets give the kid a chance to impress.

GM Bennett

Other than all that jazz, is there anything we should discuss before I get us locked in for the week?


GM Bennett

Game Twelve vs. Winnipeg Arctic Foxes

Player Rotations:
Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Balanced Offense

Depth Chart Changes
LT1: Clarence Martin
LT2: Robert Lindsey
LT3: Nia Uso

Play Calling Ratios
1st & 10 Pass% = 55%
1st & Long Pass% = 65%
1st & Medium Pass% = 55%
2nd & Medium Pass% = 60%
2nd & Long Pass% = 60%
3rd & Medium Pass% = 65%

RB By Committee

beware of the....

GM Bennett

Welp...We got our you know what's handed to us this week. We knew it was gonna be a tough game but we didn't know were were gonna be the chef's dish of the day type of cooked. I hate it...I'm sure a lot of the players in the locker room do too. And to make matters worse we lose our QB and one of the 2 top TE's we've have on our roster. injuries suck...This season of injuries for this team have fu---...They've been one thing that's consistent with us this season.

I've seen what has been said by our man upstairs. I'm not going to address anything til the off-season. Coach Fedora is our guy till the train stops this season and he has my full support. He's a offensive genius but one man can only do so much with what has been stacked up against him due to these nagging injuries. I understand that it could be even more than just the injuries that are effecting how this season has been but all that won't be addressed until it's the off-season and those type of conversations need to be had and tough decisions need to be made.

Listen...I can hark on the obvious injury situation and what not but there's really no excuse as to how this season has gone. We're gonna do our best to continue to play hard and do what we can to win no matter how our season may end...I just know this off-season is gonna be difficult.

Before I go, I welcome the New York Empire to the HIFL if that is to actually happen next season. Should be interesting to bring them in after what has transpired in San Antonio. It may be the right thing to do to honor a fallen soldier.

Next week we'll be hosting 'Bama. I'm not gonna repeat what's already been said...If there aren't any questions you guys have a good one, see ya next week.




Wesley. I am sorry man.  you deserve so much better. 

You're a really good GM and we just keep letting you down and I feel awful for it.

GM Bennett

Coach we can't cry over spilt milk. It's too late for all that, let's just try our best to end the season strong, yeah?

Definitely not the best showing against Winnipeg, certainly the worst we've looked all season. But we just faced off against one of if not the best team in the league. They've built themselves a dynasty up there we knew it was gonna be tough.

The injuries though...Shit man that's not something we can over look this season that's been a real bitch to us.

With just a few games left in the season I might try to do some extensions for some players and look to lock in for the rest of the season this week, to be completely honest with you Coach. As far as I see it, the writing is on the wall for us.




I'll follow your lead my brother.

GM Bennett

I think I may rest our starters for the remainder of the season as well. We're not gonna win the division and I don't for see us making the playoffs this season. I rather keep our guys healthy heading into the off-season. Especially with Orion and Andrew going down.

Coach if there's anything else you wanna address before I dive into these talks with the agents just lemme know. If not, good luck with the remainder of the season and try to have some fun out there.




Thanks Wesley, I'll catch you later.

GM Bennett

Xena, I don't think either of our sheets have updated to see who is representing Roy Chandler. We still have my man Deion Hester listed as his agent.

Once we figure out who is representing him can you give them a call for me please? Thanks Xena.


Nash Suzuki from 24 Karat Sports!   Lets get a deal done for my man Roy.

GM Bennett

Nash, I believe this is our first time speaking. Nice to meet you.

We'd like to keep Roy here in Atlanta for the foreseeable future if able all while giving him a deal that both benefits him and the ball club.

A 5 year deal with the last two years being player options worth $12MM per season. If he leads the team in receiving TD's he'll get a $1MM bonus that respective season. And if he opts in each of those final 2 seasons of his contract he'll get a $500K bonus upon opting in.



Good to meet you too, especially since you hit the nail on the head, it's like you had my notes in front of you.

We'll take that deal with a smile on our faces.    Lets go!

GM Bennett

Haha, my man! Great, I'll get this paperwork done and faxed over to your office as soon as possible, Nash. Pleasure speaking with you.


Thanks Xena, let's update our sheets to make sure we got Nash down at Roy's agent. Nice guy...


That's one wide-out down let's see if we can secure our other. Please call Drew Leventhal in regards to Oliver Giles.


GM Bennett

Mr. Leventhal, I want to try to keep Oliver here in Atlanta if we possibly can. As we both understand Oliver isn't getting younger but the man can still go and is a value to this locker room. I want to be able to bring him back to Atlanta all while making a suitable deal that works for both parties.

I want to do something a bit unconventional if your client would be willing to part take in this sort of thing. If not we work something else out but I want to try and give our team some flexibility if able.

The contract will be for 3 years and fully guaranteed.

Year 1 = $7.5MM
Year 2 = $10MM
Year 3 = $12MM

If he's top 3 in receiving TD's for a season we'll include a $1MM bonus.
If he has 0 drops in a season we'll give him a $500K bonus.

Would this be something that would interest your client?



Thanks, but no thanks,  I'm looking for a minimum $12MM per season and even that might make me look at the open market first.

GM Bennett

That's fair, I had to at least try.

Let's do it then. $12MM fully guaranteed for 3 Years.



Like I said, even $12MM might make me want to see whats on the open market, so lets circle back at the end of the season before free agency starts.

GM Bennett

Sounds good Mr. Leventhal.

While I have you on the phone your other client William Garnett is facing free agency as well this off-season. I'd like to offer him a 2 Year Deal worth $7MM if interested. I'm not sure how much longer he may want to play but I think it'd be cool to see him end his career here in Atlanta.



Its a little less than I wanted to get for him, but he's happy to sign for a 2 year deal at $7MM per year.

GM Bennett

That's good to hear. Per usual I'll have those papers drawn up and faxed to your office as soon as possible. I look forward to continuing our conversation about Oliver at the end of the season.

Thanks Mr. Leventhal.


Alright that's good...Not sure how smooth things are gonna go with these next plethora of negotiations but we're gonna have to shoot our shot and hope for the best.

Let's rip off the band-aid and give Steve Rosenhaus a call. Let him know we have a few of his clients we'd like to discuss with him but we wanna start off with our man Clarence Martin.



Lets hear it baby, What's the offer?

GM Bennett

Steve what's up man? Look, like Xena told you there's a few guys I wanna talk about but yeah let's go ahead and talk Clarence.

I will admit, I've become fond of the young man. He has a big and good heart. I know at the start of the season it was rocky and I had to have a tough conversation with em. But when he came back from his suspension, we really connected and had a heart to heart.

I don't know if you guys noticed a week or so ago I mentioned a team inquired about a trade for him while he was hurt. Obviously that would've been illegal if I even dared to entertain it. But I also said I wouldn't trade him even if he was healthy at the time.

I don't mean to talk your ear off about the kid but I just want you and your client know how I feel. I want the best for him at the end of the day...But I also want the best for this ball club.

I would like to offer Clarence a 5 Year Deal with the final 2 years being options. 4th Year = Player Option and 5th = Team Option. First 3 years will be for $11MM but the final 2 years that amount decreases to $8MM and will be fully guaranteed.

Also if Clarence doesn't allow any sacks during a season he will receive a $500K Bonus.

This deal is negotiable but I want to be sure we have a deal on the table that is beneficial to both parties. I understand this may be a bit of a unconventional sort of contract offer. But as Clarence gets older I'd like for us to have a bit more flexibility in those final seasons of his contract.



Whoa Whoa Whoa, let me stop you there baby.  We're looking for a big bag of money, so if this is what you're bringing to the table, we should just move on to the next item of business now.

GM Bennett

Sure we can move on to the next player, but before we do so can you give me a ballpark of what you guys are looking for so I know if we were to circle back at the end of the season?


GM Bennett

Hmm...Alright. I ask that we revisit this topic at the end of the season.

In the meantime, let's move on to the next player on the ticket.

Harold Euhbanks $9MM for 3 Years.



Nothing personal on this one, but Harold doesn't want to play here next season, baby.

GM Bennett

Hey, that's fair and thanks for the heads up my man.

Next up, Seymore Burton. 4 Years for $5.5MM?



Now that I can do.  Seymore likes it here and I think there is room for him to grow in this organization.

GM Bennett

My man!

Good, I feel the same way. He's shown some promise so far and I'd like to see him grow as a player here with us.

Now let's talk Sheldon Thomson. I know he just got here, and when I spoke to him he told me that he wanted to show off his skills now that he was given a chance to play while going into free agency. I understand if he still feels that way but I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't at least speak to you and try to get a deal done.

Now we just seen one of the top RB's get a $8MM fully guaranteed extension heading into the next season and I'd like to give Sheldon the same deal but for more years. 5 Years to be exact. Is that something Sheldon would be interested in or would he like to test out free agency instead?



Not what I really want for him, but let me get creative to make it work.

5 years 8MM per season, BUT if we rush for 1500 in a season, we can opt out the next off-season so we can get more money.

GM Bennett

I believe we have ourselves a deal my man!

That's gonna be it for today. We'll circle back to talk Clarence at the end of the season and possibly Skipper too. I'll get the paperwork faxed over to your office as soon as possible.


Alright Xena, after we get that paperwork sent over to the League Office and Mr. Rosenhaus' office can you give a call to our girl Amber Molina. Just like with Steve, let her know that I'm calling to talk about multiple clients but I'd like to kick things off in regards to Christian Cassidy.