

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:49:06 PM

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GM Bennett

Game Three vs. Cancun Mutineers

Player Rotations:
Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Balanced Offense

TE | Andrew Hanlon | IR
RB | LeRoy Brown | IR

Depth Chart Changes
LT1: Clarence Martin
LT2: Robert Lindsey
LT3: Glen Johnson
LT4: Nia Uso

RB1: Francisco Johnson
RB2: Herman Soares
RB3: Cinnamon Snaps
RB4: LeRoy Brown [INJ]

beware of the....

GM Bennett

1. Talk about your teams performance this week.
To be quite honest with you it's amazing what we are witnessing right now. We got our behinds kicked against Myrtle Beach but since then, getting a bit more healthy we have managed to pick up two incredible wins. One was a blow out and another in a winner takes all showdown.

Speaking of...We are one of 6 games that made league history. That's something to be proud of.

There's been a bit of an awakening with our team and more importantly with Orion Harris. As I have said I think he's the kind of QB that could if not should be averaging close to 500 yards. So far since I've said that his star as surely risen. He had adequate pass protection against Charlette but in Cancun? In Cancun, we faced yet another tough pass rush and them boys were able to get to em. They pressured him a lot and were able to take him down for an astounding 9 times. I'm pretty ticked off about that but Orion didn't let that slow him down as he was able to throw for 452 yards, 3 touchdowns and 0 interceptions.

Our defense held up, it's truly one of the reasons why we won. If it wasn't for the stops they made we probably wouldn't have came out of this week with a check in the win column.

Honestly, there's three people I want to single out for this victory. Orion Harris for the incredible grit and leadership he has shown while playing out of his mind to keep us alive. Tiff Fabulous for a CLUTCH interception. And lastly...The man that sealed our victory in overtime....Call, "Him" Lawrence.

I'm proud of our guys man and we're happy to have Clarence Martin back out there with us. Also wanna give another rookie a shout out and that's Herman Soares one of the absolute steams of the draft. LeRoy is dealing with an injury and he stepped up to the plate in not only the rushing game but the receiving game too. Kid is special.

2. Do you feel a particular coach has stood out on your staff, and why?
Hmm...Well look, I think we need a lot more consistancy on our O-Line. It's obvious when we face a top tier pass rush, we struggle. But despite that I think our offense has been incredible and I wanna credit both Coach Fedora and Coach Kekoa.

Not only them, our defense has stepped up since Myrtle Beach. So I think Coach Barclay definitely deserves some praise. He and Coach Bishop know me best when it comes to defense man. I don't like having a weak defense. I intend to have one of the best defenses out there and I think they had the same disgusting taste in their mouth after that loss in Myrtle Beach that I had. So definitely Barclay and his staff definitely stepped up in that regard.

3. Talk about your opponent for week 4, do you see any holes in their game that you can exploit?
We're gonna be heading up to a place I used to call home and damn near still is in my honest opinion. There's a lot of people I love in that city and I can't wait to see them. They might not be cheering for me to win next week but haha I know it's gonna be all love to see them either way and being able to spend some time with them while up there.

That being said, we aren't looking to come into Thee Kingdom and be some push overs. We're coming in to reek some havoc and come back home with a victory. As long as we are able to give Orion enough time to work his magic we should be fine offensively. James seems to be going through a rough time to start the season, though I love the kid and his family since the day I drafted em, I don't want him having a resurgence against us haha. If we can shut him down and cause some turnovers we should be able to come out with the W.

I don't know but if you ask me that sounds like one helluva master plan.

Any questions?




Master plan... lets go.

GM Bennett

This should be an interesting week. First and foremost, congratulations on the upset victory. We really got lucky with that dub. Orion was in hell.

We're gonna need to have a conversation with Francisco I think. Something is going on there and we need to get to the bottom of it. Herman came in there and outplayed him. That's back to back players who were slotted after him that outplayed him.

Beyond that who should we slot over for Biddle these next two weeks? I'm thinking Stuckey to help build more on our investment...But Earl is pretty good option too....Aaahh the pleasure of having some depth.




Stuckey gives us the more athletic player while Earl gives us the more sure-tackler, so it just comes down to what you prioritize in traits.

GM Bennett

I'll have to try and think that one over on which to choose.

With Clarence back and our line completely healthy now. Was the struggles last week just what I said it was? Just a better pass rush? Cause the game against the Crows was drastically different compared to last game and the game against Myrtle Beach. Which we solved after benching Glen.




No comparing Charlotte and Cancun's pass rush.  They are on opposite sides of the spectrum.

GM Bennett

Yeah that sounds about right. As long as Orion can stay healthy and keep playing the way he has I believe we have us a good chance to win any game. Also need our defense to keep playing well. Shit I tell you what, Coach; If Orion keeps playing the way he does for the rest of the season I wouldn't be surprised if he's a MVP candidate.

Alright now it's time for a heart to heart...Per usual Coach you can stay if you want I don't mind.


Xeina, can you call down to the locker room and tell them to send Francisco Johnson up to my office please?


GM Bennett

Francisco, thanks for coming up. I just wanted to check up on you see if anything is going on with you? If you want me to be completely honest,  I've been wondering if you feel as though you are strugging a bit out there? You haven't been able to be as explosive as you were last season.




I feel like I'm struggling because I'm not getting enough touches.  I'm averaging 5 carries a game, hard to get into a rhythm when you only get the ball once per quarter, basically.   So yeah, I know my YPC is at an all time low, but last season I was getting 14-15 touches per game and turned in a strong year in the Preds system.

GM Bennett

Yeah that makes sense...That makes sense. With all due respect to Dominic Owens I think was your QB at the time and the Predators organization, I think part of that reason is that our offense is pretty damn explosive through the air and Orion this season has a deep receiving core for him to throw to.

I can see why it's taking some time to adjust, plus being in a committee type of rushing attack.

With LeRoy still out this week I wanna see how it may be if we went with a bell cow approach.  I can't promise this is something that we'll stick too especially with how well LeRoy has been, I don't wanna limit him when he gets back I think you two can be a legit 1-2 punch with an elusive knockout like Snaps or the rook who has shown how dynamic of a force he is, coming in to put a motherfucker in a body bag while giving you boys a chance to rest.

Regardless of whatever approach we are in, my man I want to see you make the most of every chance you get the ball in your hands. Fuck the opposing defense, you do you Francisco. Get out of your head a bit and show everyone who you are.


GM Bennett

Alright. Thanks for coming.


Welp, we'll see how that goes. Coach I'll make the adjustments that we talked about going into this week.

You have any thoughts about us switching to a bell cow this week to see how Francisco does? With how good Herman did last week I'm a bit hesitant but I'm willing to see how this goes.




We could just lower our pass ratio a bit, we've got Orion throwing 40 times per game, it could help his shoulder last longer if we scaled back a little. 

I'm good for anything, but we're not running it much, which is what I think frustrates guys like Leroy and Cisco the most.

GM Bennett

Hmm that might be something we could do as well. Alright Coach let me get all this situated so we can get locked in for the week. Good luck this week my man!

GM Bennett

Game Four vs. Music City Kings

Player Rotations:
Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Balanced Offense

TE | Andrew Hanlon | INJ
LB | Albert Biddle | INJ

Depth Chart Changes
RB1: Francisco Johnson
RB2: LeRoy Brown
RB3: Herman Soares
RB4: Cinnamon Snaps

LOLB1: Robert Stuckey
LOLB2: Earl Sturdivant
LOLB3: Albert Biddle [INJ]

RB By Committee

Play Calling Ratios
1st & 10 Pass% = 65%
1st & Medium Pass% = 65%
2nd & Medium Pass% = 65%

beware of the....

GM Bennett

First and foremost, hats off to the Kings for pulling off the victory there at the end of the game. We were close to almost going to another overtime game and possibly winning but in the end my man Ryan Ryan was able take it to the house. We clearly weren't the one's with The Master Plan this week. I bet the organization is glad I signed him.

Anyways, let's move on to you guys' questions.

1. Talk about your teams performance this week and through out this first quarter of the season.
Best way to describe the first quarter of the season are a couple ways. "Roller Coaster" & "Too close for comfort".

What do I mean by that? We're currently sitting at 2-2. We just lost a game I think we very well should've won, I have a few thoughts on why but I'll address that later. Each game has been unpredictable. One game were looking pathetic. Next we're at an all time high. Next we're in a battle and do just enough to secure the victory in OT. And now? We have a chance to force the game the game to overtime and we fall a part with 43 seconds left in the game. A lot of up's and downs.

I think the "Too close for comfort" statement is clear as day and doesn't need to be explained.

2. How do you feel about your players placement in the league leaders, a quarter of the way through the season?  Who is an unsung hero on this roster?
If you want me to be quite honest, I don't think too much of it. I don't care where these guys are at on the damn stat sheet. I said before I think Orion should be averaging almost 500 passing yards a game. He's picked up his game the last 2 games prior to this one. There's reason his numbers were lower this game and it probably part of the reason why we lost never mind the fact he was sacked 3 times all while we weren't able to record a single one.

If you were to look at the stats I'd say the unsung hero(s) are Lawrence Call because I don't think Kickers get enough love in the game of football, he's a rookie at that and he's one of the most accurate kickers in the league. I may give him a call out every week but I don't expect anyone else around the league or the national media to do that. I will though, don't worry.

Other guy would be our TE Richard Matteson. He's doing a great job receiving and blocking. He's the perfect package of a TE that'd you'd want on your team at the position.

3. Talk about your opponent for week 5, do you see any holes in their game that you can exploit?
We're hosting Rapid City this week. They're struggling a bit so far this season and just came off a brutal loss to the Arctic Foxes. They're gonna be looking to rectify that loss but so are we.

It should be an interesting game, and a game I don't wanna sit back and experiment again. It was nice to see our rushing attack have some life but our pass game took a dump this week and Orion went from looking like a potential MVP candidate to a average QB.

We have won games thanks to Orion's leadership and his game play we shouldn't have to change our identity of being an explosive offense just to be an offense who doesn't do our defense any favors.

Any questions?



The league is really sent for a loop this week. If you have anything we need to do, just let me know but if not I've got nothing that can't wait.

GM Bennett

Yeah um...I'm lost for words actually. Not something I expected. I think the league is a bit shell shocked heading into this week more so San Antonio. It's a shame...Damn shame. I'm sure he's up there smiling down on us all and I hope his soul is at peace.

Let's um...Let's change gears.

I think I'm gonna edit the passing ratio again, up it on a few bits that I changed last week. I appreciate Francisco went out there and proved he still got it and recorded over 100 yards rushing. We'll stick to the bell cow rushing strategy for now, but I don't wanna limit Orion from being him.

I understand basically lose with 43 or whatever seconds left in the game but I don't think we've been in that situation if we didn't constrain Orion a bit.

I'm also gonna give Earl the start this week. Just to give both guys a look out there.

If you have any thoughts on those adjustments, please share. If not I'll go ahead and get us locked in.



I'm fine with those changes, just finalize the specifics and we can lock it in.

GM Bennett

Game Five vs. Rapid City Inferno

Player Rotations:
Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Balanced Offense

TE | Andrew Hanlon | INJ
LB | Albert Biddle | INJ

Depth Chart Changes
LOLB1: Earl Sturdivant
LOLB2: Robert Stuckey
LOLB3: Albert Biddle [INJ]

Play Calling Ratios
1st & 10 Pass% = 75%
1st & Medium Pass% = 65%
2nd & Medium Pass% = 75%

beware of the....

GM Bennett

Another L. Another close loss at that.

What more do you want me say? I can't say much other than I'm disappointed.

We hope that Bird can come back healthy it's sucks we're gonna be heading up to Detroit with our O-Line once again hindered.

Wonder if they won because of their coaching change...Nah can't be right? I think they just wanted it more.

Wish I knew if our guys wanted to win as much as I want to see them win.

Any questions?



Do you really feel that your players do not want it as badly as you? Is there a rift in the locker room, or a disconnect between yourself and your coaching staff?

GM Bennett

I want to see W's in the W/L column especially for games we should win. I don't wanna see games we just give away because others teams want it more than us. The guys may want to win but do they want it enough? That's something we have to ask ourselves. I know where I stand. I know where our fans stand. I know where the coaching staff stands. It's up our players to go out there and stand with us in that sense.

There's no rift of any kind. I just want the best for everyone in our organization and it hurts to see us fall flat. I wanna see more fight in our guys. In my opinion we should be the best team in the division if not 2nd best. But we're not playing like it when we're just handing over the W to the opposing teams like somebody's mama handing out hot fresh apple pies right out the kitchen window to the neighborhood.

We're better than the product we are serving our fans. I know it. I sure hope our guys know it too.




I get the frustrating, I'm right there with you.

GM Bennett

It's a real bitch. The best I think for us to do is to go back to what we were doing before any of the changes. Bird getting hurt sucks even more for our line.

At least we are getting some key guys back right?




Yeah, everyone else is looking good, should just be missing Jonah on gameday.

GM Bennett

Before I let you go so we can get locked in, I'm sorry if I come off a bit too negative in my pressers. I just wanna try to give everyone some tough love and be completely honest with my feelings. If this can help motivate everyone to be better at least.

Just thought I'd say that before you go.




letting me know that its a tough love approach helps me handle the roster if anyone doesn't respond well.  Thanks for communicating that.  It's all good.

GM Bennett

No problem, Coach. Good luck this week.

GM Bennett

Game Six vs. Detroit Fury

Player Rotations:
Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Balanced Offense

C | Jonah Bird | INJ

Depth Chart Changes
LOLB1: Albert Biddle
LOLB2: Earl Sturdivant
LOLB3: Robert Stuckey

TE1: Andrew Hanlon
TE2: Richard Matteson
TE3: Nia Uso

C1: Maxwell Aguilar
C2: Nia Uso
C3: Jonah Bird [INJ]

Play Calling Ratios
1st & Medium Pass% = 70%

RB By Committee

beware of the....

GM Bennett


We did it. We went out there and took care of business. It was a tough game, but I loved the effort I seen out there. The kind of effort where we didn't just roll over and give up a dub like we have in the past, but a dub that we kept the gas on and got the victory.

Before I say anything thought I want to give a shout out to three of our players.

First the player of the game Clarence Martin. Offensive Player of The Game who delivered 10 pancakes and 0 Sacks allowed. My man went out there and played like a monster and I appreciate that kind of effort. Especially with how his season started, I continue to be happy and proud of Clarence.

Second, shoutout to Tiff "Loso" Fabulous. She has once again came in the clutch for this ball club by scoring the teams first TD in the game via a 35 Yard Pick Six! First of HIFL career. Very proud of her, she deserves all the love she's gonna be getting this week.

Lastly...Cmon. Y'all should know who. The man you gotta Call cause you know his guaranteed to deliver. That Man Lawrence, haha. The rook helped us secure the victory there in the fourth as well as the extra points. The kid continues to prove he's one of the best kickers in the league and no matter how the game is going we know he's gonna deliver for us.

I'm glad we were able to get the victory. We did some damage through the air but I think it was a little tough for Orion not having Jonah at center. He went more than a few times, which is not ideal. Orion was able to do his thing per usual though and led us to victory against a tough Detroit team.

Looking at the standings, it's definitely a 3 team race as predicted for the division. It's really gonna come down to the wire and I hope that are the ones to prevail. Speaking of our division though, I'm a bit concerned on what's going on off the field up there. I hope that gets cleared up completely so that ball club can focus more on gridiron.

This week we'll be taking on New Jersey at home. We'll be without one of our top corners but lucky for us, we're pretty damn deep at corner this season. We're hoping Michael is able to come back to us good and ready to get back to work in the next week or so. Jonah may be available I'll wait to see what the medical staff says about that but for now consider him a game time decision.

I'm hoping that we can build off this and pick up another dub and deliver a show for our fans.

Any questions?




Boy howdy! Seeing Tiff with that pick six!  That dance she did to celebrate, what a star making performance! 

What do you think about trying to get Cinnamon some touches, just to see if she can break something big with her speed?

GM Bennett

You love to see it, Coach!!!!

I'm open to seeing that. How would we go about that with the depth chart? I know I can tell you to get it done here but just so we can have it on paper so we know it'll happen how should I set that up for you and the coaching staff?




I think we pick either the Shotgun, Shotgun 4-WR, or the Spread formation and make her the RB2 in that formation's package.  So that she subs in when we do rotate RBs. 

We could always make her RB1 later in that formation to give her more touches if she starts to shine, but just doing something simple like that would get her some chances at least.

GM Bennett

Sounds good to me. I'll make those updates in lock in.

How are we feeling about going into this New Jersey game against the Dragons and their cuck of a GM?




I'm not afraid of them.

GM Bennett

As you shouldn't be.

I'll get everything situated and get us locked in my man. Good luck this week.

GM Bennett

Game Seven vs. New Jersey Dragons

Player Rotations:
Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Balanced Offense

CB | Michael Montero | INJ

Depth Chart Changes
CB2: Ronnie Mazza
CB3: Brian Wong
CB4: Antonio Patterson
CB5: Seymore Burton
CB6: Michael Montero [INJ]

C1: Jonah Bird
C2: Maxwell Aguilar
C3: Nia Uso

Spread Formation Depth Chart Change
RB1: Cinnamon Snaps
RB2: Francisco Johnson
RB3: LeRoy Brown

beware of the....

GM Bennett


Probably should've opened up to questions and gave me a bit of a prompt cause I'm just gonna speak on how I've felt in the past week and leading into this bye week.


Some may not feel how I feel or like what I gotta to say this evening but hey, I can only be who I am and be honest with myself and others.

We lost. Nothing to be happy about in a loss. Especially in the manner we lost. You woulda thought you were witnessed a collective of a line aiding and abetting manslaughter before your eyes the way our QB's were under fire. That's one thing...Also another thing is...We lost to a man who is yes new to the league but first impression is everything I think.

I figure I'm a nice guy, easy to get along with yeah? I may rub some people the wrong way at times but I'm just not a person who can be taken advantage of and will never allow it. That's probably part of the reason you don't see me making a whole lot of trades. I indeed have friends in the league or at least some that I can at least respect. Respect is something I take pride in. So when the first impression I get of someone is disrespect then that just means I don't want anything to do with you and it'll take a long while before I even dare to even try to associate myself with that person.

Don't get this twisted, this is no disrespect to the New Jersey Dragons players or coaching staff just the prick they have at the helm at the moment. Someone who seems to be a knock off version or poor imitation of GM Wayne. See, I can actually respect GM Wayne he's someone I've actually done business with and spoken to outside of business. I know where his heart and intentions are. I don't see any malice with how he conducts himself because he's not an a*****e. This kid on the other hand I can't say the same. He comes off as someone that want's to do and say anything for clout. He wants the headlines and he wants to poke any and every bear around. Started with GM Cory not too long ago so I shouldn't be surprised. I don't quite respect it though cause what's the point of it? What are you gaining from taking personal shots at people you don't even know? Haha, I've seen people shot dead for running their mouths about people they had no business talking about or knew. Hell I've seen people die for less where I grew up. So that kind of crap is beyond me.

See I've got that reputation of going at people if I feel disrespected so if it's beef the kid wants then, hello I am the chef. Win, lose or draw it can be smoke every time. Cause I know this kind of f--Ahem this kind of "man" isn't someone who will say this kind of stuff to another man's face. I am though. I'm that one. Some of those issues have been resolved over time but this isn't that. Definitely not the kind of person I want to be associated with in any capacity.

Why do I say all this? I say all this because I'm not going to run to the press and try to s**t on other GM's and how they conduct business or how they motivate their players. I am not going to apologize for how I conduct business nor am I gonna apologize for wanting the absolute best out of everyone around me. If it's wrong to want the people you care about to succeed then I'll be the wrong-est person in the league.

That all being said congrats on the win, but first impressions mean a lot. And no don't try to ask someone for my number to text or call me to try to fake apologize or any of that cause you can keep that to yourself it means nothing to me.

Now let's get back to talking about the loss and the game last week. Injuries. Injuries are one helluva a b***h especially in this league, especially in this damn sport. People know my past, they know I know that full on and well. We're gonna be without 3 key players in Clarence Martin, Michael Montero and our QB Orion Harris for what we're hoping for a week. Luckily enough for us we're going into a bye week so we're hoping everyone can rehab some and we try to get back to ourselves.

You look at how our games have been this season it's been a roller coaster and wishy washy. One moment we're looking like one of the best teams in the league, the next we're looking like a bottom of the barrel team. I know we're a much better team that what has been displayed and I know injuries have just been the bane of our existence this season. It sucks...It really does. We can't do anything if we don't have our guys out there or if we aren't putting forward our absolute best effort[/i] out there on the field.

I know there are a select few of passionate fans out there that are calling for Coach Fedora's head but I gotta ask that those fans relax. Like I said prior there's not a lot we can do if we don't have everyone or if we aren't playing to the best of our abilities. The coaching staff can only do so much and I think Coach Fedora is doing as much as he can with what's available to him currently. Any team would struggle if their O-Line wasn't one hundred percent. That's just the facts of the matter.

I know we're getting to a stage where teams are looking to make trades to try and improve their teams. To teams that have either reached or plan to, I will listen to offers but with the injuries my ball club has dealt with this season there's some positions or players that are just not gonna be tradeable. I don't really foresee us being busy trade wise during the season but I'd listen to offers for sure. And there's some teams that I just won't bother taking a call from. And in order for any type of business going down with those select teams, there'd need to be a conversation prior. Anything beyond that, we're gonna keep it pushing down here in Atlanta.



Come here... bring it in.  I love what you said out there man.. top to bottom.  Love it!

GM Bennett


And I don't regret any of it, Coach.

I know this game was a bit messy and no one could have foreseen Clarence going down or our QB's being slaughtered. We're lucky we don't have a game this week and it'll give everyone time to rest up. When we come back though, we might have to rethink our approach on some things. I don't wanna have Orion put at risk from him dropping back as much despite the success we've seen. But if it's gonna cost us, and put too much pressure on our line then we're gonna have to lower our passing rate like we already experimented with.

What I hate about it is that we don't have a pure number 1 RB. I don't foresee us being able to trade for one before the deadline either to be quite honest with you. That said I think we have the talent to help the run game. I don't wanna do a bell cow cause I think it robs us from some potential looks, and keeps us from keeping our backs fresh.



We're going to have to switch our passing focus to short, we can't do as many deep drops and wait for plays to develop, we just don't have the offense to run it how I want it.

GM Bennett

That's something to definitely take note of.

I had a offer on the table for one of our DE's but at this stage in the game we need our depth. Too many injuries going on I'm honestly real hesitant to pull a trigger on anything.

It was a generous offer, Coach don't get me wrong. Couldn't do it though. I know where we need improvements at but I don't know if we'll get something that will really make me wanna.

Um...How are the guys dealing with everything?




There are a lot of guys disappointed with either themselves or their teammates, especially the veterans.  Cassidy and Chandler are the ones I'm most worried about as they're  guys who can walk after this year.  Cassidy has let me know in private that he is really unhappy with things, but he's also a pro's pro and hasn't let it impact his play on the field.

GM Bennett

Yeah...That's understandable. I'm not gonna do it now but I think I'll speak to everyone next week. Try motivate them, rather than the tough love route I've been going down. That won't stop though, I rather be honest than fake with someone.

This isn't where I seen the team being this season, honestly. We have a good team just not sure what's holding em back from being their best selves.


GM Bennett

Alright Coach, I'll let you get out of here. Enjoy the week off. If anyone wants to come talk to me before I head out let them know now is the time to do it.




Hey boss.  Look, I know this is my first year on the squad, but I think I can be doing more.   I think playing ROLB which is the position that comes off the field in the nickel, is putting me out of a lot of playing time.  We got some dogs at linebacker, but maybe we can get me in at LOLB in the nickel in run or pass situations so I split time with Biddle, or something?